Title45 (R.M.) Commando - Extracts from Unit History covering campaign Normandy to the Baltic
SourceUK_National_ArchiveReferenceWO 223/23

The Officers Who Took Part.

COLt.-ColN.C. RiesRM
Lt.-ColW.N. GrayRM
2icMajI.D. De'AthDSO RM
AdjCaptB.G. WhiteRM
AOCaptF. DerbyshireRM
CaptA. ArmstrongRM
MOCaptH. SmithRAMC
Sigs OffrLtP. NelsonRM
IOLt.W.E. KennedyRA
Lt.A SudboroughRM
Lt.B.C. SamainRM
A TroopCapt.E. GrewcockRM
Lt.T. ThomasRM
Lt.H.R. BeddallRM
B TroopCaptLt. J. MichelRM
Lt.P. DunkerleyRM
Lt.P. DunkerleyRM
Lt.E.Y. McDonaldRM
C TroopMaj.J. RushforthRM
Capt.P. Bernerd(Gordons)
Lt.G.T. JacksonRM
Lt.J. BrownRM
D TroopCaptA. ScottRM
Lt.A. GaleRM
Lt.F. LinscottRM
E TroopCaptI.N.N BeadleRM
Lt.J.E. DayRM
Lt.P.S. WinstonRM
Lt.D.R. NewtonRM
F TroopLtC. FletcherRM
Lt.L. HoadRM

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 45 (R.M.) Commando - Extracts from Unit History covering campaign Normandy to the Baltic

Page: The Officers Who Took Part