Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
8 Para Bn.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
Appx C
9 Para Bn. - ST COME — Attacks launched during the night continued during the day when hostile tanks were reported in the vicinity.
1500 - An intense Arty and Mortar bombardment began on the two Bn positions and lasted three quarters of an hour. Casualties: only two slightly wounded. Bombardment followed by a determined infantry attack supported by six Mk IV or French tanks and a number of SP guns. Fairly heavy casualties were inflicted in the Bn until the situation quietened down at about 2000 hrs. 2100 - Arty concentration commenced and lasted for ten minutes but was not followed by an infantry assault.
During tie night 11/12 Jun sporadic attacks against the chateau and 9 Para Bn areas were maintained, and continued on morning 12 Jun when enemy tanks were reported in the vicinity. OC 5 BW kindly placed two of his A Tk guns under command 9 Para Bn and these were cited in area cross roads 136737.
At 1500 hrs an intense arty and mortar bombardment on the two bn positions began and lasted for three quarters of an hour. 9 Para Bn well dug in in their slit trenches, only two slight wounds resulted from this intense bombardment.
It was immediately followed by a determined infantry assault on the chateau supported by six Mk IV or French tks and a number of SP guns.
The BW suffered heavily from the tks and SP guns. All their carriers were knocked out; as were the crows of their 6 pr guns which were thereby rendered ineffective.
At this juncture the bde comd 3 Para Bde personally led a coy of 1 Cdn Para Bn to counter attack. The chateau position held, and the enemy switched his attack on to 9 Para Bn.
One enemy tank succeeded in penetrating to within forty yards of the 9 Para Bn's posn and infantry to within 20 yards. Both were repelled. The tk was hit twice on the nose by PIATS without any effect, a third PIAT bomb then hit in the flank and burst right through it, whereupon the tk hastily withdrew.
By 2000 hrs the situation had quietened down, but at 2100 hrs a concentration of very heavy shell fire (probably 120 mm) came down on the bn posn - it lasted for ten minutes, but no infantry attack developed.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
1 Cdn Para Bn. Weather continued fine. Bn HQ moved position to the brickworks across the road. Shelling and mortaring continued.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
HQ 5 Para Bde. Morning quiet.
Enemy attack South from BREVILLE and punch in left flank of 5 Black Watch. Counter attack by 1 Cdn Para Bn partially restores situation.
2300 - 12 Para Bn and 1 coy 12 Devons with two sqn tks u/c attack BREVILLE after 15 mins arty c from five arty rests. BREVILLE captured but casualties heavy due to inaccuracy of Arty support. Col. Johnson, CO, 12 Para Bn, killed.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
7 Para Bn. - 1502 - Shelling and fire from North. Bn stands to for an hour and A Coy moves to 138726 to support 1 Cdn Bn.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
12 Para Bn. - 2200 - Rested until 2030 hrs then marched to LE PLEIN to form up for attack on BREVILLE.
2215 - Attack went in and Bn occupied BREVILLE. Casualties: Killed Lt. Col. A.P. Johnson, Major H.D. Rogers, Lt. B.M. Brewer and 28 ORs. Wounded Major C.W. Stephens, Capt. P.C. Bernhard, Captain W.G. Meda Capt. J.H. Sim, Lt. Campbell and about 100 ORs.
WD Jun 44
12 Jun
13 Para Bn.
1145 to 1200 - Area shelled intermittently.
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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