The No 3 Commando WW2 war diary for June 1944 covers their encampment at C18 in Southampton UK, their landing in Normandy and months fighting based at Chateau d'Amfreville.
This document contained appendices which have not yet been transcribed but will be added in the future.
National Archive Reference: WO 218/65
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
C.18 Camp | 1 | Briefing of all ranks. | ||
2 | Briefing for Operation. | |||
3 | Briefing for Operation. | |||
4 | 10 | Church Parade for all Denominations. | ||
5 | 1030 | Brigadier The Lord Lovat, DSO, MC. addresses whole Brigade. | ||
WARSASH AT SEA | 1400 | Unit embusses in TCVs and proceeds to WARSASH. | ||
1630 | Unit embarks in LCI(S) 289, 290, 291, 292 and 293. | |||
1730 | Flotilla slips and ties up at CALSHOT. | |||
1900 | Flotilla slips and ties up at STOKES BAY. | |||
2130 | Slip and sail in convoy with Force "S". | |||
6 | 0830 | In convoy hove to off beaches of NORMANDY. Sporadic shelling by enemy. Monitor and warship in area replying. | ||
0905 | Touch down after run-in, the last half of which was under shell fire. LCI(S) 289 and 290 hit near the beach - both in sinking condition. Some casualties in 6 Troop (LCI 290). Further casualties occur on beach. Beach under shell fire. Commando form up under C.O. and move. to first check point. | |||
0930 | Bde 46 set DIS. | |||
10 | Contact 45 (RM) Commando in Bde first F.U.P. A11 troops in less one section of 6 Troop. Only one Vickers and one mortar. Area of F.U.P. being mortared. Enemy rocket propelled projectiles land to WEST of F.U.P.Lt Cowieson treated for wounds and sent back to beach. Major JBV Pooley MC joins, and reports his batman missing. He himself is suffering from blast. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
LA BRECHE | 1110 | Adjt contacts B.M. near COLVILLE. Posn just NORTH of COLVILLE had held up 6 Commando but now eliminated. Bde now pushing on with help of 13/18 Hussars. | ||
1200 | 45 (RM) Commando reach COLVILLE, followed by this Unit. COLVILLE being shelled desultorily. | |||
1230 | Move on to Bridge - 1074 - 5 Troop and remainder held up by snipers (one O.R. killed). C.O. meets Brigadier. Role now changed to defence of BAS DE RANVILLE under Brigadier Powett with 6 Airborne Div. | |||
1530 | 3, 5, 4, 6 and some of 2 Troop across the bridge and taking up defensive posns at BAS DE RANVILLE. A.O. with Admin staff also arrive. | |||
1540 | Lieut Wills arrives with one jeep. | |||
1600 | Lieut A. Wardle reports 1 Troop HQ and remainder of 2 Troop crossing Brdge under smoke. | |||
1715 | 4 enemy tanks reported on contour SOUTH of cross roads 104727. Engaged by Airborne 3" mortars. 5 Troop have laid Hawkins 75 mines across the road running SOUTH from BAS DE RANVILLE. | |||
1800 | Snipers reported in village. Sporadic shooting but no snipers found. Bde report Lieut Ponsford and 3 Troop in LE PLEIN with remnants of a Para Bn. | |||
1830 | Tanks reported to have withdrawn from ridge to SOUTH. F.O.B. directs 20 rounds on Enemy Infantry digging in at 092721, front edge of wood from HMS SERAPHIS. | |||
1900 | Residue of 5 Troop under Cpl White report attack going in against 3 Div on WEST side of River ORNE. C.O. returns from visiting HQ of Brigadier Powett and reports R.U.R. landing by glider at 2130 hours tonight to relieve us. We are then to revert to 1 SS Bde. 4. Commando captured OUISTREHAM. | |||
2000 | German fighter-bombers fly over one village - no aggressive action. | |||
2050 | Gliders towed by D.Cs start to came in, (Troop carriers) | |||
2115 | Large gliders carrying A/T guns and tanks coming in, towed by Liberators. Terrific fighter cover. Considerable L.A.A. opposition from the enemy. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
BAS DE RANVILLE | 6 | 2220 | Bde want 2 i/c or Adjt to report to Bde immediately to recce night posn. | |
7 | 0005 | 2 i/c returns. Unit to hand over to R.U.R. and go to area SOUTH of BdeHQ and to be in posn by 0430 hrs. Activity from SOUTH . 3 Casualties from 1 Troop. Tanks and Infantry reported. | ||
0230 | CAEN area bombed by our heavies. | |||
0315 | C.O.2 i/c and Troop Cmdrs leave by jeep to recce new area. | |||
0330 | Unit leaves by road (march route) for new area. | |||
0430 | Troops allotted areas. HQ established at 114746 in orchard. | |||
0800 | ORQMS Wardle visits BdeHQ for posns of other units. | |||
0900 | BdeI.O. reports some A/Tk guns to be placed under command. | |||
0915 | B.M. and A/Tk Officer arrive. C.O. goes with them to site two guns, one with 4 Troop and the other with 5 Troop. | |||
1000 | Raid by enemy fighter bombers on beach area. | |||
1015 | Airborne Battery of 75 m.m. Fld Guns open fire from field next to our posn. | |||
1100 | 4. ME 109's fly over - no offensive action. | |||
1300 | Message from Bde - "2 i/c with two Troops to support 45 (RM) Commando in their attack on FRANCEVILLE-PLAGE. 4 & 5 Troops set off with 2 i/c, F.O.B. and C.O. with party of RAMC under Sjt Spears. | See Appx 'A' No's 3 & 4 | ||
1415 | Enemy Battery ranging on our guns in adjoining field. | |||
1445 | Shells and mortar bombs falling in our area. | |||
1500 | Reported - "tanks seen in numbers on SOUTH ridge SOUTH of RANVILLE" Stragglers of RUR and DEVONS coming back. 6 Troop astride road with two 6 pdrs in support. HQ in stand-to poses astride road. 1 Troop bring section into field. MTO mounted on jeep with ,55 Browning (camouflaged under glider) covers gap between 1 Troop and HQ. | |||
1515 | Adjt visits Lord Lovat who has organised BdeHQ in better posns. | |||
1545 | 4 Tanks burning SOUTH of RANVILLE. A coy of DEVONS join us for a short time and then go back to RANVILLE. | |||
1615 | RANVILLE reported in our hands. Shermans reported to be in action. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
BAS DE RANVILLE | 1710 | Adjt visits 1 Troop. All O.K. Vickers covering gap between 1 & HQ Troops | ||
1730 | Adjt sees Brigadier and advises him to stand his staff down, | |||
1900 | Adjt stands half HQ down. F.M.A. at 111747 - rear of our HQ - has tried to get more ammn for Airborne 75 m.m. from MOLAR. Our S.P. guns firing heavily on WEST side of RIVER. | |||
2000 | Commando ordered to close on Bde HQ. Adjt to Bde to receive orders from Brigadier for unit to take over defences at CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE with Lt- Col Otway O.C. Para' Bn he has only 80 men. | |||
2100 | Lt-Col Young and 4 and 5 Troops having taken MERVILLE. 2I/C killed, 4. and , 5 Troops suffered almost 50% casualties. Lieut A. Williams missing. | |||
2200 | Commando arrives at LE PLEIN and takes over defences. 1 Troop and HQ with one Vickers defend CHATEAU. 4 and 5 Troops rest in garden. 6 Troop on rdjunc130755. | |||
2400 | Lieut R.C. Herbert DCM MM takes out patrol. Desultory bombing and firing of small arms during night. | |||
8 | 0400 | Lt Herbert's patrol returns and reports no enemy encountered, | ||
0430 | Stand To. | |||
0530 | SITREP from Bde HQ. "45 Cdo in MERVILLE, Enemy Pln posn being dug in area 144732. Half tracks reported in front of 2 Troop posn." | |||
0730 | Adjt visits BdeHQ. - 6 Troop to move forward to eastern tip of wood. | |||
0945 | BdeHQ warn us that Bn attack is imminent from area 138758 - rd130755 - 140751 towards us. | |||
1000 | Captain Goodall , F.O.B. (HMS HUNTER) arrives and goes to 6 Troop. 3 A/Tk guns arrive en route for MERVILLE, | |||
1013 | 6 Troop report enemy infantry advancing astride rd130755 - 140751. 3 Troop informed of this. One Vickers moved up from CHATEAU to support 6 Troop in counter-attack. 3" mortar O.P. with 6 Troop. | |||
1020 | Field Regt ranging in front of 6 Troop's posn. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 8 | 1100 | 6 Troop and 4 Commando engaging enemy at close range. Field Regts, HMS HUNTER and 3" mortars also engage enemy, | |
1130 | 6 Troop counter-attack - drive enemy half mile - take 35 P.O.W. Completely destroyed one enemy coy (346 InfDiv) which had travelled 200 miles since invasion. Captain J. Alderson wounded. Lieut R.G. Herbert DCM MM killed. Sjt Dennis and others wounded. 3 Troop harass enemy with vickers and 3" mortars. | |||
1200 | 6 Troop withdraw, reorganise and return to original posn. Heavy fire from Field Regt in support. | |||
1230 | All posns intact. 6 Commando have one Troop in support on right, | |||
1300 | B.B.C. correspondent Chester Wilmot calls. | |||
1400 | 1 Troop patrol under Lieut J.F. Nixon NC report woods clear on SOUTH side of wood LE PLEIN running EAST. | |||
1530 | Lt A Wardle and patrol from 1 Troop report NORTH side of wood clear. | |||
1600 | Adjt recovers Lt Herbert's body with help of 6 Troop. | |||
1700 | Standing patrol established in forward edge of wood - NORTH side. | |||
1730 | Lt R.G. Herbert buried in garden of CHATEAU d'AMFREVILLE. Brigadier The Lord. Lovat is present at the service. | |||
1800 | Lt Nixon reports two enemy with 2" mortar on other aide of rd. Instructed to capture them. | |||
2115 | Alarm - 6 Commando reported. being attacked. We are ordered to send out fighting patrol WEST of LE PlEIN to clear woods possible infiltration by enemy. Patrol to return to 6 Cdo lines about 2355 hours. | |||
2130 | Lieut G. Pollard MC MM with patrol reports to Brigadier to receive instructions | |||
2200 | Lieut Nixon reports his enterprise to capture a German having failed owing to our own, mortar fire. He had subsequently to retire owing to this fire. | |||
2400 | Lt Pollard returns - nil report. | |||
9 | 0515 | Stand To | ||
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d'AMFREVILLE | 9 | 1030 | Navy shells BAS DE BREVILLE, | |
1115 | Brigadier J.F. Durnford-Slater DSORA and Lord, Lovat visit HQ. | |||
1130 | Sjt Bartlett to report to Bde HQ forthwith, | |||
1255 | Reported NAAFI rations will come today, | |||
1300 | First Line Reinforcements arrive at BdeHQ. | |||
1500 | Troops must not use horses. | |||
1520 | First Line reinforcements arrive and are posted to Troops. C.O. informed by 3 Troop that their bicycles were left, some in the area of beach and some on the road SOUTH of LE PLEIN, | |||
1553 | Message quoting lay-out of mines received from Bde -"Minefield layout from SOUTH side of rd up to first line of trees and bushes 122756, cross rds Sheet 7F in line with rd. block" All Troops informed. | |||
1558 | Sjt Leyland reports that he has been informed by local inhabitants that there are 200 enemy in area of church at BREVILLE - Bde informed. | |||
1600 | SUNRAY 1 Troop says trip flare plan not yet laid. Will be done later. | |||
1610 | Bde say disciplinary action will be taken by Brigadier against anyone using local water for drinking without sterlising. All Troops informed. | |||
1620 | French Civil Affairs Officer visits C.O. and as a result C.O. puts room in CHATEAU d' AMFREVILIE 'out of bounds' to all ranks and for use of owners. | |||
1628 | Warning order from Bde -"Two Officers and 30 ORs for fighting patrol 2230hrs to 0230 hours", 5 Troop are warned and told to rest, | |||
1725 | 1 Troop patrol machine gunned from the air - no casualties. As a result enemy on the route notice them. OC patrol to try to capture one for identification but to risk no casualties in themselves. | |||
1800 | 6 Airborne Div Intelligence Summary No 3 arrives, | |||
1845 | SITREP from 1 Troop - Patrol returns with nothing further to report, Orders for 5 Troop patrol arrive from Bde, Passed to OC 5 Troop. | |||
1850 | News sheet sent to troops, | |||
1900 | Locations of enemy weapons being used by us sent to Bde and 4 & 6 Cdos. 128756LMG 34 - 129755 2 LMG 34, 3 Carbine, 2 Scheimeisers.also in this area. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 9 | 1900 | 130755LMG 34 131754LMG 34, 128753LMG (Russian). | |
2053 | Alarm on left flank. Bde want SITREP at 2100 hours. Various rumours of infiltration. | |||
2115 | 4 Commando report their being attacked. Troops ordered to stand to. | |||
2123 | 4 Troop ordered to take fighting patrol 500 yds WEST of our posns. 6 Troop ordered to stand to in a counter-attack role. | |||
2135 | 4 Troop patrol leaves. CHATEAU manned. | |||
2141 | 6 Troop arrive in HQ. C.O. holds them there. | |||
10 | 0135 | Posn restored to normal | ||
0500 | 5 Troop patrol to SALLANELLES report no enemy seen. | |||
0830 | Major Menday (4 cdo). asks for more support. | |||
0900 | Odd groups of enemy moving across front of 1 2 & 3 Troops. | |||
0930 | S.P. gun reported firing from 136748. -2 Troop instructed to engage with 3" mortar. | |||
0945 | F.O.B. ordered to engage S.P. gun. | |||
0955 | C.O. reports S.P. gun sited 137750. Shells landing 130751. BdeHQ informed Casualties reported in FDLs. S.P. gun reported back in the posn four degrees right. 6 Troop posn now shelled. 1 Troop say they have no casualties. | |||
1015 | 2 i/c visits 4 Cdo as enemy infiltrating. 1 Troop report one casualty. | |||
1020 | 1 Troop report 3 casualties. | |||
1025 | S.P. gun reported moving from 137752 to 136747 | |||
1110 | Captain Harper-Gow and one other officer arrive from Bde | |||
1112 | A.D.M.S. arrives at HQ. | |||
1127 | 12 P.O.W. pass through HQ escorted by 6 Cdo personnel - reported to have been taken in woods immediately on our left. | |||
1130 | Enemy moving (Pln) NORTH through wood in front of 2 Troop posn. Both patrols from 1 Troop return. Nothing to return. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 10 | 2100 | Message from Bde "Dead must be reported with 6 Fig map ref" - passed to M.O. and Padre. 1 Troop report L/S Short, Trp Hemp and a French soldier wounded. | |
1150 | 4-Commando reported being shelled and mortared. | |||
1155 | Shelling and mortaring in our area (Approx 10 rounds). 1 Troop request jeep for lying casualties. | |||
1200 | Tele Camfield (FOB's party) wounded, 4 Cdo Troop under Captain Hutchinson in front of 1 Troop, Adjt visits Major Menday who has been hit, C.O. arranges to put 1 Troop in the CHATEAU in front and on left of their posns. | |||
1215 | 1 Troop take over CHATEAU. 6 Troop take over 1 Troop's posns, Shelling continues. | |||
1240 | SITREP from Bde - "Attack appears to be in 2 Bn strength with three prongs, left prong more or less shattered by 4 Cdo who have caused heavy casualties to enemy". 2 Troop report attack. One enemy (Polish) surrenders, Enemy infantry appear to have withdrawn. | |||
1440 | BdeH.Q. state Shermans in our area - no accidents please, | |||
1445 | 15 enemy reported at 115764 by 4. Commando. | |||
1510 | Shelling recommences on 6 Troop's posn, OC 6 Troop arrives HQ and says enemy infantry in front have 'packed up', He wants to change posn - C.O. agrees providing he does not move, back. | |||
1643 | 3 Troop want jeeps to fetch wounded. | |||
1650 | O.C. 1 Troop (10 Cdo) arrives to meet guide from 4 Cdo. Both depart, | |||
1650 | More shelling on 1 Troop's posns, | |||
1710 | Casualties reported - 28 all ranks, 1 Troop's strength is 1 and 32, | |||
1740 | OC 3 Troop arrives and reports 10 casualties and strength 30 all ranks. | |||
1800 | C.O. arrives from Bde and states he has been allotted two S.P. guns to use against SALLANELLES and LONGUEMERE. He will take two jeeps manned by party from 5 Troop as escort. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 10 | 2100 | C.O. departs on patrol to SALLANELLES. | |
2105 | 2 i/c departs on patrol to LONGUEMERE. | |||
2240 | Sjt Maguire returns and is ordered to report to Bde. Says SALLANELLES evacuated by enemy. Some own and enemy wounded left behind. He returns from Bde and is sent with Padre (Captain C. Pritchard Cf) and jeep to bring in the wounded. 9 Pare, Bn pass through to take over from 4 Cdo who are going to rest. | |||
2300 | 17 P.O.W. incl one Officer return from SALLAEELLES. | |||
2305 | D.R. arrives to say that shells in C.OsS.P. Gun uncapped and may burst prematurely. | |||
2310 | C.O. returns and reports that he went through SALLANELLES. That enemy left SALLANELES AT 1600 hours. | |||
11 | 0430 | Stand to. | ||
0600 | Bn Black Watch attack BREVILLE. | |||
0630 | 1 Troop (45 Cdo) to clear SALLANELLES under Captain M Woyevodsky. One S.P. Gun to shell houses at LONGUEMERE. | |||
0700 | Major Hopson with one S.P. Gun starts for LONGUEMERE. S.P. Gun crosses Hawkins mine near CHATEAU gates and a track is damaged. | |||
0730 | Major Hopson with other S.P. gun goes to edge of wood at 135754 and shells houses at LONGUEMERE. They are covered by patrol from 6 Troop under Capt Nixon. Enemy in BREVILLE put up 5 c.m. mortar smoke. | |||
1000 | ORQMS Wardle becomes Lieutenant and Adjutant Wardle. | |||
1200 | Patrol returns from SALLANELLES with-wounded and prisoners. Pill boxes to N.E. still occupied by the enemy. | |||
1645 | Sjt Edmunds and five others buried in orchard CHATEAU d' AMPREVILLE. | |||
2000 | Cmdr 4 SS Bde arrives at 1SS Bde. 47 and 48 Cdos coming into line to relieve Paratroopers. | |||
2100 | 12 Para Bn relieved and pass through our lines. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 11 | 2130 | Own shells fall in FDLs. | |
2133 | Severe mortaring of HQ. Captain B.D. Butler MC and five others killed. Lt T.N. Skelly and three others wounded. | |||
2235 | Bde conference of mortar Officers. | |||
12 | 0030 | Lt Pollard and patrol from 4 Troop to SALLANELLES woods. | ||
0200 | 2 i/c visits FDLs. | |||
0930 | Command Post transferred to CHATEAU d' AMFREVIILLE. O.C. 1 Troop brings in 88 m.m. shell which landed behind 6 Troop's lines. Shell sent to BdeHQ. | |||
1150 | Visit by Major Menday from 4 Commando. | |||
1335 | Message from BdeHQ. "Fighting patrol approx weak Troop strength to EAST side of wood Sq 1476 -, 1475 to act as flank guard to V.E.G. Patrol to go out at once. To remain out until 1700 hrs and return through our FDLs. To patrol vigorously. | |||
1340 | Code names for place names and report lines have been compromised and will not be used. | |||
1430 | No 1 French Troop put under Cmd, brought back into reserve at CHATEAU. 4 Troop take over their posn and are placed under comd Captain Bartholomew. Exchange not to take place after return of 3 Troop patrol. | |||
1510 | Artillery on BREVILLE. | |||
1625 | 3 Troop patrol has reached its objective. | |||
1725 | Major B.D. Butler and five others buried in garden at CHATEAU d'AMFREVILLE. | |||
1725 | C.O. and Sqdn Leader/Major Wormersley of 13/18 Hussars come on recce for assault on BREVILLE by 12 Para Bin. Carry out recces with 2 i/c and select five posns to support the attack from the orchards EAST of 5 Troop posns. | |||
1830 | 4 Troop change porn. | |||
1930 | French Troop back to CHATEAU. Changeover now complete. | |||
2100 | Bde say “Ensure all rds kept clear between 1700 and 2300 hrs . All informed. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 12 | 2100 | Major Hopson leaves to contact 13/18 Hussars to guide tanks as Sqdn Ldr cannot be found, | |
2120 | C.O. and fighting patrol of 50 (found from 1, 3 & 6 Tps) with Capt Nixon and Lieut Ponsford leave. | |||
2145 | Barrage on BREVILLE commences - Shells fall short in 6 Cdo's FDLs. Brigadiers Lovat and Kindersley seriously wounded. Major Hopson places tanks in orchard which open fire on BREVILLE and BREVILLE woods. Result of barrage is terrific - many fires. | |||
2200 | Fire is moved to bear on BREVILLE woods. | |||
2215 | Infantry seen to enter village. Little opposition. | |||
2230 | Shell fire (or mortar) on 3 Commando's posns. 2 i/o returns to HQ and receives near miss. | |||
2300 | 1 Troop reports; Armour going into attack - being heavily shelled. Send stretcher for one casualty. 4 Troop area being shelled. 1 Troop lines under shell fire. | |||
2313 | 6 Troop's lines under enemy shell fire. | |||
2314 | Message from Brigadier "I have become a casualty but I can rely on you not to take one step back - you are making history." Sent to all Troops. | |||
2317 | Message from 5 Troop Send us jeep immediately. | |||
13 | 0050 | One POW brought in. Nationality Polish. Regt is 8/58 Grenadier Regt. He says his Bn has only approx 80 man left. 3 Bn should have relieved 2 Bn. He was in BREVILLE tonight when 12 Para Bn attacked. According to him they were routed. POW has been forwarded to Bde. | ||
0120 | 2 i/o and RSM leave to inspect HQposns and French Cdo Troop's posns. | |||
0220 | First party of night patrol return - Medical Officer and Signals. | |||
0230 | Lt Ponsford and his party return with 3 POW. Says he picked them up on rd 153765 just outside GONNEVILLE. HQ and 6 Troop arrive back from patrol. No casualties. | |||
0300 | Captain Nixon reports to Command Post. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 13 | 0322 | C.O. returns from patrol. All patrols have now returned safely. Names of POW captured by 3 Troop Hermann LEHMANN (Gerfreiter) Julius HAAG (obergerfreiter) Josef CZARKOWSKY " All of 6/857 Grenadier Regt. | |
0335 | C.O. sends message to Bde "Shall I come now or wait until later in the morn". | |||
0855 | Captain.Marting. calls. to see C.O. | |||
0900 | Captain Woyevodsky calls on C.O. | |||
1035 | Message from Bde : "Intelligence personnel, calling to collect exact FOL." | |||
1040 | Enemy A/Tk elements reported in GONNEVILLE. | |||
1055 | Visit by Lt.Col BLACK ADMS SS Group. | |||
1240 | Weak enemy shelling commences on our left flank. 3 shells, one every ten seconds with break of sixty five seconds between salvoes. | |||
1430 | Lieut-Col Mills-Roberts calls to see C.O. | |||
1645 | Major Hopson and O.C. 3 Troop leave on recce patrol. | |||
1730 | Burial of casualties. | |||
1835 | Major Hopson and party return | |||
2155 | Standing patrol at farm 144764 was surrounded by approx 40 enemy. Patrol withdrew - 4 men left behind. Own aircraft bomb this area. One man returns to report this. | |||
2200 | Message from Bde "Recce patrol to area 132749-137749. Warn Para Bn" | |||
2220 | Major Hopson and fighting patrol leave. | |||
2350 | Enemy aircraft bombing the. area. | |||
2357 | Bombs now falling close to our posns. | |||
15 | 0015 | Bombing appears to have ceased. | ||
0330 | Bombing has begun again. | |||
0345 | Major Hopson and party return to lines. Surrounded party have also returned. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 14 | 1035 | The following counter-battery tasks have been engaged during that last two days. GONNEVILE area by fighter-bombers and rocket ships. Battleships directed by aircraft on VARRAVILLE area. Cruiser area shoot on 13 Jun. Battleship shoot on 14. Jun directed by aircraft. | |
1140 | Message from No 4 Cdo : "Rifle shots heard from area wood 1375". | |||
1835 | Message from Bde "Two recce patrols, one of 4 men and one of 5 men will leave this HQ by the following route. First - 139763 to rd149760 thence SOUTH of GONNEVILLE to VARRAVILLE. Second - BREVILLE wood 152743 thence NORTH of BREVILLE to VARRAVILLE. Both patrols will return by own respective routes. Both patrols will leave HQ at 2230 hours and return approx 0400 hours. Part of patrol may not return until night 15/16 Jun." | |||
1929 | C.O. leaves for 6 Troop. | |||
2215 | C.O. leaves on patrol with 6 Troop. | |||
15 | 0120 | Message from 1 Troop: Strong enemy patrol in front of lines. Am standing to. | ||
1000 | Enemy shells falling in Commando area. French Troop patrol leaves for LONGUEMERE and also standing patrol for cross rds and beyond. | |||
1230 | Patrol returns. Report that patrol moved along in direction of BAS DE BREVILLE, searched buildings at cross rds143752, passed jump and were fired on by small arms and mortar. Patrol withdrew leaving standing patrol at farm. | |||
1245 | Major Hopson leaves with Lt Hunter to site A/tk guns. | |||
1345 | Major Hopson returns. | |||
1430 | 1 Troop reports shells falling in their area. Two snipers sent out to contact enemy - L/Cpl Machin and Trp Leedham" | |||
1530 | A patrol consisting of two Officers and 30 men being sent out by 4 Cdo. Will return through, our lines. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 15 | 1715 | Message from Bde: "The following areas are being mined to be completed by 1800 hours 16th. 1. Through wood from pt12847604 to 13047606 2.From pt on road 13047604 to rd June 13167610. 3.Dummy minefields are being prepared. Areas will be notified later." | |
1725 | Captain Bartholomew made patrol from LE PLEIN to 144750. | |||
1900 | C.O. and party leave to watch mortars fire, on many posns NORTH of BREVILLE. | |||
2030 | C.O. returns and than leaves for Bde. | |||
2110 | 4 Cdo have orders to stand to because of concentrated fire On 47 Cdo on left. | |||
2230 | French Cdo sent out fighting patrol to search cross rds144752. | |||
2300 | Patrol of one Officer and 12 ORs from 4 Troop left cross rds144752 to ambush enemy. Should return at first light | |||
16 | 0139 | High Authority warns us that there is indication that attack may be put in by enemy from SOUTH and NORTH EAST about 0400 hours today. We standby to report all developments. | ||
0550 | 1 Troop reports spasmodic rifle fire in front of posn coming from direction of wood. Otherwise all is quiet. | |||
0605 | 6 Troop SITREP - Nothing to report. | |||
0715 | Message to 4 Cdo - "Other than spasmodic rifle fire nothing to report." | |||
0730 | 1 Troop report half of Troop standing down, All quiet. | |||
0755 | 7 more mortar bombs landed on right of 1 Troop's posn, | |||
0815 | Message from Bde : "SUNRAY's conference ordered for today postponed". | |||
0935 | Message from Bde - "Report received says enemy halted between ESCOUVILLE and HEROUVILLE and that enemy is trickling back in twos and threes. Attack was on Bn scale. Satisfactory slaughter is reported. Enemy may try again elsewhere. | |||
1330 | 1 and 6 Troops send patrol to LONGUEMERE FARM. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 16 | 1430 | Message from Bde; "POW states attack being made on BREVILLE supported 150 aircraft. RAF support has been asked for between 1400 and 1500 in area of GONNEVILLE - LE BAS BREVILLE - PETTIVILLE. Everyone will be warned to show identification to British aircraft." | |
1445 | 1 Troop report enemy mortar smoke on farm. | |||
1500 | Patrol reports being in posn and that mortar fire is coming from area BREVILLE. | |||
1540 | Patrol reports - "Sniping from our left rear". | |||
1600 | Patrol reports - No sign of enemy | |||
1610 | Brigadier J.F. Durnford-Slater DSO and Captain C.S. Head MC visit C.O. | |||
1633 | Report states enemy cleared from HEROUVILLETTE AND ESCOUVILLE and still slowly withdrawing. | |||
1655 | 6 Cdo cannot go to LONGUEMERE tonight as we have got patrol there. | |||
1700 | Brig Durnford-Slater and Captain Head leave, | |||
2300 | Message from forward troops - All quiet and nothing to report. | |||
17 | 0440 | Message from Bde : "About 40 enemy reported at 133712. Keep look-out for similar parties which may be about." This message sent to all Troops. | ||
1140 | Lieut Cunningham brings his patrol report to C.O. | |||
1200 | C.O. goes to Bde HQ. | |||
1325 | Three shells landed in 1 Troop area - coming from direction. SALLANELLES, | |||
1330 | Lieut Lockley (3 Tp) and Lt Pollock (5 Tp) are warned for patrol tonight. Each will take five selected men (volunteers) from own troop. One German speaking intelligence man will accompany each Officer. Lt Lockely will patrol GONNEVILLE area and Lt Pollock CARREFOUR area. | |||
1340 | Shells falling in our area coming from northerly direction. | |||
1336 | Shell report sent to BdeHQ. | |||
1400 | Shells are still falling in our area, | |||
1425 | Captain J.J. Selwyn MC 13/18 Hussars calls on C.O. | |||
1500 | Visit by RM Liaison Officer from Bdo. Established that certain personnel posted as missing are actually killed and buried in G.R.U. area. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 17 | 1800 | C.O. visits 6 Troop. | |
1830 | 6 Troop patrol relieving 45 Cdo patrol at LONGUEMERE FARM. Pioneer patrol section under L/S Wilson and with Sjt Denham (MM) and covering party go to clear path through wood ahead of posns in readiness for Major Grey's (45 Cdo) attack tonight. | |||
1915 | I.O. at Bde confirms two German speakers reporting to us 2100. One per patrol. | |||
2035 | L/C Machin and Trp Leedham report having covered area of power house and rd. Started out three hours ago. But for snipers and A.A. fire coming from rt rear of farm in the area of gliders there is no sign of Germans. | |||
2122 | No 45 Op ardor Arrives. | |||
2300 | 5 Troop want to warn RUR that they have patrol going to LONGUEMERE. | |||
2320 | 5 Troop send in details of patrol and these are forwarded to Bde with a request that RUR be warned. | |||
2350 | RUR warned re your patrol tonight - received from Bde. | |||
18 | 0300 | Message from Bde "Between hours 2115 - 2200 hours 18 Jun own aircraft will be seeking out and bombing battery posns along rd NE from LONGUEMERE to LE PETIT HOMME; Own patrols will not operate within 1000 yds of this line between 2000 and 2300 hours. Time to be notified later of registration of R.A. targets by air observation of area N.E. of LE GRANDE FERME DU BUISSON. Own patrols to await notification, of time before starting out." | ||
0445 | C.O. leaves to go on patrol. | |||
0550 | No 45 Cdo's Operation off. | |||
1030 | Unexploded bomb in 6 Troop area. Captain Holmes informed - says he will take action immediately. | |||
1115 | Bde message states "Detain all civilians having cards signed "LT Michael" and inform this HQ". | |||
1500 | No 41 Cdo (4 SS Bde) report capturing enemy radio location station. 5 and 205 enemy captured. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 18 | 1700 | All troops warned of two patrols. 2 i/c warns Bde. Two Officers and 30 ORs to LONGUEMERE and GRANDE DU BUISSON leaving 1700 and returning 2000 hours. Small patrol from 4 Troop to cross rds beyond LONGUEMERE to engage enemy at LA BAS DE BREVILLE with 2" mortar and LMG at 2300 hrs tonight. | |
1830 | B.M. 6 Air Ldg Bde arrives to discuss patrols. Captain Pollard to wait until we find times of airborne patrols | |||
1930 | Capt Bartholomew arrives to discuss Vickers and mortars. 4 jeeps laid on to report to 2 Troop at 0330 hours on 19th. | |||
2010 | 2 i/c's patrol reports area LONGUEMERE and GDE FME DU BUISSON Clear of enemy. | |||
2130 | 1 Troop wants information re battle going on on 4 Troop's front. C.O. returns. | |||
2145 | Sjt Bartlett reports back from Bde and says there is going to be an attack on pill-boxes EAST of SALLANELLES tonight. 2 Troop reports that shells have landed in farm occupied by French Cdo Troop. | |||
2210 | Message from Bde : "Gulley 131761 to 128765 completely mined. Completed tonight" All Troops informed. | |||
0445 | C.O. leaves for Operation "JOLLY". | |||
0600 | C.O. returns with German POW. POW belongs to 6/857 Gren Regt. It is a mixed coy of poles, They had Rfts last Wednesday or Thursday, He mentioned capture of Captain Hilton-Jones (BdeHQ.) who is wounded and in German R.A.P. | |||
0910 | Captain Nixon reports to C.O. | |||
0940 | Captain Collins reports to C.O. | |||
1010 | French civilians given permission to bury dead animals in front of 4 Troop. | |||
1100 | Captain Peille calls on C.O. | |||
1115 | Major Woyevodsky calls to see C.O. | |||
1430 | Captain Peille leaves. | |||
1510 | C.O. leaves for tour of our FDLs. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 19 | 1705 | C.O. returns. | |
1935 | Enemy shelling has commenced. | |||
2005 | C.O. returns from 45 (RM) Commando Received Operation Order "THAW". All troops informed,." | |||
20 | 0620 | Message from 4 Cdo "Some our men will be coming shortly through your lines on patrol". All troops informed. | ||
0945 | Message from 4 Commando : "Recce patrols will operate LA GRANDE FERME DU BUISSON 1000 to 1200 hours and 1600 to 1700 hours today". | |||
1200 | Brigadier Mills-Roberts calls to see C.O. | |||
1450 | 12 gunners with 17 pdrs are moving into 1 Troops posns | |||
1525 | 6 Cdo given permission to fire mortars from our poem with certain reservations under supervision Captain Bartholomew. | |||
1655 | C.O. visits FDLs. | |||
1700 | Message from Bde "No marked maps will be taken on patrol, and no maps other than with Div Area will be kept forward of Bde. | |||
1945 | C.O. returns. | |||
2015 | Intelligence Sjt reports on patrol - says 6 Cdo operating from LONGUEMERE wood area towards GONNEVILLErd. starting 2300 hours. 4 Cdo patrol expected back from GONNEVILLE. May enter lines at any point Troops informed of this. | |||
2155 | Weather reports shows possibility of dense mist between dusk and dawn tomorrow morning. | |||
21 | 0940 | 1 Troop reports "All Quiet" on their front. Patrol passed through their lines as informed. | ||
1130 | Visit by Lieut-Colonel Mitchell R.A. | |||
1425 | Order of the Day by Brigadier Mills Roberts :- "The Corps Cmdr Lt-Gen Crocker, CB, DSO, visited this HQ yesterday, He expressed his complete satisfaction with the behaviour of the Brigade in the difficult task they |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 21 | had been allotted, and his confidence that whatever happened or were called upon to be would be done with the same skill and persistence." | ||
1510 | Message from 4 Cdo : "Recce patrol from this Unit will be in area LA GRANDE FARME DU BUISSON 1600 to 1800 hours 21st." | |||
1550 | Message from Bde: "46 (RM) Cdo will fire red verey lights if an emergency occurs in their dump. | |||
1700 | Message to Troops "Area LA GDE FME DU BUISSON will not be used by patrols between 0900. and 1100 hours 22 June 44." Lieut-Col C.E. Vaughan, MBE, calls to see C.O." | |||
1900 | Details of patrols: To LA GDE FME DU BUISSON. FUP at FME. Wood 147754 to be shelled for 6 minutes from 0100 hrs and at 0106 barrage divides left and right leaving wood free (with safety margin). F.B. at FME. Patrol gees into wood area of rd 0100 to 0115 hrs. Patrol will return by same route - 145752 to 147754. | |||
1920 | C.O. returns to HQ. | |||
1940 | C.O. goes to Bde. | |||
2130 | 1 Troop report white verey light NORTH LONGUEMERE FARM, Bde informed, | |||
2140 | C.O. returns from Bde. | |||
22 | 0600 | Reported that 6 Cdo patrol caught by own arty fire. One killed and ten wounded. Four rocket mortar shells land approx 1/4 mile behind BdeHQ. DMA ammn on fire and exploding. | ||
0825 | Message from Bde: "NO patrol will take place between 0800 and 1200 hrs in area of LA GDE FME DU BUISSON. owing to arty register today." Tps informed. | |||
1000 | C.O. goes to Bde | |||
1100 | C.O. returns. | |||
1130 | Lt-Col Logan, OBE CRE Calls to see C.O. to arrange our water supply, If possible water in pond near CHATEAU will be converted into drinking water. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 22 | 1200 | C.O. gets details of patrol activities for tonight. | |
1300 | Hawkins grenade is accidentally detonated in corner of CHATEAU garden and L/Sjt Salisbury is slightly injured. | |||
1450 | Lt-Col I. McAlpine (OC Holding Op Cdo) calls to see C.O. | |||
1700 | Captain Ponsford out on recce for tonight's mock battle. Patrol Leaders report for briefing." | |||
2000 | C.O. goes on preliminary recce to GDE FME DU BUISSON | |||
2200 | C.O. returns. | |||
2300 | Patrol leaves for MISSION. | |||
23 | 0200 | Captain Pollard O.C. 4 Troop reports on patrol | ||
0300 | Captain Nixon reports on patrol. | |||
0500 | Captain Ponsford reports on patrol. | |||
0520 | L/C Littler reports on recce patrol | |||
0900 | Adjt to Bde HQ for conference. I.O gives details of certain security measures. | |||
1110 | Officer of Counter-Mortar Organisation call in search of O.P. Major Bradfield R.A.,I.O. for SS Bde (No 4) Major Flewitt I.O. for 1 SS Bde, Captain Sooby L.O. of 4 SS Bde and Captain Reeves of 45 Cdo. | |||
1325 | Rocket ships firing on FRANCEVILLE. | |||
1330 | Shells dropping in our area. 1 Troop reports they are coming from SALLANELLES AREA and dropping about 300 yds to their rear. Bde informed. | |||
1810 | Message from 1 Troop : "Approx 1735 hrs short burst of MG fire came from area 143757. Not directed at our lines. | |||
2150 | Troops informed of fighting patrol tonight, to clear area reported clear by Captain Nixon last night. | |||
24 | 0130 | Listening post report in. Observations sent to Bde. Nothing hears of Cpl Lawrence. Casualty from 45 Commando evacuated. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 24 | 0900 | 4 Commando proceed to surround themselves with mines. | |
1140 | Snipers sent out to area NORTH of LA GDE FME DU BUISSON. Message from 1 Troop "Four smoke shells landed 134753". | |||
1145 | Message from 1 Troop , "Shells were 2 Troop registering at 1130 hrs". | |||
1245 | One enemy dead known to be at 142763. Reported killed by our snipers on 23rd June. Request permission from Bde to recover body for identification, | |||
1415 | Message from 4 Cdo "Sniping patrol operating area LONGUEMERE FARM and wood 142757 1400 to 2100 hrs today. | |||
1500 | 6 Troop patrol leaves, | |||
1530 | Brigadier Mills-Roberts visits lines in company with 2 i/c. | |||
1830 | 2 i/c takes out snipers L/C Lewis and Trp Lewis to BUISSON | |||
2030 | 2 i/c returns with party, Reports nothing seen. | |||
25 | 0035 | Message from 4 Troop "I am standing to. Verey lights approx 500 yds in front. Small arms fire ahead and on left flank." | ||
0200 | message from 4 Cdo . "Small party of ours still to return." | |||
0600 | Distinct rumble of guns heard all night - indicates opening of our offensive | |||
1100 | 3 Officers and 42 men arriving shortly -(reinforcements) | |||
1200 | Two snipers return and report two enemy killed and one wounded. They report being relieved by TSM. Edwards and L/Cpl Osbourne. | |||
1710 | TSM Edwards and L/C Osbourn return - two more enemy killed. | |||
1800 | Two snipers fran 1 Troop go out to cover area EAST of BUISSON wood Message from Bde: "Following rds which are in full view of enemy and subject to shelling will not be used until further notice between 0500 hrs and 2300 hrs. First - cross roads 045780 - PERIERS SUR DAN. Second. - Cross rds 067775 - rd059757. Cross rd. 072767 - BEAVILLE 064749. Only exception are staff officers and DRs. ". | |||
2000 | big battle around CAEN reported to be going well. Bde says tanks may operate in this area early tomorrow. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 25 | 2200 | Captain and 5 ORs to area LA GRANDE FME DU BUISSON to look for snipers of 1 Troop who have not yet returned. Message to all troops :- Cdo patrol operating in area EAST of LONGUEMERE, midnight to 0400 hrs." | |
26 | 0215 | 1 Troop report firing on their left and bugle sounding on their right. | ||
0950 | C.O. goes to BdeHQ | |||
1050 | C.O. returns from Bde. | |||
1100 | Message from 4 Cdo: 3 snipers from this Unit will be working from LONGUEMERE FARM 140755 NORTH to N.E. to area 150763. Time out 1130 until 2100 hours, They will return through your lines by 2100 hrs latest. | |||
1200 | Reinforcements arrive - 4 Officers and 47 ORs | |||
1500 | Message to all troops "6 Commando will be firing into the air at 1600 hrs". | |||
1730 | Two snipers leave for GDE FME DU BUISSON, Two snipers return from LONGUEMERE FERME" | |||
1835 | C.O. goes on tour of FDLs. | |||
27 | 0130 | 3 Troop patrol leaves for area GDE FME DU BUISSON to capture prisoner. | ||
0630 | 3 Troop's patrol return and reports following personnel missing :- TSM Edwards, Tprs Barnes, O'Connell, Roberts, Bennet, Kingsley. One prisoner brought in | |||
0710 | Maplay has been compromised. This information received from Bde. Captain Pollard and two snipers leave for GDM FME DU BUISSON to search for personnel missing from 3 Troop's patrol. | |||
0900 | Sniper reports : Enemy at 142766 (corner of hedge at 0800 hrs, - about 40 strong, keeping well down - no target)" | |||
1000 | C.O. leaves for GDE FME DU BUISSON. | |||
1020 | Lt-Col Tilley D.A.G.Q.M.G. and Major Hunt call at HQ. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 27 | 1530 | Message from Bde: "R.A. are being sniped at in area of gliders by our troops" All troops informed. | |
1540 | Message free Bde: "Owing to temporary change in policy R.E. booby trap patrol is postponed pending further instruction." | |||
1800 | I.O. tours FDLs. | |||
1830 | Violent explosion shakes CHATEAU. Enquiries reveal that own demolitions are being carried out. | |||
2030 | Cpl Grant (3 Troop) reports having been in area to left and forward of LA GDE FME DU BUISSON and after observing for one hour saw no sign of enemy. | |||
28 | 0010 | Two 3 Troop snipers report to HQ and then go on to Bda with Capt Ponsford, | ||
0915 | French civilian visits C.O. | |||
1030 | I.O. to 4 Cdo and 4 SS Bde. | |||
1100 | Enemy S.P. gun firing over our posns to rear. Fired six shells approx. 146754. In all probability patrol covering gun. | |||
1345 | Major-General R. Sturges DSO and Brigadier Mills-Roberts arrive at HQ. C.O. accompanies them round our FDLs. | |||
1400 | Message. from Bde : "W.E.P. receipt of this message road 131758 - 123761 is a one way route in westerly direction." L/Cpl Ferrie and Trp McGonnigle of 3 Troop report returning from snipers' return. Report two enemy killed." | |||
1530 | I.O. to 4 Commando and NO 4 SS Bde. | |||
1735 | 4 Commando inform us that they will be working in area LONGUEMARE and along N.W. between 0200 and 0500 hrs 29 Jun. All troops are informed. | |||
2133 | Information to all troops regarding 45 Commando's operation against area 147750. Arty barrage to commence 0300 hours, Assault H + 20 hours. | |||
2200 | French patrol of seven operating between 2200 hrs and 2359 hours in area LA GDE FME DU BUISSON on 28 Jun 44. | |||
29 | 1015 | Owners of CHATEAU call to see C.O. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 29 | 1045 | Intelligence Sjt reports on 45 Cdo's operation of last night. Says it was a success. Many Germany presumed killed by use of grenades thrown into dugouts, No enemy prisoners taken. Own casualties 1 Office and 2 ORs slightly winded. | |
1100 | Message from Bde "All SEAGULLS to report to this location at 1245 hrs today". | |||
1230 | I.O. returns from 6 Airborne Div HQ and reports - "Bridgehead across. ODON (NORTH EVRECY, 10° EAST NOYERS 10° EAST of YERSON). I, III and IV Bns 235 Px Gren Regt have been identified in area BRETTEVILLETTE. There are no enemy tanks operating in the CHERBOURG peninsula. | |||
1300 | Adjt returns from Conference at BdeHQ: | |||
1430 | Message from Bde. "Two Polish enemy deserters who surrendered to 4 Cdo today were originally of 857 Greens Regt. They have since (about a week ago) been formed into 346 Fus BN." | |||
1820 | 3 Troop send patrol out into area of LONGUEMARE. | |||
2040 | 8 shells land in 1 Troop's area. 3 Troop patrol reports "Snipers L/C Hawkesworth has: killed one enemy sentry in area GDE FME DU BUISSON.". | |||
2045 | Shells landing in No 4 Commando's area. | |||
30 | 0400 | Patrols from 3 and 6 troops going out. 3 Troop to GDE FME DU BUUISSON AND 6 Troop to LONGUEMARE. | ||
0545 | Enemy movement seen by Lt Thomson's Party (3 Troop). Sentry shot by Cpl Grant. | |||
0700 | 3 Troop Patrols return to own lines. | |||
0800 | 6 Troop's patrol returns and reports having seen no enemy movement. | |||
1100 | Brigadier J.F. Durnford-Slater calls to see C.O. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
CHATEAU d' AMFREVILLE | 30 | 1415 | Message from Bde : "4 SS Bde will operate in area of LE GDE FME DU BUISSON during the hours of 2300 and 0100 hours in conjunction with elements of 6 Air ldg Bde on night 2/3 Jul 44. "A fighting patrol from 6 Air Ldg Bde will operate in area of cross roads 144751 daring hours of darkness tonight." | |
1600 | 6 Commando are registering Vickers IC firing in direction LONGUEMARE. C.O. goes to BREVILLE." | |||
1630 | C.O. returns | |||
1820 | 3 Troop said out patrol to LE GDE FME DU BUISSON. | |||
2025 | 3 Troop patrol returns. | |||
2100 | Enemy shelling of whole area commences. | |||
2130 | Fighting patrol of 1 Officer and 10 ORs Pram 6 Cdo will operate in area of DU BUISSON, between 0300 and 0600 hours on 1 Jul 44. Will proceed in and out through No 4 Commando Lines. No 3 Commando Training Instruction No 9 issued to troops. |