National Archive Reference: WO 171/864
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
1 | B Sqn with 8 Armd Bde and C Sqn with 50 (N) Div are covered by Sitreps. | Appendix | ||
RHQ and A Sqn moved at 2200 hrs under CRE 7 Armd Div. A1 and A2 Echelons together in 7 Armd Div Tps Area. Rollers disposed of to salvage. | ||||
2 | RHQ and A Sqn harboured 0330 hrs at 750632. | |||
0900 | DR left to bring up water and petrol. | |||
0940 | Move continued behind 131 Bde Gp. | |||
1030 | Harbour at 714601, EAST of CAUMONT. | |||
1300 | Capt Beaumont arrived with pet and water. | |||
1900 | Commanding Officer ordered to HQ 30 Corps as Adviser, and RHQ returned to | |||
Wireless net for Adviser opened to all units of 7 Armd Div in 30 Corps, | ||||
incl two Sqns 6 ARE (81 and 82) and C Sqn 141 RAC. | ||||
3 | Major Sidey recced new Regt area at F/3 723527. Warning order for move | |||
0500 hrs 4 Aug for all incl Bde Wksps SEC and OFP det issued 1000 hrs. Lt. Mackichan detailed to command Rear Party consisting of 3 ton lorries | ||||
surplus tonew WE. | ||||
30 Armd Bde called for names of one Major, one subaltern and 8 Sjts or Cpls as cadre for proposed Flail Instructional Unit. | ||||
4 | RHQ and Sqn residues moved 0500 hrs to 6F/4 723527 near LE PARQUET, complete | |||
with Sec Bde Wksps and OFP. | ||||
6 | Lts B. Robinson tried out new grapnel amn for 2" Bomb Thrower. The mounting carried away severely injuring Lt Robinson's hand and he was evacuated to | |||
the UK. | ||||
Tanks and personnel surplus to new WE joined RHQ awaiting disposal. | ||||
8 | C Sqn now 15 miles from RHQ and general advance continuing. Major Sidey left on recce of new area about ONDEFONTAINE 7848. | |||
Gen. HOBART Commanding 79 Armd Div arrived 1600 hrs to discuss gen situation | ||||
9 | Move to LA TOQUE 8046 planned for AM 11 Aug 44. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
10 | Lt. Col. W. Y. K. Blair Oliphant MC ordered by HQ 30 Armd Bde to HQ 12 Corps for | |||
conference 1000 hrs with Col.E Craig OBE, 2IC 30 Armd Bde, on future ops and returned with orders for A Sqn to move before night 10 Aug to LA CAINE | ||||
9152 under 12 Corps. Lt. B.H. Pear rejoined from convalescence and Lt. A.K. Dick A Sqn was evacuated with gastro enteritus. | ||||
11 | RHQ Main (less QM, OFP and Wksps Det) moved to LA TOQUE806462 at 0600 hrs. Col E. Craig, 2 IC 30 Armd Bde called to ask for twice daily sitrep of | |||
Special Devices incl Flame throwers and AVREs in 8, 12 and 30 Corps Areas. Three LOs, Lts. Poston, Mackichan and Crosthwaite were mounted on scout car | ||||
and M/cs for this purpose. | ||||
Some enemy shells fell in area midday. NO casualties, | ||||
12 | Efforts to withdraw B and C Sqns failed although there had no role or prospect of one and were frequently under fire. | |||
14 | B Sqn less 1 tp with Sherwood Rangers and C Sqn moved to RHQ Main location 806462 and were harboured by midday. | |||
In view of the proposed advance towards PARIS, Rear HQ with Wksps Sec and OFP Sec ordered to move to Main location at 150600B. HQ 79 Armd Div took | ||||
over control of REME and ORD from Regts, and the difficulties of this | ||||
arrangement were represented to HQ 30 Armd Bde. | ||||
15 | B and C Sqn bathed and reclothed. | |||
C Sqn Ldr visited HQ 11 Armd Div and was instructed to move with 11 Armd Div Fwd Del Sqn in res. | ||||
16 | Major J. H. Buckingham assumed command of B Sqn and Capt H.P. Stanyon was appointed RHQ Capt. | |||
1600 | C Sqn moved to conc with 11 Armd Div at 7F/778360. | |||
17 | B Sqn expected to conc with 8 Armd Bde before night, ready to advance from 180600. | |||
Tac RHQ consisting of CO, Adjt, Sigs Offr with Staff Car, White Scout Car |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | References to Appendices |
as comd veh, two jeeps and one scout car, joined Main HQ 30 Corps at 1900 hrs. | ||||
18 | 0900 | Tac HQ moved with HQ 30 Corps Main from PROUSSY 8935 to TAILLEBOIS 9626. Ranges were too great for wireless comms from HQ to any Sqns. | ||
19 | 1700 | Tac HQ moved with Main HQ 30 Corps to MENIL - GONDOUIN 0620 | ||
21 | 0900 | Tac HQ moved to MOULINS SUR ORNE 2320. Move of Main and Rear HQ | ||
cancelled by 30 Corps Q Mov for op reasons and office lorry only came up. All surplus tank crews and officers and all 1st Reinforcements still with | ||||
Regt posted away and surplus tanks disposed of. | ||||
22 | RHQ office joined Tac HQ. Thereafter regarded as Tac and Main combined. | |||
Lt. Gould loaned to 30 Corps for traffic control in ARGENTAN. C Sqn reverted to 30 Corps. | ||||
23 | Tac & Main HQs moved with Main 30 Corps to 586443. | |||
Move of Rear to 1011 for 25. Further advance not | ||||
permitted yet. Move of A Sqn from 12 Corps area to 0913 arranged for Lt Mackichan appointed IO and Lt Sellman LO. Lt. Mackichan relieved Lt | ||||
Gould at 1600 hrs in ARGENTAN. | ||||
28 | Main HQ rejoined Regt less B Sqn at 536462, Commanding Officer and Lt Mackichan as LO remained with Main 30 Corps. | |||
30 | Capt Stanyon called for to command 264 Special Del Sqn. Release agreed and Capt M.J. Crosthwaite requested from First Reinforcements to take his | |||
place as RHQ Capt. |