Section 4. (Continued) Page 12

26. Does the periscope become obscured frequently?

Is the target usually obscured by flame and smoke?
It is blurred by rain and affected by mud, but the flame does not affect it as far as is known.

After one or two shots there is smoke, but it soon clears - it is not obscured by flame.
Even if obscured by smoke a new shot lights it up clearly and is followed by a second accurate shot at once.
27. In what order do you place the following as ideal targets?

(a) Troops in the open?

(b) Troops in slit trenches?

(c) Troops in houses?

(d) Troops in emplacements?

Is equipment used at all as an incendiary for demolition or destruction purposes?
1. Troops in houses (especially when not in a big town)

2. Troops in pillboxes

3. Troops in open (very rare - difficult to hit - but one shot would scare them out of their wits).

4. Troops in slit trenches

Not so far.
28. Is it customary to open fire with flame before the Crocodile is within effective flaming range. If so, at what range? If sudden shock assault wanted, then the answer is "No." Every effort made to obtain maximum shock and surprise especially again determined enemy. If operating against an enemy with very low morale who is expected to surrender at first opportunity, then the flame may be fired at about 180 yds. While the Crocodile is moving fast in to the effective range of around 100 yds. to 120 yds. On normal occasions most Crocodiles will be firing at 120 yds. especially of wind not strongly against or across.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: Analysis of operational use of Churchill Crocodile flame throwers in NW Europe, June-October 1944

Page: Page 12