WD Jun 44
18 Jun

48 RM Cdo. With 47 Cdo moved nearer to SALLENELLES. 48 on right and 47 on left of road.
Patrol est in SALENLLES. Rep clear by inhabitants.

12 Jun 48
RM Cdo

Moved with 47 RM Cdo on the right to occupy the strongpoint between the two roads leading to SALLENELLES. HQset up 131763: comd Post 130766: Standing Patrol 133769.

12 Jun

4 SS Bde
Tac Bde HQ moved into house at 131763.
Rear HQ arrives. To remain in quarry 1175. All units B Echs were eventually to be brigaded in these quarries.

12 Jun
1 SS Bde

Patrols during the night made contact with the enemy. 6 Cdo were shelled before dawn, and an attack was expected. Arty and counter bty fire were directed against the bty believed responsible for the shelling. No attack developed.
4 Cdo returned to their posns at mid-day. A strong patrol to the area of LA GRANDE FERME DU BUISSON to support movements of 4 SS Bde, by 3 Cdo was unopposed. More heavy shelling of 6 and 45 RM Cdos occurred from 1400 to 1800. Several casualties resulted.

At 2100, 12 Para Bn supported by tanks formed up in the Bde area for an attack on BREVILLE. A hy artillery barrage was laid down at 2145, shells falling short in 6 Cdo area and causing casualties to 12 Para Bn and 6 Cdo. Enemy fire was also falling in the same area. BREVILLE was in the hands of 12 Para Bn by midnight.
No opposition was encountered by a patrol probing towards GONNERVILLE. A sleeping prisoner was taken with his weapon. Lt.Col. D. Mills Roberts DSO, MC assumed comd of 1 SS Bde.

12 Jun
45 RM Cdo

Enemy activity was again reported early this morning between 0200 - 0430 hrs. It was believed the enemy was trying to infiltrate our line but met with little success. At 1055 he began lobbing more shells into the area of Cdo HQ but there was no damage or casualties. A Tp was asked to supply 1 Offr and 20 other ranks to aid infantry attack on BREVILLE. At 2145 an arty barrage on BREVILLE commenced and between 2200 - 0030 the enemy began a counter barrage causing casualties and damage in the Cdo area. At least 33 shells fell in the area. The attack on BREVILLE was successful. The village being pounded to dust.

WD Jun 44
12 Jun

3 Cdo
Assist 13/18 H to recce posns from which to sp attack on BREVILLE.


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Archive: 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June

Page: Page 50