Appx 'H' to 50 (N) Div
Adm Order No. 1 dated 9 May 44


1. Diseases likely to be encountered

(a) Enteric favers are endemic, food poisoning, dysentry and diarrhoea of the gastro-enteritis type occur.

(b) Respiratory diseases, Cerebro-spinal, Diphtheria, Scarlet Fever as in this country with reported epidemics assuming large proportions in the years of the German occupation. The incidence of Pulmenary Tuberculosis in the civilian population has also arisen due to malnutrition following on occupation.

(c) Skin Diseases - Scabies and septic skin conditions due to campaigning.

(d) Infective hepatitis, Smallpox, Typhus and Polio-myelitis all occur with higher incidence due to war conditions.

(e) Veneral disease is widespread.

2. Prevention of Sickness

(a) Good man management by unit officers after the opening phases will do much to reduce sickness.

(b) 100% protection by inoculation and vaccination against Enteric, Typhus and Smallpox is essential. Instructions will be issued as end when boosting doses of typhus vaccine will be required.

(c) Veneral Disease will be combated by ensuring that the troops have available supplies of condoms, and the early provision of unit PACs. In addition PACs are being provided by the Army and will be phased in on D + 20. Brothels are out of bounds. Fresh cases of Gonorrhoea will be treated in units except during intense operational periods or during moves when there tray be a break in the continuity of the treatment. VD treatment centres will be established at Corps and Army levels at the earliest opportunity. Men who contact VD immediately before embarking or in the opening phases will embark or remain with the unit under treatment by the Unit Medical Officers.

(d) Successful control of Typhus depends on the early recognition of the disease in both the Murine and Epidemic foms. Medical Officers must bear this in mind and must institute control measures as outlined in "The Control of Epidemic Typhus, 1944" para 7.

(e) Control of Animal Carriers of Disease by
(i) Destruction of flies and prevention of fly-breeding
(ii) Prevention of lousiness by early detection and elimination of lice from the troops.
(iii) Avoiding flea-infested billets.
(iv) Killing all rats, incinerating or burying, all refuse which would provide them with food and shelter for breeding.

5. Water

The course of all water used by Units must be approved by a Medical Officer who will exclude the presence of poisons and will thereafter arrange for its treatment in unit water trucks. Water sterilising outfits are available for small detachments not having a water truck.

(Archive transcripts © Copyright Normandy War Guide)

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