to hold the high ground about 135736. The whole area was heavily wooded and intersected with high thick hedges. At only three points where orchards adjoined the position was there any field of view.

Action of 1 Cdn Para Bn - 3 Para Bde
This Bn dropped at 0050 hrs on 6 Jun, and was allotted a primary task of destroying the bridges over the R DIVES at VARAVILLE and ROBEHOMME. Thereafter to assist in forming the bridgehead in the area BOIS de BAVENT.
In this case, also, the bn was dropped over a very wide area. Little opposition from the enemy was encountered however in carrying out their primary tasks. The bridges at VARAVILLE and ROBEHOMME were duly blown, and the bn reverted to brigade control. They were ordered to occupy and hold a position in the area LE MESNIL 1372.

WD Jun 44 7 Jun

1 Cdn Para Bn - 3 Para Bde. In the early hours of the morning German infantry of the 857 and 858 Grenadier Regiments supported by SP guns and a number of Mk IV Tanks attacked B and C Coy's positions. Our mortars in the brickworks were given an ideal target as the German infantry formed up in close groups along a road in the apparent belief that we possessed no mortars. Heavy casualties were inflicted on the enemy and the main force of the attack broken, however casualties were inflicted on our own Bn by the SP guns and tanks. One tank penetrated to within one hundred yards of the C Coy position but withdrew before the PIATs could fire effectively on it. Some of the enemy infantry also attempted to assault our forward positions but were driven off. It was learned later from PWs that the object of the German attack was to secure the brickworks and cross roads at LE MESNIL. The rest of the day was quiet save for activity by enemy snipers.

7 Jun 3 Cdo WD Jun 44

0005 hrs Hand over position to 1 RUR and move to area South of Bde HQ.
Bn HQ at 114746 in sp of 2 i.c. with two troops in sp of 45 RM Cdo attacks FRANCEVILLE PLAGE.
Attack on battery 155775 at MERVILLE. 2000 hrs Cdo takes over CHATEAU D'AMFREVILLE from 9 Para Bn.

7 Jun

At 0300 hrs 3 Cdo rejoined the Bde. At 1200 hrs Major Gen Gale Comd 6 Airborne Div visited Bde HQ and ordered 45 RM Cdo to take FRANCEVILLE PLAGE. The Cdo suffered hy casualties in the assault, and after bitter fighting withdrew to MERVILLE. Two Tps of 3 Cdo on loan to 45 RM Cdo joined them, after suffering casualties while silencing a gun bty. 45 RM Cdo were out of touch with Bde.
The enemy attempted to penetrate the Div area but was repelled. 6 Cdo were being mortared and a patrol was sent to clear BREVILLE. This was done, prisoners and weapons being captured.
At 1900 hrs 3 Cdo moved to LE PLEIN to join up 4 and 6 Cdos. Enemy attempts to infiltrate were reported at 2130 hrs. This was prevented.

WD Jun 44 7 Jun

1 SS Bde. At 0300 hrs 3 Cdo rejoined the Bde. At 1200 hrs Maj Gen Gale Comd 6 Airborne Div visited Bde HQ and ordered 45 RM Cdo to take FRANCEVILLE PLAGE. The Cdo suffered hy casualties in the assault, and after bitter fighting withdrew to MERVILLE. Two tps of 3 Cdo on loan to 45 RM Cdo joined them, after suffering casual- ties while silencing a gun bty. 45 RM were out of touch with Bde. The enemy attempted to penetrate the Div area but was repelled, 6 Cdo were being mortared and a patrol was sent to clear BREVILLE. This was done, prisoners and WEAPONS BEING captured.
At 1900 hrs 3 Cdo moved to LE PLEIN to join up 4 and 6 Cdos. Enemy attempts to infiltrate were reported at 2130 hrs. This was prevented.

WD Jun 44 7 Jun

45 RM Cdo

Cas: Offrs14


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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