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    War Diary: Westminster Dragoons

    Month and year: April 1944

    The Westminster Dragoons April 1944 war diary covers the unit moving by transports and LCT to concentration areas, unfortunately several tanks are damaged on route.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/864

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    Page 1 of 4
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    Personnel StateOffrs3346
    BOURNEMOUTH33 to each of B & C Sqns flailed live British Mc IV ATk mines in CRABS on
    Regtl Trg Area. 24 mines were exploded without failure.
    4Exercise SMASH IAppx A
    Postal Censorship imposed. Last day of mobilization B vehicles will not all
    be received before 10 Apr 44. CRABS still arriving, at the same time as a number
    of SCORPIONS. (VALENTINE flail tks) which are not operational vehs and
    requests for disposal instrs are so far without result.
    5Advance RHQ opened at BOURNEMOUTH, (CO & IO) W/Lt DGJ Millington (RAC)
    posted to 21 Army Gp I.U.
    6Exercise SMASH IIAppx B
    Min of Supply teams arrived to replace dogs on flail drive which were
    insufficiently hardened, and in one case failed after 5 miles. In all, 18
    out of 25 were found unsatisfactory.
    790 all ranks visited German Tanks and equipment at School of Tk Technology
    at CHOBHAM. W/Capt Buckingham J.H. (RTR) joined.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    12Orders received for conc by 22 Apr of RHQ, B & C Sqns on reduced scales of
    personnel and equipment, preparatory to marshalling for the assault. Although
    mobilization should have been completed by 4 Apr, no operational B vehs or
    Cruiser tks, or Scout Cars have been received so far. Moreover the greatest
    difficulty is experienced in discovering the precise composition of the
    Assault Flight of the Regt, and who is responsible for moving it. This
    appears divided between 50(N) Div and 30 Corps.
    W/Lt K.A. Crosthwaite (RAC) posted to 30 Armd Bde.
    17Advance Party moved to take over accn in conc area, consisting of tented
    camps at PENERLEY B4 U8024
    18Capt (Rev) Hislop (RAChD) posted to 2 Army Tps for att to No 25 Instr Gp Airfield
    Exercise SMASH IIIAppx C
    20Capt (Rev) O'Neill T.J. (RAChD) joined.
    21C Sqn moved to LULWORTH for T and A, and calibration of guns directly after
    SMASH III. Exercise SMASH IV. Main body of Regt changed to APO address.Appx D
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    22C Sqn moved by transporter to conc area, and B Sqn fired for T & A and
    PENERLEYcalibration. RHQ Fwd moved from BOURNEMOUTH to PENERLEY,
    23B Sqn moved to conc area by sea in LCT, transporter not being available,
    Transporters caused ten CRABS to strike walls etc on the way, and ten bevel
    boxes (flail drive) were rendered useless.
    25Waterproofing kits for Exercise FABIUS issued, five days after latest date
    given by this Regt to allow completion. CO informed 50 Div vehs could only
    take part dry shod, and no waterproofing for A or B vehs was to be done.
    26(a) Lt Col Blair Oliphant again visited HQ 50 Div to co-ordinate landing
    tables, which differ considerable as issued by 30 Corps, 50 Div, and Bdes
    within 50 Div.
    (b) Waterproofing kits indents transferred to 50 Div from 79 Armd Div.
    27Capt (Rev) O'Neil] T.J. (RAChD) posted to 22 Dgns; Capt (Rev) Rhymes D.A.
    (RAChD) joined.
    Deficiencies of vehs and equipment for Assault Echelon submitted to ADOS
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    50 Div, in order that they may be issued on whichever is the highest
    29Order received to collect 12 Sherman tks for use as Pilot Rollers, and
    68 Lorries 3-ton 4x4 GS during WE 6 May 44. B veh mob now also completed.
    Tank State
    Personnel State

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