Title | Extracts from Second Army History, 1944 Apr | ||
Description | Extracts from Second Army History, 1944 Apr. | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/1 |
12. 30' Corps, with the co-operation of Naval Assault Force "G", will assault the localities LE HAMEL 8786 and LA RIVIERE 9286 and, on D day, will secure the features Point 63 7781, high ground 7779, MONUNIREL 7777 , BLARY 8076, and MARTRAGNY 8576 - STE CROIX GRANDE TONNE 8874 - DUOY STE MARGUERITE 8571 - CANCAGNY 8474.
Exploitation to the area of VILLERS BOCAGE as a pivot for subsequent manoeuvre will take place also on D day.
Thereafter 30 Corps will operate in accordance with Second Army plan.
(a) 50 (N) Division in conjunction with Naval Assault Force "G", will carry out the assault.
(b) 7 Armoured Division will start disembarkation about last light D day and should be concentrated and capable of operating as a division on D plus 3.
(c) 94 Division will start disembarkation D plus 4 and should be concentrated by D plus 7‘
Detailed instructions as to concentration in the United Kingdom, embarkation and build-up of formations have already been issued.
15. The advance will be by bounds from film base to firm base. The maximum amount of offensive action by mobile forces will be carried out in front of these firm bases.
16. The operation will be carried out in four phases, corresponding with the four phases of the Second Army plan:-
(a) PHASE i The assault on D Day Codeword TOSTIG
(c) PHASE III Advance to and seizure of MT PINCON area 8445 THRUSH
(a) PHASE IV Advance to and seizure of general line ST PIERRE D'ENTREMONT 8027 - MONT CERISE 8125 - CONDE-SUR- NOIREAU 8831. VULTURE
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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