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    War Diary: Westminster Dragoons

    Month and year: December 1944

    The Westminster Dragoons December 1944 war diary covers the units time in the Netherlands and Belgium clearing mines, during the unit suffered several casualties from mines and a traffic accident.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/864

    The "References to Appendices" column for this document was empty so has been omitted.

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    Page 1 of 3
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    EIJKEREIND1Lt. G. S. COOPER killed by a SCHUMINE while carrying out recovery of A Sqn
    tanks after ops on 30 Nov in area BROCKHUIZEN 9021,
    2A Sqn released from 8 Corps for return to EIJKEREIND E 3405. Recce
    party explored WINTERSLAG K. 4267 as transit area for Sqns en route across
    R.MAAS for ops in sp 30 Corps in area GEILENKIRCHEN,
    Major J. H. BUCKINGHAM severely wounded by a SCHUMINE while carrying out
    trials with the CENTIPEDE. This device consisted of a number of small
    concrete filled rollers towed behind the tank to explode a/pers mines. It
    had been scrapped in England and was again found unsatisfactory. The mines
    broke the rollers and only 75% were blown. An unfavourable report was
    Sqn conduct trial of the Canadian Roller (pushed infront of the tank
    and covering tracks only) against Anti Pers Mines. This device had also
    been scrapped in England.
    30900Regt reverted to comd 30 Armd Bde.
    4Lt. D.F INGRAM injured in a traffic accident.
    5Regt allotted in sp 43 Div - 30 Corps for Op 'SHEARS'. All 79 Armd Div
    units in sp 43 Div under comd Tac HQ W Dgns. These were:-
    W Dgns
    141 RAC
    16 (Sqn (42 ARRE)
    Allocation to Brigades.
    129 Bde C Sqn W Dgns and 16 ASRE
    214 Bde B Sqn in rea
    130 Bde A Sqn W Dgns and two Sqns 141 RAC and
    B Sqn W Dgns in res if not required by
    214 Bde.
    61000B and C Sqns left on transporters for WINTERSLAG K 4267 and echelons by
    half Sqns at the same time.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    EIJKEREIND6Tac HQ with Comd Offr, Sigs Offr, IO and LO moved to K 802590 near WAUBACH
    71000RHQ and A Sqn moved to WINTERSLAG by tptr.
    WINTERSLAG91015A Sqn with two RHQ tanks less B Ech moved on tracks to conc area K 8059
    near WAUBACH.
    10B and C Sqns less B Echs proceeded to conc area.
    Award of MC to Lt. HALL for ops on OVERLOON area approved.
    Capt M.J. Crosthwaite took over appointment of RHQ Capt from Major H.P.
    Stanyon who assumed command of B Sqn in place of Major J. H. Buckingham,
    wounded. Lt. M.A. Sutton promoted Capt and remained in A Sqn for present ops.
    Lt. Leather returned from HQ 30 Armd Bd to join A Sqn with Lt. Swift (late
    1 Lothians) to fill vacancies. Lt. Ingram returned to B Sqn after injury in
    a motor accident.
    One RAMC sub sec of one mot amb car and 3 orderlies allotted toneach Sqn.
    14Op 'SHEARS' cancelled and all 79 Armd Div tps transferred from comd
    30 Corps to 12 Corps.
    16A, B,C Sqns and Tac HQ returned to WINTERSLAG.
    191100Bde planing conference held at RHQ.
    200900Comd Offr and Lt Mackichan joined 43 Div to plan new ops.
    1800Proposed ops cancelled and Comd Offr returned
    Trench crossing trials with Crab carried out. Crab found better than
    normal Sherman and crossed 6 ft in soft sand,
    220500Orders to move to area DOMMELEN E3908.
    1100Tanks moved on tptrs and wheels by blocks of ten at 20 min intervals.
    1800Changed from comd 30 Armd Bde to 31 Tk Bde. No ops.
    241700Eleven 3 ton lorries called for to tow trailers for 141 RAC (Crocodiles)
    to area HASSELT.
    25Anti paratp op instr issued. A recce tp of six Scout Cars and an
    'infantry' force of one pl in two 3 ton lorries held at 30 min notice to op
    under orders HQ 31 Tk Bde. Award of Military Cross to Capt MA. Sutton approved
    by Comd in Chief.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    2730 Armd Bde Wksps began changing volute springs in suspension units of
    certain tanks.
    29Jig for fitting WHYMAN lane markers received and fitting begun.

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