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71 (Contd)

(iv) Gds/. CA will decide in first instance what gds are necessary, and will provide from Civ Police Force. Requests for Mil Gds will be submitted by CA Dets through CA Staffs at Corps HQ.

(v) Engr. Services. Engr work for Civ population will be carried out by or under control of RE. Authority for approved work to be carried out by Civ under GA control may be given, Stores will be provided through Engr Stores channels. Stores incl civ resources will be held as common user stores.

(vi) Rd Tpt. CA will assist Services in hiring and requisitioning.


72. Routes
Roads, in the area of operation are all narrow, and with the exception of the main rds ARROMANCHES - BAYEUX and CAEN - BAYEUX are one-way only. Details of routes within the BMA, and main beach exit and return routes are shown at Appx "O". Names so allotted will be used only whilst the BMA remains under control of 30 Corps.

73. Marking of Routes.
The principles to be adopted overseas of the marking & signposting of routes and within the BMA is given at Appx "P" and Annexure thereto.

64. Rule of the Roads.
Driving will be on the right of the road. Overtaking will be prohibited except on two-way routes.

75. Lighting of Routes.
Colours and coloured lights will not be used to indicate routes except temporarily in exceptional circumstances such as the passage of minefield gaps or the mov of rft fmns, when colours may be necessary to avoid confusion with other signs already erected.

76. Speed and Density
Specific instrs regarding speed and density will be issued with mov orders. In normal circumstances, a density of 30 v.t.m. by day will be maintained. Speed of individual vehs will be in accordance with existing regs. The following tfc rules will be strictly observed at all times and it is the responsibility of every offr and NCO using the rd to insist on their enforcement:-

(a) at enforced halts vehs will not close up to a distance of less than 15 yds from the one in front.

(b) double banking will on no account be allowed except for the following:-

Staff Cars flying comds flags. Ambulances carrying serious cases. Jeeps MCs.

No other veh will be permitted to overtake a coln on the move and may only overtake a coln at the halt when the offr

....... or NCO /17

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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Archive: 50 (NORTHUMBRIAN) Division Adm Order No.1.

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