five (75),went into the assault on the position with the support of a naval bombardment.
Total enemy casualties for this engagement were reckoned as approximately fifty dead and an unknown number wounded. B Coy then withdrew to a hedgerow 141726 that continued to form a forward line of their position.
Later in the afternoon an enemy attack was launched against our left but was driven off by mortar and small arms fire. However they left snipers in the trees and hedgerows who were a nuisance factor until winkled out in the course of the next few days.

8 Jun 1
SS Bde
WD Jun 44

In the early hours, runners arrived at Bde HQ from 45 RM Cdo, who were still cut off. Before assistance could be sent to 45 RM Cdo, an enemy attack in force developed during which a Tp of 4 Cdo were forced to withdraw. Eventually a counter attack by 3 Cdo restored the posn. A patrol from 6 Cdo broke up an attack, and attempts to infiltrate were prevented. 45 RM Cdo had suffered heavily during the day and they were withdrawn inside the Bde posns. It was decided to hold the ridge of ground from HAUGER to BREVILLE at all costs. A large scale attack was expected. Bde HQ moved from ECARDE to LE PLEIN.

8 Jun 45 RM Cdo WD Jun 44

During the morning the position became worse. Two heavy attacks had been driven off. The enemy had also brought up an anti-tank gun and was shelling and mortaring our positions. At 1700 hrs orders came from Bde to withdraw through enemy lines and join up with Bde at AMFREVILLE. By 2000 hrs the Cdo had successfully broken through silencing two MMG posts on the way and capturing one 81 mm mortar whilst suffering only two casualties. The Cdo rested in a church in AMFREVILLE for the night.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

No. 4 Cdo. A Tp in an isolated posn withdrew under enemy pressure to main Cdo posn.
The position from then onwards resolved itself into continuous enemy attempts at penetration and infiltration of all Cdo defence areas. At 1100 hrs B Tps forward MMG positions were attacked with elements of one or two coys. One enemy section was incautious enough to move across in view of the MMGs and sustained heavy casualties. The attack was finally smashed by a counter attack by No. 3 Cdo who were on the Cdo's right.
This attack and counter attack had occupied until the early evening and B Tps mortar section later ranged on likely forming up places in woodlands in enemy territory. The enemy had continued probing during the day and E and F Tps and a section of A Tp were again attacked in the early evening. Several prisoners were rounded up after the engagements - most of them young troops, including a few Poles and White Russians.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

6 Commando - LE PLEIN - a.m. A noisy night.
Noon - The comnando is attacked - request artillery fire and our own 3" mortars repulse attack. No casualties suffered by us.
p.m. - Another noisy night.

8 Jun

45 RM Cdo. Three men fetch new set from Bde and receive orders to hold MERVILLE at all costs.
Enemy attack, mortar and shell MERVILLE.
1700 - Ordered to withdraw to AMFREVILLE.

WD Jun 44
8 Jun

3 Cdo
Morning Cdo repulsed a heavy attack by troops of 346 Inf Div.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

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