- 5 -


a) A tk Task Cover rd approaches to LA ROSIERE - FONTENAILLES
and cross rds 814857.

(b) Inf 'B' Coy with under comd one det Mortars - One sec Carriers.

Task Deny high ground 8184 to the enemy.


29. Capture ring contour 8086 and FONTENAILLES.

30. Fwd Coy: 'C' Coy

Res Coy: 'D' Coy

31. Objective: Ring contour 8086 and FONTENAILLES.

32. Zero: Immediately 'B' Coy have seized high ground 8184.


33. Capture LONGUES 7986 and enemy strong pt 7987.

34. Main effort:- 'C' and 'D' Coys.

35. Plan: on completion STAGE IV at ring contour 8086.

36. 'SP' COY

(a) Mortar P1

(i) One sec under comd 'A' Coy until capture RYES when one det will revert to Bn res,

(ii) One sec under comd 'B' Coy.

(iii) One det under comd 'C' Coy.

(iv) Pl less 4 dets, Bn res and for STAGE V.

(b) A tk P1

under comd 'B' Coy.

Task: Protections of route and reorg on capture High ground 8184 as in para 28 above,

(c) Carrier P1

(i) Remain at Main Bn HQ loaded with res amn.

(ii) Immediately Coys reorganised Carriers will be sent with arm as required.

(iii) Two secs will be prepared to est joint post with 'K' Coy 3rd Bn 16 RCT in area 752855. Here am loads will be dumped at Bn HQ as late as possible.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: Story of 2nd Battalion the Devonshire Regiment, 1944 Mar - June

Page: Page 33