- 15 -

Got an air effort (delayed by rain) on Ectot. Pilots said they saw tks and inf - a real dive bomber attack and second straffing.

1 Corps started attack on Caen yesterday, right 3 Cdn, centre 59 and left 3 Br divs. Narrow front and adv up to outskirts by this evening.

10 July

8 Corps start their attack to Evrecy and 112 feature thence to R Odon and swinging SW. Started at 0400 hrs. 231 Bde attack postponed. Now getting everything tied up for tomorrow's attack. Prisoners say that Res bn 987 GR isn't much good for more attacks. Y intercept of moving up to Les Landes for c/a. We still release tks less one sqn, and M10's Bty less one Tp. I think it should be alright.

Spend day in getting ready for the 231 Bde attack. Very cold and rained all day. Visitors included Pepper, Stenier (about his attack),Brig 4 SS Commando Bde about decoration for Phillips, etc.

8 Corps attack went well to short of 112 contour (Esquay) Matot. One bn was caught here by 100 tks of 10 Pz Div. which came round on East and took bde in flank. Position is restored. Reported to be in Caen, unable to see what Bosche is playing at - he still seems to be fighting here and not doing more than get his Pz divs into res. We are stopping this with 1 and 8 Corps attacks.

11 Julv

A stonking by 150 mm on the aerodrome and rd just behind the abbey Juan Mondaye, at lunch time. The attack on Hottot went off - 231 Bde, Hamps right Dorset left and 10 DLI (7O Bde - 49 Div) on left.

A stonking by 150 mm on the aerodrome and rd just behind the abbey Juan Mondaye, at lunch time. The attack on Hottot went off - 231 Bde, Hamps right Dorset left and 10 DLI (7O Bde - 49 Div) on left.

A stonking by 150 mm on the aerodrome and rd just behind the abbey Juan Mondaye, at lunch time. The attack on Hottot went off - 231 Bde, Hamps right Dorset left and 10 DLI (7O Bde - 49 Div) on left.

Heavy arty barrage standing on each line.

Hamps lost two Coy Comds early and Howie had difficulty in getting the show going again. 60 Bosche prisoners.

Devons got on well and with S Rangers KO'd six tanks. After reaching objectives they were most disorganised and had to be ordered back slightly. Dorsets from base moved up in the night to relieve Hamps. Howie killed by Mortars. Losing too many by mortar bombs.

Brig Stanier rather worried, naturally for loss of so many. They have had a rotten time. Up at 2 a.m. to speak to him, position worse and sent recce regt over to plug gaps and act as long stop.

12 July

Neville wounded and fairly seriously - Mortar or shell splinter.

GOC went up to see bns 231 Bde and had an 88 not too far off him.

Hear at a Conference at Corps on counter mortar measures that Second Army are to put 12 Corps on Rauray - Noyers line - this should be effective against 277 Regt and is a good move, having got most of enemy armour South of Odon river.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) DIVISION, An extract from the divisional history

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