National Archive Reference: WO 171/864
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Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
NISTELRODE | 1 | A Sqn reverted to Army Res at E 371482 near S'HERTOGENBOSCH B Sqn less | |
one tp with 1 R Tks, 22 Armd Bde, 7 Armd Div conc at 325385. C Sqn at VLIERDEN E 6217 det one tp to 4 Tk Coldm Gds, 6 Gds Tk Bde, 15 (s) Div for | |||
ops towards VENLO. This tp did not take part in ops but flailed to re cover a bogged A tk gun, and two CRABS were damaged by mines, one a write off. | |||
Mines in this area were normally RMi 43 or Teller laid double, and at very short intervals | |||
2 | Major J.M. Sidey left to command 79 Armd Div units in sp 51 (H) Div. | ||
3 | Recce party left for 79 Armd Div conc area SW of EINDHOVEN E 41. | ||
Lt. B.H. Pear with the three remaining CRABS of his tp of C Sqn led the advance of 4 Tk COLDM GDS in MEIJEL area. All tanks were hit and two | |||
brewed up. Lt. Pear and two crews were posted missing. | |||
4 | 0900 | RHQ Main moved to EIJKEREIND E 3405 near EINDHOVEN. Sqns did not go into action. | |
5 | One tp C Sqn under Lt B.M.S. Hoban flailed in lead of GDS Tks in repitition | ||
of the attack of 3 Nov. One tank brewed up and others bogged, but all crews escaped. C Sqn now had only 8 CRABS fit for action. Owing to | |||
insufficient replacements being held in Fwd Del Sqn four CRABS were awaited from the 264 Sp Del Sqn. | |||
6 | A Sqn joined RHQ at EIJKEREIND. B & C Sqns saw no action. Lt. Col. W. Y. K. Blair Oliphant MC returned from Commanding 31 Tk Bde and re-assumed comd | ||
of the Regiment. | |||
7 | B Sqn reverted to Army Res and moved to EIJKEREIND. C Sqn did not go into action. | ||
13 | A Sqn allotted to 11 Div. C to 15 (S) Div - 6 Gds TK Bde and B Sqn to remain in 8 Corps res. No move yet. First WYMAN tank lane markers | ||
fitted. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
EIJKEREIND | 16 | 0930 | Lt. Col. W. Y. Kington Blair Oliphant MC attended conference at HQ 15 (S) Div ZOMEREN E5911 |
1500 | Tac HQ with Lts. Gould and Sellman moved to ZOMEREN | ||
17 | Three tks of B Sqn went into C Sec 30 Armd Bde Wksps for overhaul, One tp B Sqn released from Army res to 15 (S) Div but did not move. 48 hours | ||
leave to BRUSSELS continued and 5 Offrs and 35 ORs per A, B & C Sqns had now been, | |||
On 15 (S) Div front patrolling continued and Sjt Barnes C Sqn was killed during the night 17/18 Nov on inf patrol. An assault crossing of canals | |||
VAN DURNE and HELENSBAART east of MEIJEL E was proposed for 18 Nov to continue advance on the SEVENUM axis, grouping as follows:- | |||
RIGHT (2 Crossings) LEFT ( One Crossing). 227 Inf Bde 44 Inf Bde | |||
One Bn Scots Gds Tks. One Tp C Sqn. 2 Tps W Dgns (C Sqn) One Tp B Sqn | |||
2 Tps Crocodiles. Other arms est RIGHT 2 CONGAS (222 ASRE) | |||
19 | Authority given to return one tp B Sqn u/c 15 (S) Div to Corps reserve. B Sqn put at 4 hrs notice by 31 Tk Bde. | ||
1100 | Lt. Col. W. Y. Kington Blair Oliphant MC attended conference GOC 15 (S) Div. | ||
20 | C Sqn moved to HEUSDEN E 6211. A Sqn moved to area 652245. CAMBRAI DAY | ||
Tp B Sqn gave show. Regimental Dinner. A and C Sqn unable to attend. | |||
21 | B Sqn moved to OPLOO 7136 | ||
22 | One tp C Sqn flailed a lane in advance leading Scots Gds tks and GORDONS on ACHTESTER STEEG 804125 | ||
One Tp A Sqn (L t M.A. Sutton) in sp 23 H flailed a narrow lane E768205. Two 23H tks were brewed up and Lt Sutton was ordered | |||
to withdraw. His complete job was thus carried away. While returning back he dismounted under heavy fire to rescue wounded man on the ground. For this act he was recommended | |||
for the award of the M.C. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
EIJKEREIND | 23 | Extensive recce on foot was now carried out with inf patrols before all attacks, normally by Tp Sjt. | |
Lt. M. A. Sutton with remaining four CRABS flailed a lane area E7520 east to | |||
cross the canal leading 23H and 3 R Tks. Two CRABS blew up on mine, due to heavy ground reducing flail speed. The third tk bogged and the rotor of | |||
the fourth, while blowing a mine was carrued away, presumably because the formation of the ground caused the rotor to be only about one foot above the | |||
ground at this moment. | |||
24 | One tp B Sqn (Lt.Moore) in sp 3 (Br) Div. | ||
C Sqn moved to HORST 8218 Tac HQ moved to 819158 South of HORST. B Sqn reverted to 8 Corps res. | |||
Recommendation for revised WE submitted to 30 Armd Bde. Chief proposal to exchange RHQ tanks for wireless vehicles to facilitate the operation of two | |||
separate Regt HQs. | |||
25 | Major Sidey's TAC HQ with 11 Armd Div withdrawn to RHQ Main, | ||
26 | B Sqn reverted in sp 8 Corps and conc at 765266 moving 27 Nov to area MAASBREE 8205 to join 22 Dgns in sp 12 Corps. | ||
A Sqn reverted in sp 8 Corps and conc at 651245. All tps of C Sqn were allotted in sp 3 Tk SCOTS GDS for attack on BROEKHUIZENVORST 9023 and | |||
BLITTERSWIJK 8726. They did not flail but the Sqn was heavily shelled. | |||
27 | Move of B Sqn to MAASBREE cancelled. | ||
28 | Tac HQ rejoined Main HQ at EIJKEREIND. C Sqn ceased to be in sp 15 (S) Div and remained at HORST. | ||
29 | C Sqn area in HORST shelled. | ||
30 | A Sqn attacked in sp 3 MON. Phase 1 objective KASTEEL 9021. 2 Tp in sp | ||
A Coy. Three lanes each one tk wide required for inf and completed. Cas one CRAB transmission jammed by heavy mine explosion. Phase 2 4 Tp | |||
in sp C Coy. Objective BROCKHUISEN 9022. Three lanes one tk wide required and completed. Cas one tk brewed up. LT.HALL and one OR wounded. |
Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information |
Fire sp each phase by one Sqn 15/19H, arty and mortars. Third task | |||
clearing western approaches to KASTEEL. Task completed with three tanks booged. | |||
B Sqn returned to billets at EIJKEREIND. |