- 2 -

A1 4 Offrs and 36
A2 3 58
B 2 37
C 2 41

In addition 1 and 12 gliderborne with HQ RA with the balance of 24 seaborne.

(viii) Bde secs went in on Solae A basis in full strength. Para Bdes incl a glider element for the carriage of one 76 set and two 22 sets (duplicated) and one line det.

(ix) The addition of line dets to the WE of the unit had only been made two months before, in consequence no line eqpt arrived until the day before the div moved to its transit camps.

3. Security

This requires a separate heading because Airborne Tps must take special precautions to guard against the capture of documents which may compromise codes, etc to be used by seaborne forces.

(i) Code Signs. These were the normal extract. Considerable inconvenience was caused by their being in calendar days rather than in terms of D day. This meant that extracts had to be made for every day on which D day might fall. The extracts were reproduced on specially treated paper and carried by Signal officers, unit adjutants, and IOs only, in special destructors.

(ii) Slidex Keys. These were carried in the same way but special airborne keys were used and were also held by those seaborne forces with whom comns were to be established. The special keys were for use up to D + 5.

(iii) Maplay. As for Slidex.

(iv) The Signal Security officer travelled in Scale B with full code sign extracts, army and div slidex keys for issue after D + 3.

Typex machines were also brought in at this stage,

4. Liason with Seaborne Forces

OC 2 Coy was responsible for tying up last minute details with 1 Corps, 5 Div and 1 SS Bde, on all questions of frequencies etc. He travelled by sea attached to CSO 1 Corps.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div: report on signals operations, 1944 June

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