Title | 50 Div: The Artillery Story, 1943 - 1944 | ||
Description | This is a description of the planning, training, problems, and methods evolved prior to the invasion of NORMANDY. | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/4 |
1. This is a description of the planning, training, problems, and methods evolved prior to the invasion of NORMANDY. It carries the story forward to the assault landings by 50 (N) Infantry Division. Thereafter the Gunner's story is so intermingled with the infantry that it is best to superimpose the Gunner picture on to the infantry story and not treat it separately. References to the Gunners work will therefore be found in the stories of the infantry brigades.
2. In the autumn of 1943 50 (N) Infantry Division arrived in the UNITED KINGDOM from SICILY. They were very soon earmarked as an assault division for the invasion of NORMANDY, and started intensive training.
3. The Divisional artillery consisted of the
74 Field Regiment
90 Field Regiment
124 Field Regiment.
4. For some time extensive trials and exercises had been going on with the object of evolving the best method of providing artillery support during the approach to the beaches and immediately after the first landings. It had been found that artillery "deployed" in Landing Craft Tank (LCT) could fire accurately on to land targets. For technical reasons, SP artillery was found to he the best for this type of support, and it had obvious advantages for the actual landing and immediate support after loading.
5. In consequence the 86 Field Regiment (SP) (The Hertfordshire Yeomanry) and the 147 Field Regiment (SP)
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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