- 5 -

D to D + 7

1. The tasks given to the div were allotted as follows:—

TASK FORMATION Approx time of lending or dropping
RANVILLE-BENOUVILLE bridges Coy Oxf Bucks P - 5 hrs
" " bridgehead 5 Para Bde P - 4 1/2 hrs
SALLENELLES battery 5 Para Bde P - 4 1/2 hrs
Crossings over R. DIVES 3 Para Bde P - 4 1/2 hrs
Area NORTH to CABOURG 1 SS Bde H + 30 mins
Firm Base RANVILLE area 6 Airlanding Bde H + 14 hrs
Offensive Recce Airborne Armd Recce Regt H + 14 hrs

D day was 6 June 1944.
P hour (civil twilight) was 0515 hrs.
H hour was 0715 hrs.

Div Sigs Scale A 1 dropped at P - 4 1/2 hrs with the task of recce div HQ Lmrl of assisting the Royal Engineers with the clearing of obstructions from the DZ.

Scale A 2 landed with div HQ at P - 2 hrs.

2. Dropping was widefront both in para bdes and div sigs (for example, the two sticks composing Scale A 1 were dropped 8 miles apart).

In consequence all sets dropped in containers were not found in time for use. Many kitbags were lost due to their ropes break- ing even when paid out slowly.

3 Gliding was most accurate except for a few isolated cases.

4, The situation at H hr Was the following:-

(i) Parachutists

SECTION Personnel Equipment
1 Coy (Scale A 1) 87 None taken.
J 40 3 Wireless sets only.
K (5 Para Bde) 80 50%

(II) Gliderborne

SECTION Personnel Equipment
1 Coy (A E, F & P Secs - Scale A 2) 70 66
J 3 Para Bde) 50 50
K (5 Para Bde) 66 66

Stragglers arrived on D to D + 1 swelling the percentages of those arrived by approximately another 10%

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div: report on signals operations, 1944 June

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