Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
6 Airborne Div - 1300 - Strong enemy attempt at infiltration 500 yds South of FONT TOURNANT sp by SP guns caused a critical situation.
Brilliant action by Brig. Poett and most determined fighting by 7 and 12 Para Bns repulsed the attack. 1 Cdo temporarily diverted to assist clear up situation.
By 1400 hrs all ground lost in the br head area had been regained. 1353 - 1 SS Bde crossed the brs - unit of 8 Inf Bde now at brs - situation completely in hand.
1 SS Bde came under comd 6 Airborne Div on crossing.
GEN. First opposition after the ldg came from a coy of Pz Grens of 21 Pz Div on anti-parachutist patrol in the RANVILLE area. These retired SW leaving a number of PW in our hands. The brs were held by 16 men from MERVIILE belonging to a coy of 716 Div. During early morning 6 Jun a number of counter attacks were made against the airborne br head on the West bank of the canal; one tk was destroyed. Other attacks were made in the area of the high ground South of RANVILLE at 1072. A Coy of Pz Grens of 21 P2 Div Sp by four SP guns attacked at approx 1040 hrs. Two guns were destroyed. and one KO. One tk, reported as a Tiger, was KO in same area at 1500 hrs.
7 Coy 125 Pz Gren Regt had been camping in RANVILLE area in a role of anti paratps cdo.
HQ RA 6 Airborne Div
4 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
RANVILLE - Recce party landed 0055 hrs with 12 and 15 Para Bns. 0335 - Main glider party arrives. 11 guns and 2 i/c only. Guns put into action.
1030 - 4 SP guns KO.
2 guns and 3 K - 2 W.
3 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
A Tp less 2 guns land near RANVILLE.
1300 - Bty commences disembark LION-SUR-MER.
53 Airldg Lt Regt RA Only 211/55 Bty landed.
Bty at RANVILLE and placed under comd 6 Airldg Bde.
1 Glider Wing
From Op Order No. 1 - 1 Coy 2 E Yorks plus 1 sqn.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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