Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
1030 - Enemy attacked NW from BREBILLE against right Cdo at LE PLEIN and SW against D Para Bn's posn at LE MARIQUET.
Attack against LE PLEIN was repulsed with hy losses.
The other attack came in against the para bn across the landing zone; the enemy used the gliders as cover. A party which left the cover of the gliders was shot up at short range with 46 killed. however, the enemy continued to infiltrate throughout the afternoon until they were numerous to the East and North East of LE MARIQUET.
1115 - On SS front the enmy switched their attack to the North and attacked the left hand Cdo with the SALLENELLES - RANVILLE road as the axis.
The Cdo counter attacked and drove the enemy off, but in the course of the action lost hy from mortar fire. 1400 - Sit restores.
Enemy was now useless as o fighting force but to clear up sit action was taken as follows.-
5 Para Bde + 1 Sqn Shermans attacked enemy to SW of BREVILLE. Two coys of 7 Para Bn attacked from LE HOM. Tks acted as cut off wide on left flank. Enemy were surprised: for loss of 1 K and 1 W cas of 100 PW and 200 PW were inflicted. Sqn lost 5 tks from a tk gun in BREVILLE.
1800 - Sit restored
10 Jun
HQ 3 Para Bde - 0730 - 2-Bn attack on 9 Para Bn and 1 Cdn Para Bn posns. Enemy infiltrated between Cdns and 9 Bn with Inf guns and armour. Driven out by fire.
1330 - Situation in hand.
1830 - 7 Para Bn arrives at Bde posn.
2230 - 5 Black Watch arrive and move to 9 Para Bn posn prior to attack on BREVILLE. 9 Bn capture Chateau to give BW start line.
5/7 Gordons and 1 Gordons proceed to 8 Para Bn area.
WD Jun 44
10 Jun
8 Para Bn. - Patrolling and shelling.
1510 - Highland troops moving into area during afternoon 10 Jun, 44 and night 10/11 Jun and morning of 11 Jun.
8 Para Bn. - Patrolling and shelling.
1510 - Highland troops moving into area during afternoon 10 Jun, 44 and night 10/11 Jun and morning of 11 Jun.
WD Jun 44
10 Jun
Appx C
2 Para Bn. - ST COME - Numerous attacks made by the enemy during the day and previous night. All were repulsed. The bn increased in strength by the arrival of stragglers to approximately 170 all ranks.
1900 - An attack by one and a half enemy Coys launched and again repulsed with heavy losses. CO 21st Bn 857 Regt captured. Reported that his Unit had been wiped out.
2300 - C Coy detailed to seize and hold the Chateau at ST COME. It did so and was attacked all through the night.
9/10 Jun. Stragglers from the parachute drop had been drifting in since 6 Jun, and during the night a further 40 had reached Bde and sent up. This included a missing Coy Comd, and brought the Bn strength up to approx 240. The first task of the reinforcements was to get in the wounded. Then work on perimeter defences.
10 Jun. An attack, preceded by heavy mortaring, developed the right flank of the Bn positions at about 1100 hrs - it was repulsed.
During the morning a further 30 men arrived from Bde, and enabled the CO to re-organise the bn into three Coys of approx 70 each. Re-organisation of the defences were also carried out - two MGs being sited to fire down the main rd, and one pl pushed across the main rd up to a deep ditch NE of the Bn posn. These dispositions paid a very early dividend.
At about noon half a Coy of enemy debouched from the woods and began to dig in along the main rd in full View of the MGs. Fire was held until all sub-units were hard at work digging. When it did open fire it was devastating, practically the whole enemy half Coy being wiped out.
An enemy party then advanced unawares on the pl position concealed in the ditch. Fire was held until 10 yds. Some of the enemy dead actually falling into the ditch. The remnants broke and fled.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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