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transferred to 56 Brigade, linking up with the 2nd South Wales Borderers about 2330 hours and forming a strong point at Vaux-sur-Aure.

9 Platoon landed under command of the 2nd Devons, the reserve Battalion of the Brigade. They had expected to support the attack of this Battalion on Ryes, but Les Rocquettes had first to be cleared and eventually Ryes was by-passed by a Company of the Devons. 9 Platoon went with the Company and supported them onto the high ground about LaNoe where they dug in for the night. Ryes was cleared up later by the infantry, but Fontenailles and Longues could not be taken that day.

An initial disaster increased the difficulties of the Heavy Mortar Platoon which was with "C" Company, as the Platoon Commander, Lieutenant Wheeler, was wounded during the first hour. For some time no contact could be made with them by Company Headquarters but later in the day the Platoon took up a position on Point 54. The situation was too confused to make Heavy Mortar fire desirable however and the Platoon was not called upon to give support.

On the left of the front "B" Company with 69 Brigade, although for the most part landed on time, experienced some trouble in getting clear of the beaches. 7 Platoon was the first ashore at H plus 20 minutes and Lieutenant Barnes, its Commander, was actually the first member of the Battalion to set foot in France. This Platoon landed in two separate sections on foot; one of these had casualties immediately, a shell landing in its midst as the men were wading ashore, killing one and wounding five - virtually wiping out a complete sub- section. The other Section under Lieutenant Barnes landed without mishap and took up a position on the edge of the minefield in the sand dunes to support 6 Green Howards onto their first objective. When this was captured the Platoon, now joined by the remaining sub-section, following up the Infantry onto the objective, but by a different route and picking their way through an enemy minefield. From this new position enemy anti-tank guns were engaged. Their carriers had now caught up with them, and again followed the 6 Green Howards, and taking up positions from time to time on the way, they passed through Villiers-le-sec and, in the early evening, reached some high ground overlooking St Gabrielle where the 5 East Yorks, in advance of the 6 Green Howards, were held up. It was decided that 6 Green Howards should pass through to attack Brecy and 7 Platoon accordingly remained in position North of St Gabrielle to support the attack. While waiting for it to commence they had a good shoot onto enemy Infantry withdrawing on the far side of the valley. 6 Platoon now rejoined 7 Platoon and together they gave the required support, neutralising a line of woods on the left of the advance. The attack was successful and after dark 7 Platoon moved forward again to the area of Brigade Headquarters where they dug in for the night.

8 Platoon had some difficulty in landing losing a carrier in the process, and when they finally succeeded, found that no exits had been made from the beach. Major Mellor, the Company Commander, was already ashore with a small Tac Headquarters, although he too had had difficulty, having to transfer from one L.C.A. to another in a rough sea when, in the middle of the minefield, the steering gear of the first broke down. He decided that the Infantry were too far ahead to make a long carry feasible, and 8 Platoon accordingly remained on the beach with their carriers. The beaches at this time presented a strange picture, choc-a-bloc with personnel, equipment and vehicles of every type, and rapidly becoming more and more crowded as other troops landed and the tide rose; mines were exploding continually in the sea and in the confusion their noise was difficult to distinguish from that of shells and mortar bombs which were still falling; the deep bomb craters were filling with water

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 2nd Bn The Cheshire Regt

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