12 Jun

6 Air Landing Bde. - 1045 - Report by Capt Hardy 4 Commando made recce on BREVILLE on night 11/12 16 prisoners captured. Report village is lightly held but numerous gun posns. Navy bombarded coast East of R ORNE on night 11/12. Gordons at TRUFFREVILLE had 7 counter attacks during same night. Posns held. 1900 - Enemy attacking from BREVILLE. Str, 1 Bn supported by SP guns.
2130 - 12 Para Bn with under come one Coy 12 Devon contemplating attack on BREVILLE.
0100 - Succeeded in attack on BREVILLE. 0220 - Reinforcements being rushed to 12 Para Bn by 22 Indep Para Bde.

12 Jun

1 RUR. LONGUEVAL - 1200 - R Group 5 Camerons arrived. Sniping and shelling continued throughout day, but otherwise situation normal.

Current Reports from overseas No.49

12 Jun

6 Airborne Div. Para Bn + 1 coy of DEV Bn sp by div arty (3 Div) one a sqn or the successfully captured BREVILLE.

WD Jun
12 Jun

2 Oxf and Bucks. Spectators to closing of the BREVILLE gap battle. Batn for men.

WD Jun 44

12 Devon. D Coy help 12 Para Bn in attack on BREVILLE. Attack successiul. Coy caught in conc on SL.


WD Jun 44
12 Jun

1 SS Bde. Patrols during the night made contact with the enemy. 6 Cdo were shelled before dawn, and an attack was expected. Arty and counter bty fire were directed against the bty believed responsible for the shelling. No attack developed.
4 Cdo returned to their posns at midday. A strong patrol to the area of LA GRANDE FERME DE BUISSON to support movements of 4 SS Bde, by 3 Cdo was unopposed. More heavy shelling of 6 and 45 RM Cdos occurred from 1400 to 1800. Several casualties resulted. At 2100, 12 Para Bn supported by tanks formed up in the Bde area for an attack on BREVILLE. A hy artillery barrage was laid down at 2145, shells falling short in 6 Cdo area and causing casualties to 12 Para Bn and 6 Cdo. Enemy fire was also falling in the same area. During this melee, the Bde Comd was severely wounded. BREVILLE was in the hands of 12 Para Bn by midnight. No opposition was encountered by a patrol probing towards GONNERVILLE. A sleeping prisoner was taken with his weapon. Lt. Col. D. Mills Roberts DSO MC assumed comd of 1 SS Bde.

WD Jun 44
12 Jun

45 RM Cdo. Attack on BREVILLE. 1 offr and 20 ORs supplied. Enemy shelling. BREVILLE taken.

WD Jun 44
12 Jun

No. 4 Cdo. After nearly 36 hrs rest the Cdo moved back to the Chateau at HAUGER and again resumed a defensive role, being heavily shelled in the evening, the Chateau receiving a direct hit above a shelter in which civilians from the village were taking cover. Desyite the severity of this shelling which followed shortly after the British barrage on BREVILLE, there were no casualties.

WD Jun 44
12 Jun

6 Commando. LE PLEIN - a.m. - We shell enemy all day. They shell us.
p.m. - 2200 hrs Brigade order 2 and 6 Troop to withdraw from tranches to permit 12 Para Bn to pass through and attack BREVILLE. This attack is preceded by a very heavy barrage which is answered by enemy counter barrage. 12 Para Bn suffer heavy casualties forming up. We suffer 1 officer and 15 ORs casualties 12 Para Bn take BREVILLE. Brig Lord Lovat wounded. CO takes over Bde. Major Lewis takes over Commando.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

Page: Page 51