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Tuesday and Wednesday 13th and 14th June were spent in rest and re-organisation behind the lines. The Battalion had little opportunity for sleep during the four hectic days in ST PIERRE, and most Companies had been without food from the morning of the advance until the consolidation after the counter attack 36 hours later. The casualties were estimated at 12 Officers (4 killed) and 190 Other Ranks During the period of re-organisation, the Battalion was reinforced to strength, receiving 11 Officers and 190 Other Ranks from varying units. 'C' Company which had lost all its Officers and many men, was taken over by Capt St George, and Major G.P. Chambers OC 'S' Company continued as 2i/c.

On Thursday the Battalion again moved into the line. This time the Battalion positions were WEST of TILLY, the Division being based on the sector between TILLY and HOTTOT. The 6th and 9th Battalions, whilst we were resting had attacked SOUTH from VERRIERES and LINGEVRES and were holding a line between these two villages WEST of TILLY which had been regained by the enemy.

The Battalion moved at 1030 hours and by 1400 hours 'A' and 'D' Companies were in forward positions straddling the village of LINGEVRES having relieved the ESSEX. 'B' and 'C' Companies took up position in reserve, on the road back to FOLLIOT.

The Battalion had 231 BRIGADE on its RIGHT flank and 6 DLI on the LEFT. The thickly wooded close country to the front was known to be strongly held, the main enemy defences being near HOTTOT 2 1/2 miles SOUTH of LINGEVRES.

Friday and Saturday were spent mainly in active patrolling SOUTH and SE in an endeavour to contact enemy units. Civilians returning to LINGEVRES from forward areas reported enemy positions in some strength in the PARC DE LA MERE and the Chateau do CORDILLON and our patrols confirmed these reports. 'D' Company shot up an enemy patrol in the early hours of Friday morning, and at 0900 hours 'A' Company fired on a recce patrol wounding and capturing 1 NCO in charge - from 901 Panzer Lehr Regt.

During the morning the 6 DLI moved up from VERRIERES level with the 8th on the TILLY road, and at the same time 69 BRIGADE on the RIGHT put in an attack, during which 151 BRIGADE Brigadier was wounded and Lt-Col Lidwill again took over Command of the Brigade, Major G.P. Chambers taking over Command of the Battalion.

On Saturday the 6th GREEN HOWARDS of the 69 BRIGADE moved forward on the RIGHT with their objective as LA TAILLE WEST of HOTTOT. They eventually established themselves halfway there, and remained at a point a mile forward of 'A' Company.

0n Sunday 18th June it was decided to move forward to the PARC DE LA MERE, level with the point occupied by the 6th GREEN HOWARDS, and to the LEFT. At 0730 hours 'B' Company moved from LINGEVRES and advanced towards the main HOTTOT - JUVIGNY road. Enemy opposition was early encountered and enemy AFVs reported. The enemy resistance was strong and the situation did not improve. Anti Tank Guns were

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 8th Battalion Durham Light Infantry Report, 1944 June

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