Title | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Description | 6 Airborne Div.: H.Q. War Diary, 1944 June | ||
Source | UK_National_Archive | Reference | WO 223/15 |
T0 3 Para Bde Gp was allotted the tasks of silencing of the coastal battery at 155775 and of the bridges over the R DIVES. On completion of these primary tasks the brigade to establish part of the bridgehead by occupying the LE PLEIN feature and the BOIS de BAVENT.
No. 1 SS Bde which was to land over the beaches at H plus 1 1/2 hrs was to come under comd 6 Airborne Div on crossing the rd OUISTREHAM - CRESSERONS. This brigade's task was to clear the coastal strip about FRANCEVILLE PLAGE and LE HOMME SUR MER - working from a firm base which it was to take over from 3 Para Bde on the LE PLEIN feature.
6 Airldg Bde (less one bn seaborne due to arrive D plus 1) to establish the Southern portion of the bridgehead by seizing and holding the areas LONGUEVAL - ESCOVILLE - HEROUVILLETTE. It was hoped that 5 Para Bde could then be brought into div reserve in the RANVILLE area.
The Airborne Armd Recce Regt with a company of infantry in jeeps and a battery of the Lt Regt RA was, if the situation permitted, to operate Southwards from the BOIS de EN 3le area. Artillery support was to be provided by 3 Brit Inf Div and two cruisers allotted specifically to support 6 Airborne Div. An elaborate and detailed system of F00s and FOBs was organised for the provision of this support.
3. Timings.
0020 hrs - Landing of 'coup de main' party to seize crossings.
0020 hrs - Drop of Recce Party for destruction of coastal battery.
0050 hrs - Drop of 3 and 5 Para Bde Gps.
0335 hrs - Landing of Div HQ and one A Tk bty - 6-prs and 4 17-prs
2100 hrs - Landing of 6 Airldg Bde and Armd Recce Regt.
13. Situation as known at Div HQ
By 1230 hrs the enemy had begun to show signs of activity - a small counter attack in area SE of RALWILLE - this was repulsed and three enemy 77 mm SP guns destroyed.
At 1300 hrs a determined enemy attempt at infiltration 500 yds South of FONT TOURNANT supported by SP guns caused a critical situation. Brilliant action by Comd 5 Para Bde and most deter- mined fighting by 7 and 12 Para Bns repulsed the attack.
By 1353 hrs 1 SS Bde had crossed the bridges and come under command 6 Airborne Div and the situation was completely in hand.
At 1610 hrs touch had been established with 3 Para Bde who reported 1 Cdn Para Bn in position in area LE MESNIL.
At 2100 hrs the glider landing of 6 Airldg Bde (less one bn),Armd Recce Regt and 211 Lt Bty RA took place.
During the night 6/7 Jun continuous enemy attacks from the South were all held. Up to 0001 hrs 1 SS Bde had been unable to advance beyond the BREVILLE - LE PLEIN line owing to stiff enemy resistance.
7 Jun
At 0030 hrs 3 Brit Inf Div relieved 6 Airborne Div on the bridges East of BENOUVILLE.
The situation at 1030 hrs was that BREVILLE was in enemy hands - 1 RUR had captured and occupied LONGUEVAL.
WD Jun 44 Appx B
(b) Lt Arty - 211 Airldg Lt Bty.
One tp 17-pr 5 Airldg A Tk Bty (4 x 17-pr).
4 Airldg A Tk Bty (16 x 6-pr).
Tasks in General
(a) Under comd 5 Para Bde for assault A Tk Bty.
(b) In sp 5 Para Bde - one tp 17-pr 3 Airldg A Tk Bty (17-pr)
4 Airldg A Tk Bty (less one sec)
(c) In sp 6 Airborne Div - RA 3 Div in varying measure ) Controlled
4 AGRA " " " ) by FOOs Airborne Sp Net
HMS MAURITIUS ) Controlled by FOsB
Two destroyers )
(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)
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