WD Jun
44 7 Jun

24 L.
B Sqn and 8 tks of A Sqn mop up BAZENVILLE.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

4/7 DG. Move further South through CREULLY on to BRECY with A Sqn leading.
C Sqn carried out a recce of the ST LEGER feature and South to the Rly and saw no enemy except two 88 mm which knocked out two tanks.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

231 Inf Bde. Day of mopping up enemy posts and stragglers 800 PW taken.
2 Devons take Pt 76, MASSE DE CRADAILLE, and LONGUE BTY.
1300 - 1 Hamps move to 8381
2200 - 2 Devons report 47 RM Cdo fighting in streets of PORT-EN- BESSIN.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

1 Hamps.
Bn clears coastal area to MANVIEUX and concs at RUBERSY 8381.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

2 Devons. Bn takes MASSE DE CRADAILLE. 1035 LONGUES BTY of 4 x 155 CD guns captured and 1 76.2 fd gun.

Locns: Bn HQ 823855,C Coy LONGUES
A Coy Rear

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

1 Dorsets. Successful attack on BAZENVILLE and LA CROIX by B Coy sp by 1 tp SRY.
Bn in area of RYES.


Attack upon PORT-EN-BESSIN by 47 Cdo. This was the posn at about 2215 hrs (i.e. the Western and the Southern features had been taken by the Cdo, but the Eastern one was still holding out and the enmy had counter attacked pt 72) and the CO was doubting if the strong Eastern feature could be taken that night. However, Capt. T.F. Cousins had reconnoitred a zig-zag path up the hill and reported that he thought that he could get up to the objective by that route with 25 ment. He was given between 40-50 men, five or six Brens, 2“ Mortar smoke cover and sp from the only remaining 3" mortar (from which the sights had been lost).
At dusk he reached the skyline, assaulted and penetrated the defences. Tp attacked from the extreme right and also got on to the objective, capturing the German commandant in his dug-out. The commandant was induced to lead them forward thro' the mines and summon the remainder of the garrison to surrender. After some dispute they complied with the request. Capt. Cousins was unhappily killed during the mopping up.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

69 Inf Bde. - 1150 - 5 E Yorks Bn HQ 864756A Coy 864753
B Coy 856756
C & D Coys 859755
6 Green Howards Bn HQ 857746 A Coy 858743
B Coy 856744
C Coy 856747
D Coy 858747
7 Green Howards Bn HQ 868754A Coy 869753
B Coy 862750
C Coy 866755
D Coy 866750

Bde comples phase IV and is disposed around ST LEGER 6 Green Howards and 5 E Yorks reach posn without opposition, but 7 Green Howards had to clear the "fortified farm", 8775, which they did sp by 4/7 DG. The farm was strongly def and surrounded by an a tk mine fd.

WD Jun 44
7 Jun

5 E Yorks. - 0800 - Bn moved in rear of 6 Green Howards to occupy original Bde objectives. Bn switched to ST LEGER feature 8675


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Archive: 50 Div: H.Q. War Diary, D-Day 1944 June

Page: Page 17