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    War Diary: Inns of Court Regiment

    Month and year: December 1944

    The Inns of Court Regiment December 1944 HQ war diary details the locations of units throughout the month as well as details of reinforcements.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/854

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field1B' Sqn in area METERIK E.810190
    C' Sqn in reserve
    A' & 'D' Sqns moved to HELMOND
    2B' Sqn in area METERIK
    A', 'C' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    3B' Sqn moved to HELMOND
    A' 'C' &c 'D' Sqns in reserve
    4A' 'B' 'C' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    5A' 'B' 'C' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    6B' Sqn took over line in area SWOLGEN E.877228
    C' Sqn took over line in area GUN E.875245 - LEGERT E.886239
    A' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    7B' Sqn area SWOLGEN holding west bank of R.MAAS
    C' Sqn area GUN-LEGERT holding west bank of R.MAAS
    Page 2 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field7A' & 'D' Sqns in rserve
    8B' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    C' Sqn area GUN - LEGERT
    A' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    9A' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    D' Sqn area GUN - LEGERT
    B' & 'C' Sqns in resrve
    10A' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    D' Sqn area GUN - LEGERT
    B' & 'C' Sqns in reserve
    11A' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    D' Sqn area GUN - LEGERT
    B' & 'C' Sqns in reserve
    Page 3 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field12A' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    D' Sqn area GUN - LEGERT
    B' & 'C' Sqns in resrve
    13B' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    C' San area GUN
    A' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    14B' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    C' Sqn area GUN
    A' & 'D' Sans in reserve
    15B' Sqn area SWOLGEN
    C' Sqn relieved by 1 R.NORFOLKS and moved to HELMOND
    A' & 'D' Sqns in reserve
    16B' Sqn relieved by 1 R. NORFOLKS and returned to HELMOND
    A' 'C' & 'D' Sqn representatives recced posns north of
    MAESYCK 6379
    Page 4 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field16MAESYCK 6379
    17A' Sqn took over line in area OPHOVEN 6482 -
    D' Sqn took over line in area ALDENEIJK 649799
    B' Sqn in reserve
    C' Sqn carried out security patrols in area MAESYCK
    - KINROY. Had guard on MAESYCK BRIDGE.
    18A' Sqn area OPHOVEN - GEISTINGEN holding west bank
    of R.MAAS.
    D' Sqn area ALDEN EIJK holding west bank of R. MAAS
    C' Sqn area MAESYCK - KINROY.
    B' Sqn in reserve.
    Page 5 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field19A' Sqn area OPHOVEN - GEISTINGEN
    D' Sqn area ALDEN - EIJK
    C' Sqn area MAESYCK - KINROY
    B' Sqn in reserve
    20As above
    21As above
    22As above
    23B' Sqn area OPHOVEN - GEISTINGEN
    C' Sqn area ALDEN - EIJK
    D' Sqn area MAESYCK - KINROY
    A' sqn in reserve
    24As above
    25As above
    Page 6 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Field26As above
    27As above
    28As above
    29A' Sqn area OPHOVEN - GEISTINGEN
    D' Sqn area ALDEN - EIJK
    B' Sqn area KINROY - MAESYCK
    C' Sqn in reserve
    30As above
    31Regiment relieved by 44 RTR, taken out of line and
    sent to HELMOND for rest.
    Early in the month the Regiment took over
    a new area of the west bank of the R. MAAS which it held
    with two squadrons, the other two being in reserve in
    Page 7 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    FieldOPS and defensive positions were maintained during the
    day and stronger defensive measures were taken at night.
    4 & 5 DUTCH PATRIOT Coys were under command and Liaison
    officers from the Regiment were detached to platoon
    HQs (Operational Order at Appx 'A'). One troop posn
    was attacked by an enemy paratroop patrol on the night
    of the 14th but the attack was beaten off, casualties
    being inflicted on the enemy but none were incurred
    on our side. Apart from the usual shelling and
    considerable minor movements by the enemy there was
    nothing to report. All the enemy activity at this period
    was of a purely domestic nature i.e. washing plates in
    the R. MAAS, carrying bedding from one billet to another
    Page 8 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Fieldand courting the village belle who wore a white pinafore
    and was the possessior of considerable attractions for the
    Luftwaffe. On the 16th the Regiment was relieved by the
    1 R.NORFOLKS. On the 17th the Regiment came under
    command of the 4th Armd Bde and took over a stretch of
    the R.MAAS from MAESEYCK - GEISTINGEN from the 43rd
    RECCE Regt. Our task consisted of holding the line of
    the R.MAAS from GEISTINGEN - MAESEYCK with two sqns
    with a battery of A/TK gunners from 63 A/TK Regt under
    command of the northern squadron. One squadron carried
    out security patrols in the area MAESEYCK - KINROY -
    STAMPRIOJ. The fourth squadron was in reserve.
    Page 9 of 9
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Very little of note occurred and the whole period
    was remarkably quiet and shell-free.
    No casualties were suffered during the month.
    The following officers joined the Regiment during
    the month:-
    2/Lieut. D.S. SORRELL
    2/Lieut. P.E. JOHNSON
    AWARDS Lieut. F.J. THOMAS. Military Cross.

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