Para coy lts - 124737.

TROARN - party landed amongst mixture of Para tps, inf and RE. moved off under RE officers, met inf officers and told them to hold rd junction - 140703 - moved off and blew TROARN br.

D+1 All tasks carried out.

6 Jun

6 Air Landing Bde - BAS DE RANVILLE - 2215 - Bde HQ est 107734.

6 Jun

1 RUR - 1500 - All personnel taking part provided with a fatless meal to prevent or reduce air sickness. Tea and water provided in Gliders and all ranks instructed to drink as much as possible before landing.
RANVILLE - 2100 - Glider No. 1 (Major G. Rickcord, B Coy HQ) touched down 5 mins before time scheduled. LZN 1/25000 sheet CAEN 116749.
Slight enemy opposition on LZ from mortars and MGs, and difficulty in removing tails of vehicle carrying gliders was reported. Bn check point X rds 111739.
RANVILLE - 2330 - Bn HQ established LE BAS DE RANVILLE. Farm buildings 105734 and Bn reported complete less one Rfn missing from the glider which caught fire on LZ.
Bn suffered one cas in landing. Fewer than it usually did in trg in England.

6 Jun

6 Airborne Div. Current Reports from Overseas No. 49

Ops of an Air-Landing Bde. 6 Jun -12 Jun.

Initial Landings
Account is given by Bde Comdr.
0300 - Glider landed in exact posn - near RANVILLE. Party composed of one LO, half div def pl and Chester Wilmot moved to chateau at LE BAS DE RANVILLE where HQ was est and several Germans captured. 0600 - Posn on BENOUVILLE be head was sticky. Enemy were attack- ing from West and NW with mortars, SP guns, snipers and tks. However, they did not launch an attack but stood off and shot. 3 boats armed with 20 mm moved up Canal bank: one KO remainder fled to sea.

H+12 - 52 Bn and 1 RUR Bn glided into prearranged zones. Mortar fire on LZs: few cas.

1 RUR Bn landed on Eastern zone: (in open space between AMFREVILLE-RANVILLE: cleared by Para Bde).
2200 - Bn conc in wood to South of LB BAS DE RANVILLE (105732). 52 Bn landed in Western zone: (between ST AUBIN D'ARQUENAY and the CANAL: cleared by Inf Div (3rd)) moved through br head and conc in orchard 112746.

Dev Bn was due to land by sea on third tide. Task of Bde: Capture LONGUEVAL and HEROUVILLETTE with exploitation towards STE HONORINE and ESCONVILLE Decided that it was too late to attack that night. Bde HQ was est at LE BAS DE RANVILLE. 52 Bn was ordered to capture HEROUVILLETTE at first light: night 6/7 it pushed fwd strong patrols. One coy took up posn on feature 103723. 1 RUR Bn captured LONGEUVAL with few cas. HEROUVILLETTE was also taken.

1 RUR Bn sent a coy to STE HONORINE but found the village strongly held by inf backed with SP guns and a few tks. 52 Bn found the same sit in ESCOVILLE.
Bother therefore withdrew. A Para Bn was put under comd of the Bde which was now disp as follows:— 52 Bn - HEROUVILLETTE (one coy on high ground North of ESCOVILLE).


6 Airborne DIV. Current Resorts from Overseas No. 56

56 "At 2030 hrs we saw a most magnificent sight - an air- landing brigade flying in. The whole sky seemed to be completely


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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