1400 - Tk and inf attack on Bty posn South of RANVILLE. 1 tk KO.
1630 - Attack beaten off.
1700 - Tps in sp bns -
A Tp - 2 x 17 pdr South of RANVILLE.
B Tp - and 2 guns D Tp at LONGUEVAL.
D Tp - remaining two guns in sp 1 SS Bde in area LE PLEIN.
Cas 1 K and 3 W.

WD Jun 44 7 Jun

53 Airldg Lt Regt RA
In action RANVILLE. Moved to Le BAS DE RANVILLE.
Return to RANVILLE; one tp engage enemy inf over open sights.

WD Jun 44 7 Jun

HQ 6 Airborne Div
0830 - 8 Para Bn contacted.
0930 - HQ est at 137707. B Sqn sent south and A Sqn to ESCOVILLE area. B Sqn reported enemy tks, SP guns and inf in villages of TOUFFREVILLE, SANNERVILLE and BANNEVILLE.
Identification from D.R. killed 192 Pz Gren Regt. 1200 - 1430 - B Sqn reports tks and inf in triangle of rds adjoining SANNERVILLE and CUVERVILLE.
A Sqn reports 3 Armd Cars moving North from Cuverville. SP guns rep at BUTTE DE LA HOGUE and at 115693.
1500 - Patrol of B Sqn crossed TROARN - CAEN rd but saw nothing. 30/50 the later seen moving North from TROARN. These and 700 Inf were located at 1745 in woods and village of BANNERVILLE. 2230 - Regt harboured in area 111.0708.

WD Jun 44

HQ 6 Airborne Div Appx C

6/7 Jun

591 Para Sgn RE
Dropping by Stirlings of 38 Gp is rep as "quite good on the whole." All the same, sticks were widely dispersed and many key personnel incl OC were lost.
Task of Sqn was to clear Westerly landing strips for gliders. This was performed. Contact was made with coup do main force on RANVILLE br.
After initial tasks were done, Sqn recced rds, laid mines, collected dropped equipment.
Some elements fought with 1 Cdn Para Bn until D+2.

2 Pl 249 Fd Coy RE (part of coup de main party) Capt. Neilson's party of 5 sappers in each of 3 gliders landed within 100x of BENOUVILLE Br.
Landing was rough owing to marshy ground.
RE were on br searching for charges in two mins and br was reported clear in 5 mins.
38 set message reported that only one glider had landed at RANVILLE br. Capt. Neilson therefore took a party and declared it free just as Lt. Bence arrived. His glider had landed in marshes 500x away.
3 glider landed in marshes near the coast to East of R ORNE.
Party did not arrive till evening of D+1.
Intended posn of charges was marked with paint.
3 out of 4 gliders with br equipment came in at 0325 hrs.
This was placed to East of R ORNE in case of need.
RE then acted as part of grn.

1 of 2 para adv parties was lost.
1 of 2 gliders of HQ RE party was lost hit by flak. HE RE next to Div HQ at 0600 hrs.
Det 286 Fd Pk Coy RE landed in gliders on Lz at 0325 hrs with 2 Airborne bulldozers, American tipper, and jeep compressor and did excellent work in clearing Lz for 2100 hrs dips.

3 Para Sqn RE
Sqn HQ and 2 tps should have dropped between ESCOVILLE and


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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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