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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment - B Squadron

    Month and year: September 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment B Squadron September 1944 war diary covers the units actions during the month, moving from France through Belgium into the Netherlands.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

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    Page 1 of 6
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    B Sqn.
    1st Sept.Sqn crossed R. SOME at AMIENS and moved N. to HABANEG West
    of ARRAS. Standing patrols operated in the evening areas E.
    of ST POLS and S. of HAUDEN. Enemy movements which took
    place during the night did not result in any attack.
    2nd Sept.Sqn moved to DOUNGES E. of LENS.
    3rd Sept.Sqn advanced towards ANTWERP via LENS. Patrols sent to
    GHENT and TERMONDE; last named town clear at 0100 hrs, but
    the patrol to GHENT found the road into the town blocked and
    covered by fire. Sqn harboured at AYGEM.
    4th Sept.Sqn moved to area ESSCHENE.
    5th Sept.Standing patrols employed on four bridges E. of ANTWERP at
    7696, 8392, 8391 and 7986. Enemy mortaring and shelling from
    N. bank of Canal on to the area of the first two bridges.
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    Recce carried out of all bridges between ANTWERP and
    HERRENTHALS. Every bridge found to be blown and enemy
    activity on the N. bank of the Canal was considerable. South
    of the Canal in the area NORDERWYCH (9886) two troops came
    under A/TK fire.
    6/7th Sept.Sqn rested at 6890.
    8th Sept.Relieved D Sqn with standing patrols on ALBERT CANAL between
    WYNEGHE and BROECHEM. Contact made with 50 Div on East in
    area 0286.
    9th Sept.Sqn moved to area West of HASSELT (3162) via MECHLIN -
    10th Sept.Canal crossed at BEERINGEM with orders to recce following
    (1) Rd june 2772 - rd junc 3367 - rd junc 3263 - ASCH 4970.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    (2) Rd junc 2772 - HELCHTEREN 3576 Side Rd june 5082.
    (3) HELCHTEREN - HECHTEL 3483 - BREE 5085.
    Heavy opposition encountered. HELCHTEREN mortared and
    shelled continously throughout day, and limit of progress on
    the three routes were (1) 3265 (2) 3676 (3) 3482.
    11/12th Sep.Moving patrol ordered once every three hours between PAEL -
    Nothing to report.
    13th Sept.Numerous rumours of enemy movements investigated and proved
    groundless. Enemy bombed area of bridge at 1880.
    14th Sept.Contact maintained with 50 Div.
    15th Sept.Sqn moved at 0830 hrs to area PEERS.
    16th Sept.Sqn resting.
    17th Sept.Sqn visited by Major General Roberts (G.O.C. 11 Armd Div.)
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    18/19th Sep.Standing patrols on Canal to East and South-East. Enemy
    counter attack at night on LILLE ST HUBERT Bridge (427947)
    was repulsed.
    20/21st Sep.Sqn ordered to protect Echelons on move across LITLE-ST
    HUBERT Bridge. Left Echelons at 1300 hrs and moved to VERS.
    W. of LEENDE.
    22nd Sept.Sqn under cmd 159 Bde and ordered to cross Bridge at
    ZOMEREN after K.S.L.I. and Fife and Forfar Yeomanry had
    captured village of ASTEN. Three patrols crossed at 1000 hrs
    when ASTEN was clear. Opposition round ASCHEN fairly strong.
    23rd Sept.Recce as on previous day.
    24/25th Sep.Sqn not operating. Moved to 579105.
    26th Sept.San ordered to recce towards R. MAAS area CUYLE (7149) -
    OVERLOON (7531). No.5 Tp under Lt. Thomas ordered to proceed
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    via MILL - ST HUBERT and HAPS and recce bridge at 7746.
    Civilians reported that the bridge in question was a ferry
    and that the bridge South of it had been blown. Lt. Thomas
    recc'd the bridge above on foot and produced a detailed report
    as follows:-
    River 100 metres wide: Bridge 16' above level of water.
    Three supports for bridge (2 on land, 1 in water). Bridge
    blown in 4 places. Average gaps 50ft. Bridge rade of iron
    and impossible to repair.
    Sqn harboured area 671344.
    27/29 Sep.Sqn resting.
    30th Sept.Four patrols employed in area OEFFELT, BENGEN, BONMEER, and
    SAMBEEK. A force of 50 enemy infantry were reported to have
    crossed the Canal East of BONMEER and to be advancing on the
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Town. Contact was made and the enemy dispersed. Two troops
    sent as liaison with 7th U.S. Armd Div whose task
    was to clear the whole of the West bank of R. MAAS South
    from BONMEER. By the end of the day this force had reached
    the approximate line SAMBEEK - 777370 - 735360.

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