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    War Diary: 4 Coldstream Guards

    Month and year: April 1944

    The 4 Coldstream Guards April 1944 war diary covers the units time in England while base at Rufford Abbey and Charing

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1251

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    Page 1 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Rufford Abbey1-3Bn did Tank Infantry cooperation with 2 G.H.
    7Censorship was introduced for all ranks. Everyone now felt that the
    prospect of being in action soon were much higher.
    8-11Personnel from the Bn shot at Midhope AFV. Ranges
    13Capt P.T.D. Macfarlane posted to HQ 3rd Div. as CSO III
    13Lieut M Buxton promoted Captain
    132nd Lient J. Somerset posted to the Bn from the Training Bn
    17-21A series of driver courses were arranged. A number of American
    Engineers Attended in addition
    23Bn took part in a Parade at York. The 1st and 5th Bns were also
    present. The Regimental Lieut Colonel took the parade, and a service
    was held in York Minster. After the service the Regiment marched past
    the Lord Mayor of York.
    24Lieuts G.F. Anson. G. Montague-Jones. RJ.Brand and 2nd Lient M.
    Page-Wood Posted to the Holding sqn of the GAT??? Wing
    Page 2 of 2
    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and Information
    Rufford Abbey242nd Lieuts RGR Marsden, L.R. Smith, D.M. Fetherstonhaugh, D. Meinertzhagon
    Posted to the Bn from the training Bn.
    24Re Major General Commanding Brigade of Guards Lt- General Sir H.C.
    Lloyd visited the Bn.
    Charing28-9Exercise Cornelius Bn Moved to Charing, Kent.
    Bn HQ are in a nice House called Pett Place
    HQ Sqn are in 2 Houses in Charing village
    No 1+2 sqns are 5 miles away at Hall's Place and Stalisfield
    No 3 Sqn is at Longleech camp at the Top of Charing Hill.
    The complete change of scenery and the sunny south are much
    appreciated by the majority of the Bn.

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