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    War Diary: 4 Coldstream Guards

    Month and year: November 1944

    The 4 Coldstream Guards November 1944 war diary covers the units actions in The Netherlands in the areas around Deurne

    National Archive Reference: WO 171/1251

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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    DEURNE1Full details Operation Plan given in Appendix.Appx Op. Order No 13 46 H Inf Bde
    Visibilty was an improvement on the previous day. The plan was based on information that the area of Bde
    left flank up to the canal de DEURNE was hold by the enemy in probably 3 Coy Strength with possibly S.P.
    guns and a few tanks were known to be in the vicinity. Both Phase 1 and Phase 2 were carried out with little
    opposition. The going was to deep for tanks to support Infantry to objective, and permission was given
    for them to remain in static support after advancing approx 800 yds. To speed up operations, as it appeared
    enemy were with drawing, No 3 Sqn were ordered to support 6 K.O.S.B. in attack on HUTTEN Vice. 2 Glas H.
    1445Attack started and good progress was made. The tanks gave maximum fire support to infantry and many houses
    and haystacks were left burning. Objectives reached by approx 1600 hrs. 15 (S) Div Recce ordered to
    advance to HEIDRACK. Misunderstanding, and this not done. Our Commanding Officer then ordered our own Recce
    to do the job.
    1635Recce report being fired on from bend in road 6911. Under cover of smoke two sub units were with drawn and
    all personnel. The third sub unit was recovered the following day. Infantry ordered to consolidate. No
    further advance. C.O. directing medium fire on enemy gun position. Bn. with drawn for night to area of
    previous night. Promise of 3 days rest for maintenance of tanks and personnel. Increased enemy artillery
    and accuracy may be noted past two days. Capt Scott, I.O. wounded during afternoon. (At the same time the
    Adjutant was caught with his trousers down but suffered no injury.
    2Bn moved back to area of DEURNE for 3 days rest and maintenance. Mostly in billets. Some excellent rooms
    have been ingeniously built in this local brick yard. Two officers and 20 O.R.s have 48hrs leave to BRUSSELS
    3Maintenance. A good percentage of 20 hr passes to HELMOND, where cinemas and E.N.S.A shows are available.
    4-5A rumour that we may have to relieve 4th G.G. in support of 44 Bde in attack on MEIJEL. church Services on
    Sunday 5th. Maintenance.
    6No 3 Sqn. move to area N.W. MEIJEL in counter attack role with Royal Scots Fusiliers.
    7The whole Bn move to HELMOND, where we are accommodated in excellent billets in the residential area. All 6th
    Gds Tk Bde in same area.
    8-19This period was spent with the usual normal daily routine. Gunnery and wireless courses were run by Sqns.
    Permanent passes from 1630hrs to 2300hrs allowed. A football match Bn v Helmond resulted in a win for Bn
    11 - 0 on Sat 11th. A 30yds range was found and used for the purpose of giving all ranks an opportunity of
    firing Bren, Sten & Revolver.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    HELMOND cont.A dance was held for Guardsmen and Corporals in the Flora Hall. A great success and more have been arranged.
    A Bde Club was opened and named the "Churchill Club". Extremely popular. Teas and cakes can be Bought and
    ample space is provided for reading and writing and recreation. One room alloted for visitors. During this
    period 48 hrs leave to BRUSSELS continued. 2 Officers and 20 O.R.s at a time. Well organised accommedation
    in good hotels and boarding houses made this leave extremely enjoyable for those lucky enough to get leave
    The 15 (S) Div Club at Tilburg was also kindly open to us for vagancies.
    VENRAY201000Once again we were destined to visit a familiar part of the country and the Bn moved to VELLUM, just S.W. of
    VENRAY. H.Q. being at 773264. A skeleton A Ech moved into the brickyards at DEURNE. B Ech remaining in Sqn
    billeting areas at HELMOND, where we hoped to return. Route taken HELMOND - DEURNE - VENRAY. We came in
    support of 9 Bde 3 Brit. Div. whose H.Q. were at WEVERSLO744252.
    21A day of reace and conferences. No tanks moved.
    22Two tps of No 2 Sqn moved to VENLEN to support No 1 Lincolns. The tank track was very bad and one got bogged
    and had to be left until reovery the following day. The weather was very wet and raining hard.
    23Full details Operational Order No 10. 9 Brit Inf Bde. This was not adhered to in detail for reasons of
    extremely boggy and wet country and the fact that it was not thought necessary for close support and the
    enemy was known to be pulling back towards the River MAAS.
    Appx. A Op. Order No 10 9 Brit Inf Bde
    VENLENThe presense of mines was also known from patrols. However in extremely unpleasant wet weather Nos 2 & 3 Sqns
    moved by 11th Armd Div. route (Xrds 720237 - X tracks 717196 - X tracks 744209) to VENLEN, No 3 remaining
    just west of the village. No 2 moved up the road towards OVERBROEK in support of Lincolns. No opposition was
    met and the Sqn remained in the area of the factory. In the afternoon No 3 were ordered to move forward
    to area of woods at 784216, to be in support of K.O.S.B.s if required. The only opposition came from mines &
    booby traps which were not as plentiful as at first suspected. No 1 Sqn did not move, remaining at call of
    8 R.U.R who were in Bde reserve.
    VELLUM240800As from this hr the Bn came back in 3 Div. reserve and concentrated back in the original area at VELLUM with
    Bn. H.Q.
    25-26These days were spent in cleaning and maintenance, although rain continued.
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    2740 Germans were reported to be holding the KASTEEL on the west bank of the R. MAAS. We came under command 8 Bde
    to assist the Suffolks to capture the KASTEEL. Owing to the flooded state of the surroundings, and only one rd
    being open for approach, the Suffolks had failed in their attempt. An intergent of the German wireless had been
    made, in which the defenders had asked to be allowed to withdraw. The answer game back. "NO, one Coy must
    remain".They had then asked for more men and ammunition. A programme of demolition was arranged.
    Appx. Aerial Photo.
    1230-1430A "Heavy" concentration was put down.
    1430-15302 Tps No 1 Sqn. with 4 95's & "Cuckoo" the panther shelled from area of woods at HEILHUIZEN 825291.
    1530-16004.2 mortars put down concentration of 500 rounds. Lt. Litchfield & 5 men from Recce TP. under cover of
    dark, had reached on O.P. position at 830300 approx by first light and were able to report on results and
    correct tank fire.
    1130Recce reported German digging franctically at Y junction 833298. After the shelling had ceased at 1530, this
    German was reported to be still digging.
    1630A patrol from Suffolks took over from Recce for the night, having spent rather an uncomfortable day, being
    mortared, shelled & machine gunned. No casualties. All tanks returned to Bn H.Q. for night.
    280730The Recce took over from Sufolks patrol. At the suggestion of the Commanding Officer, a medium gun R.A. was
    brought into position at HEILHUISEN and fired over open sights. 95.s from Nos 1 & 3 continued to assist.
    1405-15308 Typhoons in two groups of 4, low-level bombed with 500lb bombs. The results were not highly satisfactory,
    one plane dropping its load on the village of GEIJSTEREN, the second attempt was more affective. All tanks
    returned to Bn H.Q. for night, having caused heavy damage to the KASTEEL.
    29The process of demolition continued. Overnight it had been reported that a motor boat had been heard on the
    river, possibly evacuating or bringing supplies.
    0700No 2 Sqn Commander (Maj. M.V.Milbank) took two 95mm tanks, 1 6Pdr and. 1 75mm to MARSHEES with the intention
    of demoishing the back of the KASTEEL, nearest river, which was thought to be the German sleeping quarters.
    A medium gun also fired from the same area. During the day the artillery fired on targets across the river,
    which had been plotted during the previous days.
    301405At this time 4 Typhoons with 500lb bombs, attacked again with better success, scoring several direct hits.
    15304 other Typhoons with rockets added to the now heavily damaged buildings.
    2200The final assault was timed for this hour. An artillery barrage was timed for H-20 to H-5, with No 2 Sqn
    again at MARSHEES firing on targets across the river at AAIEN 827334 and
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    PlaceDateHourSummary of Events and InformationReferences to Appendices
    302200 contand KAMP 835315 as a diversion. This actually drew heavy fire on area MARSHEES as intended. Two tanks with
    Maj. M.V.Milbank moved south along road towards KASTEEL as far as 824308 and then returned. This entailed
    fording water up to 1 ft deep. Unfortunately the infantry meanwhile had their 6 assault boats shelled,
    leaving 1 only serviceable. No casualties to personnel. A delay took place while further boats were brought up
    and they finally got into the KASTEEL in the early hours of Dec 1st to find no enemy there. As the KASTEEL
    was a heap of rubble and the cellars were inaccessible, there may have been dead Germans underneath. A lot of
    blood was to be seen
    Dec 1stThe Bn moved back to our old billets at HELMOND via DEURNE reaching HELMOND at 1115 hrs. A Ech moved back from
    DEURNE at the same time.

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