WD Jun 44
8 Jun

6 Airborne Div. - 1130 - 1 SS Bde reported hy attack developing against 4 Cdo area HAUGER - SALLENELLES from East - confident HAUGER sector can be held.
1 Corps infm that 1 SS Bde likely to be involved in hy fighting today - would be grateful for one additional Cdo to be placed under comd if available.
1330 - Sitrep. 1 SS Bde hold FRANCEVILLE PLAGE - SALLENELLES to LE PLEIN - 3 Bde area X-rds 140726 - rd junc 140743 5 Para and 6 Airldg Bdes from HEROUVILLETTE to RANVILLE to LONGUEVAL 1900 - Attacks had all been held - disposns remain the same except that 45 Cdo now in MERVILLE
2130 - Hy enemy attacks developed along the front of 1 SS Bde - these attacks were all successfully held and cas inflicted - infiltration attempts continue - 45 Cdo brought back into bde area.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

6 Airborne Div. I. Sum attributes the intense activity in the COLOMBELLES, ST HONORINE, CUVERVILLE SANNERVILLE BANNERVILLE (tks, arty, inf and half-tracks) to 21 Pz Conc.
(cf. 6 Airborne Recces reports).
The enemy have appreciated the importance of the BENOUVILLE brs. A bombing attack registered a direct hit on the East br with a dud bomb at about 1800 hrs. The enemy arty is endeavouring with repeated shelling to cap this achievement.

HQ RA 6 Airborne Div

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

4 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
BC and Tp Comdr join after being dropped East of R DIVES.

WD Jun
8 Jun

3 Airldg A Tk Bty RA
RANVILLE - 2 D Tp guns moved from LONGUEVAL to HEROUVILLETTE 1 K and 5 W.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

53 Airldg Lt Regt RA
Sp 1 SS Bde and shelled BREVILLE and SALLENELLES until late at night.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

HQ 5 Para Bde. - 0520 - Enemy reoccupied ST HONORINE and ring contour 1072.
1100 - 12 Para Bn move towards LONGUEVAL to take over posn of RUR which is to attack ST HONORINE, but later is withdrawn to original posn on discovering that ST HONORINE is too strongly held for attack to be successful. 2 Oxf and Bucks come under comd 5 Para Bde and patrols fwd to ESCOVILLE. Intermittent shelling and mortaring of Bde area throughout the day.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

7 Para Bn. - LE HOM - Bn posns shelled and mortared at various times during the day, some times heavily.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

12 Para Bn. - 1130- Moved into rest area 1 mile N of RANVILLE still in 5 Para Bde reserve.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

13 Para Bn.
Bn spasmodically shelled and mortared.

8 Jun

6 Air Landing Bde. - BAS DE RANVILLE - 0510 - 1 RUR report enemy tks using exit from wood at 095715 with tk harbour from 095715 to 094713.
Gun posns checked by patrols at 105694.
1100 - 12 Para Bn revert under comd 5 Para Bde, move area 113746 Role Div Reserve def urea posn North.
1550 - 857 319 Inf Div put in an attack from the East but were withdrawn after having their rear line bombed; this Regt had been fetched from LE HARVE.
2010 - Following units and original STAS located on Div front. All infm taken from PW. 11 Coy 744 Gren Rogt inf div from DOZULE captured in MERVILLE, 2nd Bn 857 Regt 346 Div and 3 Bn same unit, from LE HAVRE captured area HAUGER - ST COME. Inf reported advancing NE from area CUVERVILLE are suspected of


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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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