TitleNormandy notes on operation 231 INF BDE 6&7 June 44
DescriptionNotes on the 231 infantry brigade headquarters during 6th June 1944 and the following days.
SourceUK_National_ArchiveReferenceWO 223/36

6TH JUNE 1944

TAC, Bde HQ., was divided into two in case one part was unable to function.

Brigade Commander
Senior Arty. Officer
(Comd Arty Gp with his
Own staff officer and W/T net)
Assistant S.O.
B.B.C. Commentator

Brigade Major
Arty Rep

‘A’ Group crossed in H.M.S. NITH a frigate, ‘B’ in a L.C.T.

‘A’ and ‘B’ were on the same net. ‘B’ only listening; only to take over if ‘A’ was unable to function.

Brigade Commander could communicate by portable W/T to all all Bns and R.M. Commando and also with Brigade beach signals landed with leading troops. Also back to Naval Commander. Arty group Commander Was in touch with all arty and D.S.O.A.G. and naval bombardment ships. Air support was called for through Division.

Brigade Commander landed in L.C.M., unfortunately, it hit A mined local obstacle which holed the boat. The only vehicle with Brigade HQ., a jeep, was sunk and all on board had to wade ashore Carrying everything, but wireless sets were well waterproofed. TAC Bde HQ was first established on the road between Manvaines and Asnelles. Later another jeet was procured and the Brigade Comd was able to visit All Bn HQs and COs during the day.

The original plan was always adhered to but of course minor adjustments had to be made but I think the plan was flexible and I hope simple and allowed for time lag which occurred.

The control of the Marine commando was always difficult owing to the great distance and them having to carry everything including wireless on their feet.

The heavy bombing of Longues Battery was very accurate and well done but all other targets were unfortunately missed or the sortie called off owing to low cloud. This was most unfortunate at Le Hamel Where a defiladed pill-box at the end of the sea wall with 88mm gun and Machine guns (which was priority No1) was never attacked from the air. In consequence of it not being hit by anything with sufficient power to Knock it out, long delays and heavy casualties occurred owing to its Being stubbornly defended and able to cover the beaches.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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