Title | 50 Div: The Artillery Story, 1943 - 1944 | ||
Description | This is a description of the planning, training, problems, and methods evolved prior to the invasion of NORMANDY. | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/4 |
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attached to each gun and were towed ashore. They were then unhooked and manhandled into dumps.
23. G. Waterproofing.
Guns were waterproofed to a height of 10 ft which enabled them to wade in water up to 7 ft 6 ins deep. The waterproofing was all done by the unit with the assistance of its own LAD only. It was done in two stages, the first before the move to the docks, the final stage after loading in the LCT. The first stage took from 7 to 10 days for the whole regiment, and the final stage some hours.
24. After final waterproofing SP guns could only travel a very short distance. Therefore it was necessary to remove waterproofing immediately after landing. This was done by the detachment and took only a short time.
25. Gunners were distributed throughout the formation in much the same way as they would have been for a normal land operation. The principle that regiments and batteries should be affiliated to brigades and battalions was followed throughout.
26. The CRA remained as artillery adviser to the Divisional Commander in his HQ ship. Similarly Regimental Commanders were with the Brigade Commanders of the brigades they were supporting in their HQ ships.
27. Initially BCs and OP parties were in the Landing Ship Infantry with the battalion they were supporting. The infantry transferred to Landing Craft Assault some eight miles off shore, for the actual landing and the affiliated gunners went with them, the
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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