- 12 -

mark added to the blue and yellow marks on the mudguard when he is satisfied that the veh is completely water- proofed and is ready for embarkation.


54. (a) 265 Fwd Tk Del Sqn has been placed under Comd 8 Armd Bde, who will be responsible for their trg and operation. Their holdings of vehs prior to the operation will be:-

Capital Tks24
Lt Tks5
AA Tks3

(b) In the early stages delivery of these vehs is being controlled by 30 Corps through 254 Corps Del Sgn, which is being phased in on D plus 2.

(c) Replacement capital tks available for distribution through the Corps Sqn are being phased in as under:-

D plus 2 - 35 tks
D plus 4 - 37 tks
D plus 5 - 42 tks

These tks (total 114) represent the total holdings of this type in Fwd Del Sqns 265 and 263.

55. Fwd Del Sqns are responsible at all times for the final preparation and crewing of the and other armd vehs for battle.

56. (a) In the initial stages, tks enumerated in para (c) above will be prepared and crewed in UK, by Fwd Del Sqns concerned, who Will be responsible for movt to Marshall- ing Areas and loading on craft or ship.

(b) On arrival in the theatre of operations they will be concentrated with Corps Del Sqns sited in area of 7 Armd Tps Wksps.

57. Crews.

(a) Sufficient crews will be available from 1st rfts of fmns to crew the initial holdings of tics in the Fwd Del Sqn.

(b) Crews for replacement tks arriving from UK after the initial holdings will be from two sources:-

(i) Normal rfts from UK which are passed through the Armd rft unit of the Armd Replacement Gp to meet the requirements of the Corps Del Sqn.

(ii) De-horsed crews. It is most important that all de- horsed crews are passed back immediately to the Fwd Del Sqn and not held in unit 'B' Ech areas. Crews formed by the re-organisation of de-horsed crews are held at the Fwd Del Sqn up to its limit of capacity (it is suggested that this is five crews per unit served). The remainder are passed back to the Corps Del Sqn who will hold up to three crews per unit served, any surplus being passed back to the Armd Rft Unit.


(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.

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