Title | 6 Airborne Div: report on operations, 1944 June | ||
Description | Extracts from report on operations, 6 Airborne Division | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/14 |
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A counter attack by one coy 1 Cdn Para Bn led personally by Comd 3 Para Bde partially restored the situation.
The only res at this time was 12 Para Bn which was very weak and resting, and one sqn 13/18 Hussars. It was decided that BREVILLE must once and for all be liquidated it was therefore decided to attack that evening, though time was short, but the situation called for drastic action. It was calculated that an attack in the last light and after a very hy days fighting would catch the enemy unpre- pared and further more give the assaulting tps time to reorg in the dark, Orders were therefore issued at 1900 hrs for an attack on BREVILLE to be launched at 2230 hrs. The attack was to be carried out by 12 Para Bn with 1 Coy 12 DEVON and one Sqn 13/18 Hussars under comd, and was to be sp by four Fd Regts and one Med Regt. The attack to be launched from the AMFREVILLE 1274 area.
An immediate enemy counter attack was anticipated, and to meet this rfts of 50 men of 22 Indep Para Coy were sent forward immediate- ly, and later one coy 1 RUR. No counter attack however developed.
(h) During night 12/13 Jun 152 Bde of 51 (H) Div crossed the R ORNE, and 5 CAMERONS attacks ST HONORINE at 0400 hrs from LONGUEVAL (held by 1 RUR). The village was captured, but subsequently lost to a determined enemy counter attack at 0915 hrs.
At 1800 hrs 7 A & SH (154 Bde, 51 (H) Div) entered the Div area, coming under comd 6 Airborne Div, and moved to RANVILLE.
(i) During night 13/14 Jun 51 (H) Div finally assumed responsibility for the SOUTHERN portion of the brhead. Interdiv bdy, running (all incl 6 Airborne) X rds 139719 - HEROUVILLETTE - BAS DE RANVILLE.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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