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beyond, although wounded: Capt R. ROYLE who led "A” Coy with skill and determination in the assault in PUITS D'HERODE: Cpl S. THOMPSON, MM of “C” Coy (since awarded the DCM); Sgt A.W. TALBOT, since awarded the MM for directing his SBs and treating casualties with great gallantry on the beaches; Cpl W. HAWKINS of "D" Coy who took over 18 platoon when his platoon commander and platoon sgt were both killed and showed exceptional leadership and courage (he has since been awarded the MM); L/Cpl MILLER of 'D' Coy whose leadership and example led to the capture of a wood near Pt 54 (he has since been awarded the MM); others include Sgt TERRY of “A” Coy who took over command of a platoon early in tho day and led it with skill and dash, and the CSM O'CONNELL who led sections of "D" Coy forward under considerable fire. Finally mention rust be made of the energy and leadership of the Commanding Officer Lt. Col NORIE, his conduct of the battle, and his planning before it.

Early on 7th June, RYES was taken over completely from 2 DEVON and "C" Coy moved to area 345833. Shortly before midday the bn was ordered to send a company group to mop up enemy in area BAZENVILLE 8782 and La CROIX 8781. “B" Coy (Maj P. CHILTON MC) with under command dets carrier platoon and mortar platoon and support by a squadron SHERWOOD RANGERS, left the area RYES to carry out this task. The company with the tanks in close support mopped up the wooded area SOUTH of the main road SOMMERVIEU 8384 - CREPON 9083 while the carriers acted in a cut-off role to the East. The operation proved most successful and by 2000 hours approx 40 Germans had been killed and another 70 taken prisoner. The maps and papers of Comd 151 Inf Bde, who had been ambushed in that area the previous night, were recovered. "B" Coy Gp then returned to RYES and the bn remained conc in this area for the night 7/8th June (before orders were finally received for the next day which involved the bn as a “mot bn” with 8 Armd Bde). The only other incident during 7th June was the capture of 30 Germans including one officer by a burial party of “D” coy (accompanied by the Padro, Rev R. WATTS CP) in the area NW of Pt 54 after a short sharp action.

Casualties during the period 6/7th June were as follows :

6 Juno4171088- 9

(Total 123. The offrs were Lieuts LANCASTER, T.G., BRADBURY, C., WHITEBROOK, J., YOUNG, D.D.)


(Total 14. The offr killed was Lieut MAYES,


The second Bn The DEVONSHIRE Rect assault Gp was brought over on HMS. GLENROY, a ship with a truly excellent company who spared no pains to provide for the comfort of all ranks. A very close liaison had been established for some time before the assault between the ship and the regiment. At 0515 hours on the 6th June after postponement of one day the HMS GLENROY dropped anchor approx 10 miles NORTH of LE HAMEL. Two hours later the bn gp in LCAs headed for the shore. The sea was extremely rough and there were many cases of sea-sickness on the run in. The bn which was the reserve bn of 231 Inf Bde Assault Group was timed to start landing at H plus 40 mins, and touched down almost exactly on time well to the EAST of LE HAMEL. Landing was extremely difficult and hazardous due to the rough sea. The general plan was that the bn should

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: Normandy notes on operation 231 INF BDE 6&7 June 44

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