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    War Diary: Westminster Dragoons

    Month and year: October 1944

    The Westminster Dragoons October 1944 war diary covers the units advance from Belgium into the Netherlands performing mine clearing with their flail tanks.

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/864

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    Page 1 of 5
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    LUCHEUX120 X 3 ton lorries under Lt. MACKICHAN left on G.T. duties; a total journey
    of approx 350 miles.
    2Regt under comd 31 Tk Bde (CROCODILES) at 6 hrs notice to move. LO sent to
    HQ 31 Tk Bde.
    1700Warning Order to move all tracks on transporters, no destination given,
    3All tanks and ARV loaded on to tptrs left to area ALBERT CANAL (ANTWERP)
    to arrive AM 5 Oct 44. No orders received except to comply with instrs
    held by RASC tptr coy.
    1800Lt. MACKICHAN and lorries returned
    40900Balance of Regt left for BEERINGEN (K2475) arriving 2200 hrs.
    BEERINGEN5Lt. Col. W. Y. K. Blair Oliphant MC moved to HQ 8 Corps with Tac HQ, to comd all
    79 Armd Div Tps in sp 8 Corps with assistance of 2 IC 42 ARE. Major J.M.
    Sidey moved to HQ 30 Corps with Tac HQ 42 ARE to comd all 79 Armd Div tps
    in sp 30 Corps. A Sqn with Capt D.S. Squirrell RTA moved to E6246 near MILL
    and B Sqn with EME Capt D.J. Prior to 30 Corps E6258. C Sqn remained in res
    with RHQ and moved to AALST E4415 near EINDHOVEN. B Echelons remained with
    AALST6A Sqn moved to LANGENBOOM E6246 and B Sqn to WIDTCHEN E6258.
    70010Warning Order for C Sqn to join A Sqn in sp 8 Corps.
    020031 Tk Bde ordered C Sqn to join A Sqn 0900 hrs, both Sqns being in sp 3
    (Brit) Div.
    A Sqn moved to HEUMEN 7153 and B sqn to WINSEN 6167 for advance
    by 8 and 30 Corps on the RUHR between R. RHINE and R. MEUSE.
    Regt now disposed as follows, all under Comd 31 Tk Bde.
    8 Corps, 30 Corp.s
    Tac H2 W Dgns (Lt. Col. W. Y. K. Blair Tac HQ 42 ARE (Major Sidey) (at HQ 8
    Oliphant MC) (at HQ 6 Gds Tk Bde) Armd Bdo)
    In sp 3 (Brit) Div A Sqn less 1 Tp In sp 8 Armd Bde - B Sqn.
    C Sqn less 1 Tp
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    8 Corps. 30 Corps.
    In sp 15 (s) Div 1 Tp A Sqn.
    8 Corps res 1 Tp C Sqn (remains with C Sqn).
    848 hrs standfast ordered for whole op, and this changed to advance by 3.
    (Brit) Div with very strong arty sp towards VENLO E90.
    90900RHQ Main moved to E 610482 near ZEELAND
    1400A and C Sqn moved to E625477 and B Sqn to 600656 near WINSSEN.
    Nr. ZEELAND111400A Sqn moved to conc with 6 Gds Tk Bde at OPLOO 7136 and C Sqn in res to 7040
    12A Sqn allotted in sp COLDM GDS and C Sqn GREN GDS of 6 Gds Tk Bde for
    attack on OVERLOON E7631.
    13OVERLOON taken. Lt. Sutton with two CRABS of A Sqn flailed along rd,
    into village but no mines were found. On return journey Lt Sutton's
    CRAB struck one mine when crossing ground not previously covered and was
    halted. Lt. Pear with one tp C Sqn led GREN attack for about 1, 000 yds
    without cas and blew approx 40 mines. All mines in this area were R Mi 43
    and not the usual Teller or Holz mine. They had less effect on tracks and
    bogies but two rotors of C Sqn CRABS were bent by blast. This had not
    previously been experienced. A and C Sqns then move to area OVERLOON.
    A right and C left leaving A Echelons 6 - 7 miles behind Sqn Echelons were
    always comd by an officer, usually 2 IC or 3 IC Sqn.
    14Two tps A Sqn under Lts. Cooper and Hall moved up with COLDM GDS but were
    not used. Res Tp (Lt. Sutton) called in by Comd 6 Bde Tk Bde to flail rd
    746318 to 743314 and rd 746318 to 745313. Five mines were blown. No. 1
    Tp C Sqn under Sjt Barnes moved with No. 1 Sqn GREN GDS and blew 16 mines
    at 777326, No.2 Tp with 3 Sqn GREN GDS remained in res at 751316 and were
    not employed. No.3 Tp (Lt.Pear) remained 745334 for maintenance and refit.
    HQ 30 Armd Bde stated they could not provide tpt to send up rotors and
    replacement Flail Chains from HQ OFP at BURST near BRUGES. 4 Regt 3 ton
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    lorries unloaded on to ground and sent off.
    15B Sqn carried out practice flail by "artificial moonlight" by tps, with
    CROCODILE co-operation. A Sqn maintenance and refit all day. 1 Tp C Sqn
    det to 11 Armd Div, and balance of Sqn maintenance and refit.
    Comd 6 Gds Tk Bde expressed his gratitude for the excellent sp of the Regt.
    16Attack launched on VENRAIJ 7826. A Sqn in sp COLDM GDS from wood 7630
    to BRABANDER 7728. No mines were blown but 4 CRABS bogged and one Z cas
    from shellfire. C Sqn sp GREN GDS from wood 749286 to HIEPT 764275.
    Scattered mines were blown. 3 CRABS bogged and one capsized into dyke when
    Transcription note: 749286 was corrected from 949286
    crossing on an AVRE fascine. It could not be rec and was written off.
    1800C Sqn reverted in sp 11 Armd Div and moved to area RIPS 6630.
    269 Fwd Del Sqn now working in conjunction with 264 Sp Del Sqn (as Corps
    Del Sqn) located at GELDROP with four CRABS under Lt. INGRAM.
    Replacements demanded from 31 Tk Bde 2100 hrs.
    E 64132117B and C Sqn did not operate. No. 2 Tp A Sqn-attacked with GREN GDS and
    No. 3 Tp with COLDM GDS. Two CRABS of 2 Tp were halted by mines at
    768278 and 3 Tp flailed in area 7828, but mines were met. VENRAY was
    was finally taken at midday.
    18A and C Sqns were reduced to half tank strength mainly by bogging. RTA
    borrowed an ARV from Bde Wksps to assist recovery. ALL Crab spares were
    still drawn from 30 Armd Bde OFP at BURST near BRUGES 150 miles away, and
    these always had to be collected in unit vehicles.
    Lt. D C. Bright with 1 Tp C Sqn in sp 1 Sqn 23 H (29 Armd Bde, 11 Armd Div)
    knocked out one 75 mm A tk gun and took 60 prisoners after killing 30 - 40
    in attack on VOLEN.
    19Four flails of A Sqn flailed back areas. Planning for operations west-
    wards in sp 12 Corps now in progress and this Regt was provisionally
    allotted as follows by HQ 31 Tk Bde. All special devices in sp 12 Corps
    were placed u/c Lt. Col. SAVAGE 42 ARRE assisted by Maj J.M. Sidey.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    19 (Cont)7 Armd Div - One Tp B Sqn.
    53 (W) Div - One Tp B Sqn
    51 (H) Div - A Sqn
    12 Corps Res - B Sqn less two tps.
    11 Armd Div - C Sqn.
    20Lt. Gen Sir Richard O'Connor, KCB, DSO, MC Commanding 8 Corps published an
    Order of the Day congratulating all tps in the operation, and personally
    thanked and congratulated the Commanding Officer for the work of A and C
    Sqns and remarked upon their fine fighting spirit.
    21A Sqn moved to 4531 ST OEDENRODE in sp 33 Tk Bde - 51 (H) Div. B Sqn HQ
    remained at REEK, with No. 1 Tp with Major J. H. Buckingham and Lt. A.R. Poston
    in sp 7 Armd Div at VEGHEL and No.2 Tp with Major Sidey, Capt Taylor and
    Lt. Moore in sp 53 (W) Div at 468527. C Sqn in sp 11 Armd Div remained
    at DEURNE,
    22Attack an S'HETOGENBOSCH began. All Flails were held in res, except a tp
    of B Sqn under Lt. POSTON, B Sqn with 131 Bde 7 Armd Div was killed in his
    tank by a sniper and was buried at HEESCH Cemetery 23 Oct. The tp blew
    20 mines clearing approach to an enemy posn 404444 for the Crocodiles.
    23Weather getting very cold. Anti Freeze and winter clothing not yet issued.
    One tp of B Sqn with 7 Armd Div moved to NISTELRODE E 5046.
    One tp of B Sqn with 160 Bde 15 (S) Div flailed 50 yards of track but blew
    no mines. Lt. Col. W. Y. K. Blair Oliphant MC left to comd 31 Tk Bde in
    absence of Brig Knight on compassionate leave.
    24No Crabs went into action.
    25C Sqn still in res in sp to 11 Armd Div moved to billets at BAKEL 6124.
    26C Sqn reverted in sp Second Army in res remaining at BAKEL. A Sqn HQ at
    ST MICHAELS GESTEL 360405 and B Sqn at ROSMALEN 355492.
    29A Sqn reverted in sp Second Army. Recce of NISTELRODE E 5046 as Regt conc
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    31RHQ Main moved 1166 hrs to NISTELRODE E5047 and Tac joined Main.
    C Sqn placed in sp 6 Gds Tk Bde u/c 15 (S) Div for ops against enemy threat
    from VENLO and moved to VLIERDEN 6217, No.2 Tp under Lt. Hubble moved to
    VREEKWIJK E6518 in sp 4 Tk COLDM GDS.
    A Sqn remained in res at E372480.
    B Sqn less one tp with 7 Armd Div conc E325384. Det Gp knocked out one S.P.
    7.5 mm gun, in sp 1 RTR but did NOT flail.

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