Title50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.
Description50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.
SourceUK_National_ArchiveReferenceWO 223/6


Copy No ........
9 May 44.

50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.

(Issued in conjunction with 50 (N) Div O.O. No 1 dated 9 May 44).

Ref Maps: 1/25,000 Sheet 37/18 S.E., Sheet 37/18 S.W.



1. Enemy see 50 (N) Div "I" Summaries.

2. Own Tps. (a) For action of 3 Cdn Div and U.S. Corps see 50 (N) Div O.O. No.1 dated 9 May 44.

(b) Main 30 Corps is due to land on D plus 1, and will assume responsibility of 104 Beach Sub Area, when. ashore.

3. Additional Adm Units under Comd.

(a) 203 Fd Adm 168 Lt Fd Amb (b) 459 Coy RASC 552 Coy RASC (c) 8 Armd Bde Wksps. (d) 8 Armd Bde O.F.P.


4. To maintain 50 (N) Div and attached tps during the initial stages of Operation OVERLORD.


5. General (a) In addition to supplies, amn and POL landed by assault tps, carried in unit first line tpt and carriers, certain tonnages are being lanaed in RASC tpt and will be available for drawing as shown at Appces "A" and "A.1" on evening D Day. (b) Details of maintenance and replenishment are set out below, also at Appx "B" for reference.

6. (a) 104 Beach Sub Area is responsible for the establishment of a B.M.A., to be known as SUN B.M.A., as soon as possible after the assault has taken place. The beaches and the B.M.A. are being developed initially in accordance with 30 Corps First Key Plan as at Appx "C". 9 and 10 Beach Gps are responsible for JIG and KING Beaches respectively. To make this possible, 104 Beach Sub Area and 9 and 10 Beach Gps are being phased in with Assault Bdes, and will have landed the essentials during the first four tides. (b) The following will be est by each Beach Gp in beach areas:-

(a) Tpt Pk (b) Beach Rec Control Pt. (c) Pet Depot.

(d) ...../2.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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