Title8th Battalion. The Parachute Regiment: War Diary, 1944 June
Description8 Bn. The Parachute Regt.: War Diary, 1944 June
SourceUK_National_ArchiveReferenceWO 223/19

8th Bn. The Parachute Regiment
WAR DIARY - NORMANDY 4 - 12 Jun 44

4 June

All preparations for Operation OVERLORD completed and Bn ready to emplane in evening. Later in day message received putting D day to 6 Jun and Bn is stood down for 24 hrs.

5 June - D - 1 and all preparations complete


Major G Payne with two Bn "pathfinder" sticks move off for HARWELL airfd.


Bn moves from Transit Camp to BLAKEHILL FM airfd.


Gliders take-off (HORSA Gliders - TUGs C.47s).


C.47 Parachute A/C take-off.

6 June - D day


Pathfinder sticks arrive on DZ.


Gliders arrive on LZ, but are widely dispersed.


Bn main body - time of lst drop on DZ.


Two recce parties of 8th Para Bn were dropped on DZ. Slight opposition was met at RV which was quickly overcome and one German killed. One German on a bicycle was taken prisoner.


OC recce party saw Gliders come over very widely dispersed. He was only able to locate two of them.


Saw main body arrive and states that aircraft were flying in every direction at different altitudes and all flying well above dropping speed.


CO arrived at RV and situation was as follows. There were about 30 men present and one RE Jeep and Trailer. It was reported by recce party that Bn appeared to be very widely dispersed and that no container A/C had dropped on DZ.

NOTE : -

The RV signal was a RED and GREEN verey light put up at frequent intervals which could be seen a considerable distance away. Actually it was seen on RANVILLE DZ.


SGT. FESQ of FSP was sent into TOUFFREVIILE to get information from the local inhabitants. He reported that TROARN was held and also ESCOVIILE and SANNERVILLE. The prisoner was also interrogated and he confirmed the statements of the local inhabitants. He reported that the fmn in TROARN was a mobile coy with half-tracks - strength of about 200 and that all main rds were covered by MG fire. During this period elements of the Bn were arriving slowly at the RV and there was considerable MG fire on the DZ. Everybody reported that they had been fired on on the way to RV.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 8th Battalion. The Parachute Regiment: War Diary, 1944 June

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