WD Jun 44
10 Jun

102 A Tk Regt
107 Bty 8077.
287 Bty BAYEUX.
288 Bty claim (from Pt 103) 2 tks and 1 SP KO, 1 offr W, 2 ORs K and 8 W, 2x6 pdr and 2x3" mor carriers K0.
231 Bde afriad of being overrun - M10 tps of 107 and 289 Btys sent back to BAYEUX.
289 Bty have one 6 pdr and carrier overrun.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

274 (NH) LAA Bty (25 LAA)
BHQ 792789

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

81 Assault Sqn RE. ST SULPICE - 1800 - 7 AVRE moved South of BAYEUX in support of 151 Bde. Attack postponed until a.m. 11 Jun. AVRE returned to harbour.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

82 Assault Sqn RE. Location unchanged. Released from comd 50 Div and revert to comd 30 Corp.

10 Jun

8 DLI were driven out of all but NE tip of ST PIERRE by counter attack at first light.
1130 - 24 L restored posn.
1200 - SRY broke up enemy forming up for counter attack on Pt 103 from BUCEELS area.
SYR linked up with 24 L in ST PIERRE.
7 Armd Div were driving south from BAYEUX to TILLY but could get no further than BUCEELS.
Attacks on Pt 103 from East to SE were broken up by 4/7 DG. 147 Fd Regt did extensive shoots.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

24 L. Fought successful action thro'out most of the day in sp or 8 DLI who were counter attacked in ST PIERRE.
The CO was wounded. Major G.L. Stretton, MC took over command of the Regt.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

SRY. The Regt moved up again to Pt 103.
In the evening the Regt had to relieve 24 L in ST PIERRE, which they had captured that day. B Sqn had to spend the night actually in the village picketing the roads, surrounded by the Infantry. A and C Sqns leaguered in an orchard on the outskirts of the village. we were expecting a counter attack and spent a very sleepless night.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

4/7 DG. In posn on Pt 103.
1 Sqn in evening to ST PIERRE.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

231 Inf Bde. - 0800 - Bde HQ moves to area 802806. Situation: Own tps remain the same as for previous night. 2 Devons HQ 778798: A Coy 772806 with patrols to c p 765808 with Americans. B Coy area 772798, D Coy 799798. 1 Hamps HQ 776784: A Coy 73784, B Coy 76878 C Coy 775774, D Coy 773778. 61 Recce Unit with B Coy 1 Hamps.
1200 - 1 Hamps contact 26 RCT in DUBLES after capturing 9 enemy prisoners.
2100 - HQ 2 Devons 787761, coys at 786756, 776756, 785756.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

2 Devons. Bn reorganises its posns round BAYEUX and then adv to x rds 7875.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

1 Hamps. Bn launched a mopping up operation, moving by bounds, the general line of 69 Northings ( Sheet 7/1 ) as the ultimate objective. The Bn reached its objective and dug in in area of ST PAUL DU VERNAY

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

1 Dorsets.
3 small counter attacks beaten off.

WD Jun 44
10 Jun

56 Inf Bde. 56 Bde sp armour in adv.
2 Essex right: 2 Glos left: 2 SWB taking the brs over the R AURE South of BAYEUX.
Last light posn was as follows:


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Archive: 50 Div: H.Q. War Diary, D-Day 1944 June

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