Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
3 Airldg A Tk Bty complete (on arrival by sea D Day).
(d) Under comd Armd Recce Regt - 211 Airldg Lt Bty.
(e) Det 2 Airldg LAA Bty trained in use of enemy eqpts. Hy cas in FCOs and FOsB and anti-tk guns were suffered in the landings.
Tasks carried out - D-1/D
(a) FOOs and FOsB - Adjustments were made and sets re-allotted. Control was est at HQ 5 Para Bde. Sp was provided from guns of 3 Brit Inf Div. The sp afforded was extremely generous considering that this arty was also in sp of assaulting bdes of 3 Inf Div. RM ships were in continuous sp.
(b) A Tk By 1000 hrs D Day all A Tk guns were in previously recced posns. The firm of 5 Para Bde was est.
(c) Lt Arty By 2200 hrs 211 Lt Bty which landed at 2100 hrs was in action in sp of Airldg Bde 5 Para Bde, and subsequently 6
Tasks as carried out
During the day there were several enemy attacks from the South and SE.
FCOs and FOsB continued to give sp. The sp given by RA 3 Brit Inf Div was very quick and generous and was instrumental in turning back at least one attack sp by tks. A member of U Tgts were put down the response being very quick and accurate 211 Lt Bty did not come under comd Armd Recce Regt as planned The Bty came into acption near Div Adm Area on the evening of D Day and throughout D+1 was in continuous sp of both 5 Para and 6 Airldg Bdes.
3 and 4 Airldg A Tk Btys were successful destroying three tks, one of which was a Panther and three SP guns. The Panther was killed with one round by a 17 pr guns. There were some cas to guns and to dets. Scratch gun dets were made up and with some help from the men of 2 Airldg LAA Bty det all remaining guns were kept manned.
On the evening of D plus 1 one tp 45 A Tk Bty 3 Brit Inf Div came under comd 6 Airborne Div. These additional deployed by 1700 hrs.
At about 1800 hrs the situation became quieter, the enemy did not press home hi attack.
Arty sp on evening of D plus 1 was as follows:-
RA 3 Brit Inf Div ) Controlled by FOCs Airborne Sp Net.
53 lion Regt )
HMS ARETHUSA and MAURITIUS controlled by FOsB.
211 Airldg Lt Bty.
3 and 4 Airldg A Tk Btys.
One tp 45 A Tk Bty
Det 2 Airldg LAA Bty (manning 2 captured 2 cm guns and assisting to man arty 6 prs).
WD Jun 44 Appx A
6 Airborne Armd Recce Regt D - D+1
Landed on LZ between 2100 and 2130 hrs. Cas 2 tks lost through glider collision on LZ and 1 jeep and 5 m/cs force landed in England.
Tasks: Form firm base in 8 Para Bn area BOIS de BAVENT 1470 and carry out recce as far as rd TROARN - CAEN. No sp arms, Protection at night by 8 Para Bn.
7 Jun
Regt moved to contact 8 Para Bn - at ESCOVILLE. Enemy guns and small arms fire reported in ESCOVILLE.
WD Jun 44 7 Jun
HQ RA 6 Airborne Div
4 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
Gun from 3 Bty KOs one SP.
One gun KO - 4 K.
WD Jun 44 7 Jun
3 Airldg A Tk Bty
COLVILLE 0700. Bty completely assembled.
0600 - Move to RANVILLE
Several cas. Hy mortaring.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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