Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
TOUFFREVILLE but were dropped East of rd LE MARIQUET - ESCOVILLE. However, RE personnel and stores at RV were sufficient to make some sort of dem at the 3 brs at TROARN and BURES.
Party moved off and met med jeep and trailer en route. One party under Major Roseveare with jeep went to TROARH. The grn was roused, but jeep ran the gauntlet through the town and a 15-20 ft gap was blown in the br. Party then retired North along track to BURES, ditched jeep at dawn and reached LE MESNIL at 1300 hrs.
The other party under Capt. Juckes with most of sappers and stores on trolleys reached two BURES br unopposed at 0630 hrs. Both brs were blown.
Contact was made with elements of 8 Para Bn and two RE jeeps and trailers loaded with additional explosives.
Lt. Wade made an unsuccessful attempt to reach TROARN br to increase gap.
Later with inf sp of 1 pl from 8 Para Bn, another attempt was made. The enemy were driven from the br and the gap increased to 35-40 ft.
Other parties were much dispersed; one stick falling between VARAVILLE - ROBEHOMME over a distance of 3500x. These parties joined up, humped their explosives and destroyed VARAVILLE br. and cratered the approaches.
On completion of these tasks jettisoned A Tk mines were collected and rd junc 140703 mined.
Allotment for OP 'OVERLORD'
(a) HQ RA and FOOs Airborne Support Net -
(i) FOOs - Four para FOOs each 3 and 5 Para Bdes.
(ii) FOsB - Three para FOsB each 3 and 5 Para Bdes.
(iii) Eight airldg FOOs.
WD Jun 44
7 Jun
HQ 3 Para Bde - 0100 - 7 Para Bn relieved on brs by Warwicks and move into Bde reserve.
0300 - 12 Bn comes under comd 6 Airldg Bde.
1100 - Bde HQ moves to new location 113732.
1600 - 12 Para Bn attacked from South by inf and small number of tks - attack repulsed.
Intermittent shelling of RANVILLE, DZ and Bde HQ. 1900 - Movement of enemy tps, guns and small amount of armour in ST HONORINE and South of ESCOVILLE.
2200 - Brs shelled by guns firing from East.
2300 - ST HONORINE and wood 082311 shelled by own tps. Enemy withdrew in some confusion Southwards.
WD Jun 44
7 Jun
7 Para Bn - 5 Para Bde. - 0015 Bn relieved by Royal Warwicks. 0045 - Bn arrived in Bde res and rest area at 105734. Odd ptys men rejoined the bn at various times during the day.
LE HOM - 1330 - Bn moved out and took up a defensive posn in area 112735 (Div res).
Jun 44
7 Jun
12 Para Bn - Para Bde. - LE BAS DE RANVILLE - 1300 - Bn attacked by 8 Mk IV Tanks and 50 lorried inf. 3 tanks destroyed and attack driven off.
2100 - Bn relieved by 12 Devons, come into Div reserve and rest area in village under comd 5 Para Bde.
WD Jun 44
7 Jun
12 Para Bn ~ Para Bde. - 1440 - A Coy holding enemy attack on left flank. 1550 - Reported 2 Oxf Bucks driven out of ESCOVILLE and holding posns in HEROUVILLETTE.
1640 - A Coy attacked, losing one A Tk gun, but counter-attacked and regained gun and all ground lost.
1750 - 2 enemy ORs of 716 Arty Regt surrendered to B Coy. 1821 - Reported enemy in ESCOVILLE now withdrawing Southwards. 1 RUR have captured LONGUEVAL.
1930 - 4 PW from 12 SS Pz Div captured.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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