Title | Story of 2nd Battalion the Devonshire Regiment, 1944 Mar - June | ||
Description | Story of 2nd Battalion the Devonshire Regiment, 1944 Mar - June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/38 |
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(a) Pioneers
(i) One assault sec with 'A' and 'B' Coy for stage I
(ii) One assault sec with 'C' and 'D' Coy for stage V.
37. MMG P1 (9 Pl 2 CHESHIRE)
(i) Be prepared to assist ady during stage II and III
(ii) Reorganise area high ground 8184, and be prepared to sp attacks in stages IV and V
(iii) Stage VI cover by fire approaches EAST and EST high ground 8184.
38. ARTY
(a) FOO 147 Fa Regt and 90 Fa Regt in sp 'A' Coy for STAGE II and immediate reorganisation.
(b) FOO 147 Fd Regt:-
(i) in sp 'B' Coy for STAGE III
(ii) in sp 'C' Coy for STAGE IV
(iii) in sp 2 DEVONS for STIGE V and VI.
(c) COs rep 90 Fd Regt with Bn HQ
(d) Shell lines, 'Y' targets and DF tasks:-
See lppx 'A'..
(i) Y targets should assist as ref pts for offrs calling for fire
(ii) DF Tasks are provisional and may be altered after
reorg. Response to calls - 2 mins intense.
39. NAVAL BOMBARDMENT with special ref to 2 DEVON.
(a) Capt J.W. DUPONT, RA - HMS 'JERVIS' at call
(b) LONGUES BTY - H - 40 to H + 320 - HMS "AJAX'.
20. RAF SP PLAN with special ref to 2 DEVON.
LONGUES BTY - H - 20 to H + 10 (5 hvy B sqns).
41. Two Tps 288/102 Atk Bty
In sp 'A' Coy
Task:- protection RYES sec immediate reorg para 23 above.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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