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    War Diary: Westminster Dragoons

    Month and year: June 1944

    The Westminster Dragoons June 1944 war diary covers their arrival in Normandy with their mine clearing Sherman Crab tanks and their mine clearing actions in Normandy This diary was hand written and some elements of the text was hard to make out so is marked with ???.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/864

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    Page 1 of 13
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    ENGLAND1 JunMarshalling into Craft loads began Weather which was hitherto very hot
    with no wind appeared to be breaking
    2Marshalling continued, Weather hot but some wind. Considerable
    quantities of stores and equipment were still arriving. Causing
    considerable difficulties in the dispersed state of the Regt.
    3Embarkation began. Weather fine with strong wind. Many of theAppx E
    barrage balloons carried by landing craft were carried away.
    40730D day announced as 5 Jun, but sailing postponed immediately
    by rough weather.
    5Craft moved off Hyoscine Bromide anti sea-sickness tablets
    were issued with varying results. 10 or 15 % were extremely
    6D. day. H hr was 0715 B, and at this time craft carrying
    13 CRABS of B Sqn under comd 231 Inf Bde, and 13 CRABS
    of C Sqn under comd. 69 Inf Bde were due to touch down.
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    FIELD6Accounts of D day action are appended by Sqns Lt Col W.Y.K.Appx A
    Blair Oliphant landed at H + 60 in C Sqn ARV as his tank was
    not due until H +18 hrs. By night B Sqn ARV. C Sqn M14 and
    4 amn and pet lorries were ashore
    71500Lt M.J. Eedy with COs tank, RQMS Evans and two lorries due in
    at 0100 hrs landed and joined C.O. and B Sqn at BRECY T8978Appx A.
    BRECY80900C SQN arrived in harbour area.
    CRAB stats was then as follows:-
    Ready in 24 hours3-
    Reparable when spares arrive25
    Beyond repair52
    1300Harbour area was not mopped up and Two PW taken
    1500One tp 141 RAC (CHURCHILL Crocodiles) arrived for a task which
    did not materialize
    1800Regt refilled with POL, amn and sups from 50 Div points
    All transport was Continually run regimental under RQMS
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    BRECY91730Lt MA SUTTON (L.O.) in a Jeep. Lt AF GOULD (Sigs Offr) in a tank.
    Capt D.S. SQUIRRELL. RTA in place of Capt EASTWOOD in a Scout Car
    RW RHYMES and three lorries incl, tech stores arrived in harbour
    having landed one day late.
    1800One CRAB of C Sqn blown up while assisting recovery of a
    4/7 DG tank from a minefield. Cause was as very deep laid TELLER
    which did not explode until run over at least twice.
    Major S.P.M. Sutton who had been wounded in the thigh 7 June
    forced to leave for FDS
    100900All de water proofing now completed. About 50% of all Flail
    chains needed replacement, and 100% for one CRAB which
    had dealt with 40 mines without mishap.
    C S Returns (14 and 169 X NIL and one Y NIL and 8 Z NIL
    and 2
    1200Regt at one hrs notice to move. First Regt Order in France received.Appx B
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    BRECY101930Regtl dinner in officers mess.
    111000Rev Rhymes held CofE Service in a barn.
    Weather since Dday had been fine and no rain, There had been
    no enemy bombing or shelling whatever near regtl area.
    Tp 141 RAC left Comd.
    1300Major Gen PCS HOBART Commanding 79 Armd Div arrived
    on visit.
    1400C.O. called to HQ 50 Div for orders. Wireless warning order
    received to move to hold high ground Pt 112/7891 with under
    Comd two Tps 6 pds ATK 233 Fd Coy RE as inf and one pl MMG
    the whole force under 231 Inf Bde.
    1530C.O. left in car on reece, with Capt Stanyon as Commander of
    all tanks. F echelon moved to wood 7982 near
    JUAYE MONDAYE under Capt Taylor arriving 1900 hrs
    B echs and unfit CRABS remained at BRECY with RTA and RQMS
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    JUAYE- MONDAYE111900RHQ with two Shermans and 17 CRABS arrived
    2100All crabs moved on urgent orders to LA BELLE EPINE 7669Appx C
    where 2 DEVONS how been overrun. The tanks under Capt STANYON
    shot the inf into the village with no casualties, and killed
    40 enemy. The action finishes in the dark and tanks returned
    to harbour.
    Defence of point 112 was now laid out with tps under Comd
    and CO held tanks as mob??? res.
    23307 tanks moved out to hold stops on three approach roads
    120430Stand to. Pet and amn lorries brought up by Lt Sutton as
    wireless Comms has been impossible as more than two miles
    Two vehicles filled with water from petrol cans. Responsibility
    was not discovered
    1200Lts Hoban and Pear left with six CRABS to sp 231
    Bde adv from LA FROIDE RUE 7872 to LA SENAUDIERE 7869
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    JUAYE MONDAYE121400Tanks RV with inf in very close country impossible for AFVs to
    op with success, and they were expected to adv without proper
    inf sp. S.A and hy mortar fire were met, and an 88 mm gun
    knocked out three tanks of which one Commanded by Cpl McCall
    C Sqn brewed up. Cpl McCall escaped wounded, but the rest of
    his crew were missing believed killed Lt Pear was hit by mortar
    splinters in the back of the head but made his way nearly 2000
    yards before collapsing, to bring help to Tps BROMBY, his
    driver who was severally injured and later died. Lt Pear
    was recommended for Mention in Dispatches for this action.Appx D
    1900Capts Stanyon and Taylor in two CRABS recovered two mech
    cas under mortar fire, and night leaguered with six
    CRABS remaining fit.
    130430Stand to and move to open harbour 0530 hrs
    1400Regt reverted to 30 Corps Control and echelon moved to DOUET 8272
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    JUAYE MONDAYE140900Lt Townsend Green B Sqn left harbour with three CRABS to flail mines
    in back areas under C.E. 30 Corps. Two ranks were eventually put
    out of action by losing chains and missing occasional mines
    1500Inf took BERNIERES CHATEAU 2000 yards south and Lt HOBANS
    tank knocked out 12 June in action under 231 Bde was recovered
    with only track and one bogie shot away. Later Lt PEAR'S and
    CPL McCALL'S tanks, knocked out in the same actions were reached
    both burnt out. Rev Rhymes buried the remains of some of Cpl
    McCalls crew, which could not be identified.
    151600A Sqn under Major B.A Wallace arrived with Capt CB Beaumont
    and Lts BULLOCK INGRAM HALL and DICK and 17 fit CRABS. A SQNS
    original assault party included 12 CRABS, and a further 10
    for TD Regt. These were now returned to the Regt as reinforcements
    and tank stats was now
    24 hrs2125
    Over 24hs2316
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    JUAYE MONDAYE161800Regtl Det of 30 Armd Bde OFP consisting of Capt WHITTAKER and
    14 ORS with eight lorries arrived for permanent attachment
    170900Lt D.F. INGRAM C Sqn left with three CRABS to flail mines in back
    areas for C.E. 30 Corp.
    Full miniature range was established and officers mess opened.
    75 ORS daily went on recreational transport to BAYEUX Baths
    were a most urgent necessity but could not be obtained anywhere
    Recommend actions for Honours and Awards are Summarized as follows
    SQNDate of ActionNameDecoration applied for
    B6 JunSgt LINDSAYMilitary Medal
    B6 JunCapt TAYLORMilitary Cross
    C6 JunCapt BELLMilitary Cross
    C6/7Jun Mayor SUTTONMilitary Cross
    C7 JunCpl ADCockMention in dispatches
    C12 JunLt BH PEARMention in dispatches
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    JUAYE-MONDAYE18Rev Rhymes held service at 0800 and 1000 hrs in the cloister of the
    abbey at MONDAYE. Weather continues hot and fine. Casualties
    since D day are Summarized as follows
    6 JuneLoveday
    Lt Sgt Butcher
    Sgt Lindsay
    Trp Cooper
    Trp Grey
    Tpr Field
    Tpr Shaw
    7 JuneTrp BurchKilled
    Major Sutton
    Cpl Adcock
    L/Cpl Lenmon
    Tpr Kurk
    11 JuneAllenAccident???
    12 June Tpr BrombyKilled
    12 JuneLt Pear
    Tps Peters
    12 JuneCpl McCallWounded
    12 JuneWhithhouse
    Biddle combe
    Total462 and 12NILL
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    JUAYE- MONDAYE181200LT INGRAM'S tp returned without mishap.
    1500Brig DUNCAN visited the Regt.
    19Mortars trg and field minature range gunnery begin. Heavy rain started at
    1400Lt Dick and three CRABS of A Sqn att to 4 L of C to clear mines in rear area.
    20Capt G.C. BOGLE stated by Rear HQ as have been posted as HQ 30 Armd Bde
    as G2. Lt M. J. EEDY appointed Adjustant in his place and promotion applied
    The first bath passes was held for half The Regiment in BAYEUX.
    1700L.O. from 30 Corps arrived with orders for one Sqn to be det to 49 Div.
    CO and Major BA Wallace commanding A Sqn which was selected,
    left for HQ 49 Div 1715 hrs.
    211030C.O. ordered to HQ 30 Corps.
    1130Two lorries of WD qus??? det 30 Armd Bde RASC arrived and became "echelon" to A Sqn
    which still remains at MONDAYE harbour.
    1800Sqn ldrs tanks of B and C sqns, due D+10 arrived.
    A Sqn less two tps placed under command of 49 Div in sp 146 Inf Bde for attack
    on wood 8666 near TESSEL-BRETTEVILLE. Wood was suspected of being protected bymines.
    Attack was due to begin 0330 hrs 23 June.
    220900C Sqn now 11 CRABS and one SHERMAN placed under comd 8 Corps and sun allotted.WBO
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    JUAYE- MONDAYE22to 9 RTR, 31 TK BDE, 15 Div
    0900A Sqn moved to CHOUAIN 8372 for conc and C Sqn moved to FRESNAY
    LE CROTTEUR 8978. Both A and C Sqns were in res in case mines
    were encountered in the lug??? attack planned for 24 Jun
    23Attack postponed to 25 Jun. Res Tp A Sqn- Lt Ingram - also allottes to
    49 Div. A Sqn under Major Wallace with two two Tps - Lts Ingram and Bullock
    now under 49 Div direct with Capt Braumont and one tp. Lt Hall in sup 146 Bde
    C Sqn received no definite orders but were also in sp incase mines were met.
    Lt Dick with 4 L of C now had two out of Three tanks out of action as
    flails having failed to deal successfully with wooden box ATk mines.
    In one place seven were flailed and five did not explode, but in all cases
    flails showed pattern of field and enabled RE to left the remainder by hand
    without difficulty.
    2000Lt Col Wyk Blair Oliphant ordered to HQ 8 Corps as adviser on Flails
    and AVRE for the attack. No orders had still been received for B Sqn
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    JUAYE-MONDAYE24Lt Dick returned from 4 L of C with two tanks out of three unfit as flails. He dealt with 137
    out of 140 "S" mines but found 75% of Holzmine in 3 to 5 inches of soil under long
    grass were not blown. These mines in several cases were not exploded even by a tank
    running over them once.
    180030 Corps ordered B Sqn to remain in res
    Lt Ingram joined A Sqn under 49 Div with his troop. Major Wallace and Capt Beaumont
    were now in 49 Div res with two tps under Lt Ingram and Lt Bullock, in all 12 CRABS,
    and Lt Dick was help in regtly res. Distribution of tanks (CRABS) at 2300 hrs, all being fit.
    was as follows:-
    In 49 Div Res12--
    146 Bde under 49 Div5--
    15 Div--11
    Regtl area 30 Corps res48-
    Two RHQ Shermans and one Sherman each B & C also remained in Regtl area
    Capt D.S. Squerrill, RTA, in repairing Lt Dicks flails, had now used the last
    spares available from knocked out tanks. Only four tanks of the Regt has been
    in REME hands in France and Regtl fitters had continually done the work of
    2 and 3rd line workshop with the most excellent results.
    The official "Bob weight" chains had never yet been seen and less than
    the op res. of 200% bar link were now held. Some sound luck of which OFP
    det had eight sets were fitted,
    250800Rev Rhymera held service in cloister of MONDAYE abbey after a night very
    disturbed by hy arty sited around harbour. Weather still fine and hot. The
    attack had now started at first light 25 June
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    MONDAYE26C Sqn moved to NORREY-EN-BESSIN 9270. still in res. A Sqn remained in res at Le Pout Roc
    incl Lt Hall's Tp now also under 49 Div Control. "A" Section 30 Armd Bde workshop REME
    arrived at Mondaye under Capt Friend??? for permanent attachment. This section was originally
    intended for 22 Dgns. It consists of 26 vehs and 68 all ranks incl one ARV, two transporters, colospre???
    and eight stone lorries.
    27Heavy rain fall before dawn. C Sqn broken two bund hooks during move.
    28A Sqn unter comd 8 Armd Bde but location unchanged
    29Situation unchanged
    30Supply by 30 Armd Bde RASC to Regt Location was begun in place of drawing from
    30 Corps Tps Points by Unit Transport.

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