Title | Notes by School of Combined Operations, 1944 | ||
Description | Notes by School of Combined Operations, 1944 | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/13 |
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A concrete command post with a periscope fitted in a 3 in hole, with all round vision to seaward. It was undamaged.
A 3 ft diameter Tobruk typo MG post, (1 1/2 ft concrete) with an all round are of fire. No signs of empty cartridge cases or damage.
It was possible that a post for observation or MG existed. If so, it was completely destroyed by a direct hit from a bomb. There was a crater about 25 ft diameter and 8 to 10 ft deep.
There was a bomb crater at the end of the trench system, 30 ft in diameter, 12 ft deep, which may have removed the pesitien; marked on the map. If this position had existed it was completely destroyed.
A Tobruk type of MG position 3 ft diameter with 1 1/2 ft concrete which was undamaged, through it was reported as having fired. A large crater 25 ft in diameter and 10 ft deep was 20 yds to the EAST of ASNELLES 14.
Another tyre MG position, 3 ft in diameter with 1 1/2 ft concrete. There were no signs either of damage or of whether the gun had fired.
(a) Houses in the town were damaged by bomb and shell fire. The main structure of the strongly built sanatorium was intact.
(b) Bombs had destroyed some pill boxes on the front at ASNELLES and had also made several large craters in the marshland and on the lateral road to the EAST of the town.
(c) There were no signs of rocket fire in the area - it was reported that the rockets had fallen short into the sea.
MG post with 2 ft thick walls, 3 ft thick roof and embrasures facing WEST and EAST along bench and inland (030° - 270°). It was not damaged by pbombardment and was reported to have been captured by the infantry after producing considerable harassing fire to the troops on the beach. From the many lines in its vicinity it is probable that it was the central control post for the defence in this area.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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