Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
At 1900 hrs a very determined attack by one and a half Coys developed from the North on the left flank of the bn position. The bn mortars (for whom amm had now arrived) fired with great effect, and the attack was repelled. In the course of it the acting CO of the 21 Bn 857 Regt was taken prisoner. This officer stated that the whole of his bn had been wiped out and he thought most of the Regt had.
Between 1900 and 2300 hrs numbers of enemy were seen streaming across open ground SW of the bn position in the direction of BREVILLE. Many of these were shot and a few taken prisoner. It subsequently transpired that these were the fleeing survivors of a disastrous attack by the enemy on 5 Bde positions at RANVILLE. At 2000 hrs on enemy attempt was made to influence the battle by cutting in on our Bde RT set. The bn was ordered to send men out carrying yellow triangles to meet 'your friends on the left flank.‘ The order was not complied with.
Conditions quietened by 2300 hrs and one coy was dispatched to seize and hold the chateau at ST COME. It did so, and was attacked all through the night. The bn was left in peace
WD Jun 44
1 Cdn Para Bn. Weather continued to be fine and constant patrolling was maintained by the Bn. During the day the enemy formed up on the glider field for an attack against the Bde area but this attack was broken up by our artillery and MMGs before it got under way. Bn position was shelled and machine gunned by the enemy at intervals during the day.
10 Jun
6 Air Landing Bde. - British A/c - Halifaxes with Spitfire escort over head - supplies dropped (0615).
0735 - Bn attack by enemy reported front 128736.
0700 - DF fire called for.
0856 - Enemy approx 1 pl have reached X rds 121732. OP in LE HOM Church tower being machine gunned. Enemy too close for arty fire.
0845 - Med Regt shot, by FOO with 3 Para Bde is engaging two coys of enemy inf 144731.
0937 - All quiet on Devon sector.
1003 - LONGUEVILLE being attacked by 100 inf supported by arty and tks. The attack is from direction BREVILLE and is being dealt with.
1210 - 3 Para report SP guns attacking them. Ask 12 Para for A Tk guns.
1200 - 12 Bn report engaged on both flanks. No AFV. Enemy being well attended to in dead ground.
1340 - Enemy attack at 129741 with three tks and inf beaten off. Elements dispersed.
1345 - (From G1 Div at 1345) SHERMAN tks will be wandering around today's battlefields Warn all ranks.
1415 - Visit by LO from Div. 7 Para Bn to assist 13 Para Bn temporarily. 12 Devon to cover front so exposed until tonight.
1530 - South of rd from RANVILLE to BREVILLE enemy laying smoke to get away and may lay mines.
1725 - Our tks ran into A Tk screen at BREVILLE. Two knocked out.
1736 - 12 Para Bn ordered to relive 4 SS Bde and come under comd 1 Inf Div (1 SS Bde?).
1900 - Report from RUR at COLOMBELLE at 1130 hrs. Cas enemy, 11 killed ? wounded; RUR - 2 killed, 1 wounded. Enemy took a poor view of this and gave civs a pretty rough cross examination but they lied their way out. Are now scared. They. report there are 200 enemy in LE BAS DE COLOMBELLES described as a mixed lot. At LONGUEVILLE 1500 and 2300 hrs, cas enemy - 4 killed 3 probables. 7 others known to be hit. RUR - 1 killed, 5 wounded. Captured one MG 34 1 MG 42, 5 rifles, 2 MP 40s, 2 Lugar pistols. 2009 - Stonk going on in area BREVILLE where enemy are forming up to attack.
2155 - Own SP guns knocked out 2 Mk IV tks, one 7.5 mm SP gun, one MC comb and one MC. Cas - 2 tk crews, 12 SS, 3 per tk. One SP gun crew, 2 inf. Only 50% area searched accomplished by 5 Para Bde.
10 Jun
1 RUR - LONGUEVAL - 0600 - Quiet night, slight enemy mortaring but to no effect.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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