WD Jun 4
9 Jun

13 Para Bn. - 1910 - Very heavy shelling of bn area by guns and heavy mortars. HEROUVILLETTE heavily attacked by enemy infantry and tanks, but all attacks repulsed. Some tks approached our posns but driven off.
2055 - Enemy forming-up in Woods North of DZ.
2100 - Bn area attacked by low flying fighters.
2110 - B Coy attacked from North. Attack repulsed.
2120 to 2130 - Enemy fighters ground-strafed and bombed area.
Intermittent shelling and bombing at irregular intervals throughout night.

WD Jun 44
9 Jun

1 SS Bde. attempts were made throughout the day. 45 RM Cdo moved into posns in AMFREVILLE to complete a defensive ring round the high ground. The Bde was still isolated from 6 Airborne Div.
GONNERVILLE and LE BAS DE BREVILLE were heavily shelled during the day, being likely enemy forming up points. FRANCEVILLE PLAGE was bombarded by rocket ships.
Further infiltration attempts by the enemy were sealed off. Enemy mortars were active during the night.

Jun 44
9 Jun

45 RM Cdo The Cdo moved into a defensive posn in area AMFREVILLE with 6 Cdo on left and Bde HQ on our right. Slight enemy activity was encountered in the morning but the rest of the day passed quietly with the Cdo digging in. Snipers still proved themselves a nuisance, especially in the village.

WD Jun 44
9 Jun

No. 4 Cdo. - HAUGER. - In morning, shelling and patrolling. 1700 hrs due to an FOO task, which was supposed to be carried out at 1900 hrs, No. 45 (RM) Cdo moved out at 1845 hrs. This task was delayed for some time and No. 45 (RM) Cdo were also late in moving back to their positions. In the meantime the enemy had taken over the house and also made a surprise attack on the Cycle Tp of Ho. 6 Cdo inflicting a number of casualties on them, including the Tp Ldr and one other officer. On hearing; the sound of small arms fire, major P.A. Porteous VC went forward to investigate, to find No 45 (RM) Cdo making no attempt to regain the lost ground and that the Cycle Tp of No. 6 Cdo was pinned down further down the valley.

WD Jun 44
9 Jun

6 Commando. a.m. - Brig Durnford-Slater and Brig Lord Lovat visit the positions. It rains like hell. Awful.
0748 - Enemy fire develops from BREVILLE.
0803 - Enemy infiltrates into houses overlooking position. They are mortared by us.
0850 - The Commando stands-to 'K' guns come up and are issued immediately Enemy mortars 3 Troop. We counter mortar. 45 Cdo takes up position on our right.
p.m. - We shell BREVILLE wood.

WD Jun 44
9 Jun

3 Cdo
Normal day.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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