Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
6 Airborne Div. - 0630 - Enemy attacked BW in BREVILLE area. 1500 - Very ny enemy mortar concs opened on BW and 9 Para Bn areas and attacks developed.
DF tasks fired on areas concerned.
1700 - Enemy attack on 9 Para Bn area being pressed. Mortar fire on BW posns continuing and enemy pressing.
The BW were pressed back from their fwd posns and Comd 3 Para Bde counter attacked with one coy 1 Cdn Para Bn - posn partially restored.
2200 - 12 Para Bn with under comd one coy 12 Devon launched a counter attack on the BREVILLE area sp by div arty, and five regts of arty of 51 Div.
12 Para Bn captured BREVILLE.
They were heavily shelled by own guns in BREVILLE half an hour later and suffered hy cas.
1315 - 3 Para Bde posns completely restored.
Indep Para Coy ordered to BREVILLE area to reinforce 12 Para Bn.
2330 - Infm received that Comds 6 Airldg Bde and 1 SS Bde had been wounded by own shell fire falling short.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
6 Airborne Div.
The enemy launched no attacks during the night, but he shelled the gen area of LE PLEIN 1275 before midnight and again later shelled and mortared our posns South of BREVILLE 1374. Tps under our comd entered BREVILLE, overran a post and killed eleven. At 0500 hrs, enemy inf and tks attacked TOUFFREVILLE from the South but a counter attack at 0615 hrs restored the sit. Soon after- wards an enemy attack was repulsed South of BREVILLE. At the same time enemy vehs and AFVs were seen in the area SANNERVILLE 1368 - BANNERVILLE 1367. One of our neighbours found a clue to its composition when they identified 5 Coy of our old friends the 125 Pz Grens. We reported this Coy in TROARNon D Day (Int. Summary No. 1).
The main attack of the day came in at 1500 hrs at BREVILLE. After hy mortar concs, some of the fwd posns of a unit under comd were overrun, but the posn was partially restored by the prompt action of one of our Brigs who collected a coy from one of his bns and counter attacked. At 2200 hrs after 15 mins arty preparations BREVILLE is being attacked by us.
HQ RA 6 Airborne Div
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
3 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
53 Airldg Lt Regt RA
00 12 Jun
HQ 3 Para Bde. Up to 1500 hrs an exceptionally quiet day. 1500 - Hy bombardment heard from Black Watch area. Kept up for 1 1/2 hrs with strong mortar and SA fire. Message from Black Watch said they had drawn in one coy but had left A Tk gunners and PsIAT at CHATEAU. LO from 9 Para Bde said that though situation was severe posn could and was being held. Bde Comd ordered up "C” Coy 1 Cdn Para Bn and he with Bde IO went up to put them in posn. FOO and FOB fired on wood near BREVILLE. Numbers of Black Watch found in Bde HQ area.
1700 - Cruiser fire by FOB of 64 shells.
1915 - Two tps Sherman tks 13/18 Hussars and 2 Secs 3 Para Sqn RE left Bde HQ for chateau area. 4 Shermans KO.
2145 - Attack on BREVILLE by 12 Para Bn, 1 Coy Devons and 1 Sqn
13/18 Hussars; this completely stabilised the front.
2245 - Bde Comd's party returned, Bde Comd to Div.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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